7150 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- How to Get Powers
- Exorcism the Satanic Way
- To Call the Four Winds to Blow
- Call a Demon
- Gender Coin Curse
- To Feel Nature
- Banish Demons
- To Bond with an Object
- Invoke the Power of Three
- Earth Element Powers
#3021 - How to Get Powers
First, get your cup of water, then put in your charm. Once you have done this, put your hand over the cup (not hovering, but on it) then say this spell,
"Gods of the sea, please help me, I want to keep my feet, but have powers" next say your power(s), then say "I want to be like you, so help me please." Next wait three (3) minutes before taking your charm out.
After 3 minutes, take out the charm (don't dry it!), drink the water, then wear your charm. Your powers should come in about a day or so.
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3022 - Exorcism the Satanic Way
When you get possessed by an unwanted spirit, chant this:
"In the name of Satan/Lucifer/Satan and Lucifer, I cast out the possessing spirits away from me."
And then the possessing spirits should leave. You will feel them going away from you.
WARNING: You must be a Satanist or Luciferian to do this!! If you have another deity like Thor, Odin, etc., then do the same but like this: "In the name of (name of your deity/deities), I cast out the possessing spirits away from me."
Good luck!
#3023 - To Call the Four Winds to Blow
On a decent day go outside and visualize wind blowing really hard. Also channel energies into this spell. Then say: "Wind of north south east and west come out of hiding come to the world all four winds I call to thee. Blow at your worst so mote it be"! Also remember to channel energies into this spell.
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3024 - Call a Demon
#3025 - Gender Coin Curse
Light candle. Say 3x while holding coin over candle
"This coin will hold the power,
to change my sex,
heads for change,
tails means not, this change will not wait,
for now it will be fate,
whomever flips this coin,
and lands or heads will change their sex,
So mote it be!"
Set coin down with tails side up to cool off. Before flipping coin say once "Change, the change I wish for". Flip coin
Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3026 - To Feel Nature
For Nature I hear.
For Nature I feel.
For Nature I see.
For let it be known,
Mote it be!
#3027 - Banish Demons
Chant this 8 times over the octogram:
Demons, Demons, Demons,
We summon you all into this octogram,
You all shalt leave this realm forever,
Now you will leave
#3028 - To Bond with an Object
1) Have your object on-hand. If you can wear it, put it on.
2) Hold it with your dominant hand and imagine a white light flowing between you and the object. Imagine the same color light swirling around you in a protective sphere, keeping out negativity.
3) If you would like to cast a spell, do so.
4) Imagine the connection still being there, but let go of the object, unless you must hold it to keep it on you, in which case simply move it to the other hand.
5) Move your dominant hand to your heart and move the white light's source from your hand to your heart.
6) Bring it upward to your brain So that there are two connections fusing together.
7) If you'd like, give your object a name. Say, ''Thank you, (name/object). You are my friend.''
8) Carry it with you every day for at least a month.
Warning: Make sure NOTHING HAPPENS TO YOUR OBJECT!!! My hopes are that it will only release the energy if it breaks, but I have a very bad feeling just thinking about the idea of mine breaking...If you think yours is going to break/tear/whatever soon, simply release or re-absorb the energy. That should prevent anything from happening or at least lessen the effects.
If it works: You should be able to feel it with you, even if it's not so long as you concentrate. When you are in the same room as your object but it's simply not on, you should be able to feel it without concentrating.
Personal experience:
As mentioned before, I had some pretty good results while using it. I stuck some thick string around my house key and made the necklace my object. I really only have it off when I'm in my home, since it's my key after all. I have a lot more good luck, protection, spell aide, and other things as well.
#3029 - Invoke the Power of Three
Change into silver robes (wear no shoes). Go outside and cast a circle with your friends at the large patch of dirt. Place the candles in a triangle pattern at the center. Divide the circle into three parts (mentally) and place one of the herbs at the outer areas where the circle is divided (there should be a separate herb at each area (which should be just inside the circle))
Each person should each hold two lit matches and stand in a separate part of the circle (within the divided sections). The person from each section should take the match in their right hand and light the herbs to their right on fire then place the matches on top of the herbs when they light.
The person from each section should then take the match in their left hand (do not switch the match to your right hand) and light the candle in your section (the candle should be at the center in between the areas where the lines created by the herbs are) and then place the match in in front of the candle with the burnt end facing the left
Chant this spell 3 times in unison (unison = at the same time): "Hear now the words of the witches. The secrets we hid in the night. The oldest of Gods are invoked here. The greak work of magick is sought. In this hour we call upon ancient power. Give us your powers"
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3030 - Earth Element Powers
Mix contents in a bowl, and then let it sit for 2 minutes. Then put one dot of potion on your forehead. And then put one dot on both of your cheeks. And lastly, put a line of potion on both of your hands. Next, wait for two more minutes. Then simply wash off.
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.