7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Vampire Summoning
- Wand
- Everlasting Bloody ring bond
- Enemy move away
- Wolf Transformation
- Psi Ball Tutorial
- Purify and Protect a Room
- Summon a Pokemon
- The Basics of Wicca
- Become a warlock(really works)!!
#4421 - Vampire Summoning
You have to say this 3 times
"Vampire Vampire come to me
Bite my neck set me free
Stay in this magick circle
When you come, bite me
So mote it be"
Last edited on Apr 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4422 - Wand
Dip the wand in a stream of running water on the night of a new moon. Wave it seven times and imagine a flame, a breath of air, a rain drop and a shower of sand pouring into your wand as you cry:
"I thank the tree that gave me thee,
this wizard power now works for me!"
Last edited on Apr 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4423 - Everlasting Bloody ring bond
Cut your finger to draw blood and with your bloody finger,smear your blood on the inside of the ring. Your friends do the same.
Start to chant 8 times:
''With our blood on these rings, our bonds will be everlasting. We shall feel each other's pain as ours. We swear we shall be forever friends and never take off our rings. So mote it be''
After chanting 8 times, slide on your ring on your index finger
#4424 - Enemy move away
When the moon is waning, write on white parchment paper, the full name of the person you want to move along with their birth date. Roll up the paper with a photo, if you have one, place inside a bottle of vinegar, then toss into a body of running water, visualize your enemy moving away as the body is washed away.
Move away spell #2
Get a small jar r bottle with a lid.
On a piece of paper draw a house with a big X through it.
Then write their name on the outside of the house in the picture 9 times.
Fill the jar with 4 thieves vinegar, cap and cast into a mving body of water.
You can also intensify this by splashing war water on the outside of their doorknobs or porch. As you do this visualize them packing up and moving away, driving down the street and leaving the house.
#4425 - Wolf Transformation
Fold the paper anyway once.
Write your info with a pencil on either side.
Fold the paper anyway again.
Write and say, ''Wolves, wolves, wolves, I wish to be a wolf. I want to be a ___ wolf. My fur color shall be ___. And my eyes will be shining ___. God, grant me my wish to be, I want to be a wolf. So mote it be.'' (''So mote it be'' should be written as big as you can.)
Every night, for three nights, chant, ''God please let me be the wolf I wish to be.'' Then, chant, ''Wolves, wolves, wolves, I wish to be a wolf. I want to be a ___ wolf. My fur color shall be ___. And my eyes will be shining ___. God, grant me my wish to be, I want to be a wolf. So mote it be.''
Now, kiss the paper and put it under your pillow. As you fall asleep, dream of you being a wolf.
NOTE: Once when you chanted the three nights, you have sealed the deal and you can't start over.
Tailbone aches
Claws will grow
Howling, growling, and barking
More hair growing
Eye color changes?
Your face will look like the wolf you chose
Hair color changes?
Your hands will change to paws
#4426 - Psi Ball Tutorial
First thing you should do is make sure you have enough energy, I recommend to beginners to ground before attempting this. Know what to look for, ki basically looks like a clear heat wave you see on a hot day on the horizon, exept the heat wave is In your hands.
Draw energy from your body from wherever you've decided to store it and transfer it into your hand area. If you've seen how in skyrim people hold the magick in theie hands, do it like that, as if holding a ball.
Keep pumping you're energy externally to the middle of the ((cage)) you've made with your hands. Once you believe you have enough energy, pull back your hack and unclench your ((cage)) and force your hand at the target.
Last edited on Apr 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4427 - Purify and Protect a Room
1. Put one penny in each of the four corners of the room. If you have an irregularly shaped room, just make sure you put one penny on either side of all entrances to the room. (Don't forget windows!)
2. Cast a circle with the five candles as you normally would. Since I prefer to choose my own words, remember to be respectful and grateful and list one way each element you summon helps you, then politely ask for assistance. Air should be the first to enter the circle and the last to leave it.
3. Explain that you need help protecting this room. If you prefer, this is the time when you may sprinkle powdered lemon rind around the circle for clarity, to help you see exactly what you need to purify the room from and protect against.
4. Dismiss the elements in the same way you summoned them, respectfully and gratefully. The room should now be cleansed of all negativity, and can now be used as a protective shell of sorts for whoever often occupies the room.
#4428 - Summon a Pokemon
2. Put opened Poké ball on the floor. Then put the figure/card inside and close.
3. Hold it and say 3x, ''Kanto, Johto, Sinnoh, Hoenn, creatures born from imagination, come to me now so I can see the flesh and blood Pokémon that will live and breathe. I summon _______(Pokémon) before me, by the power of 3, so mote it be!''
4. Leave the Poké ball open where you want the Pokémon to appear. It should appear within a week. Message me if it works for you!!!
#4429 - The Basics of Wicca
Philosophy= in wicca there is the horned god, and the moon goddess, also known as mother nature, this is a religion, so therefore there cannot be Cristian wiccan r Porotestant wiccans, firstly its important to know that in order to be wiccan you must attune with nature, that also means extreme respect for nature, and you must see all animals, bugs, and pkants, as equal, for you yourself is an animal, you have to personally apoligise and care for all wounded you see and apoligise for any tree you take from or animal you kill for food, in wicca there is no such thing as race , and male and females are equals as well.
Magic and magick- are deemed diffent, magic is fake magic and magick is real, magic works in something called the planck scale, particals of subatomic matter which can be modified by observing it, and also by using your words.
A summary of being a wiccan- wiccans attune with natures cycles, such as the moon and the sun, wiccans live harmoniously with our planet, and our universe.
Other basics= the wiccan year is good to know, I've decided just to let you go to the site I recommend, on wiccan spirtuality, there's a good holiday chart.
The seven chakras
*Root Chakra* Located at the base of the spine at the perineum, it primarily relates to the element of earth and to psychic smell. It is a very bright shade of red and you can chant "oohm" in tone C while focusing on this area.
*Sexual Chakra* Located above and behind the genitals. Its dominant element is water, and it is related to psychic taste. It is a clear shade of orange. You can chant "ohm" in tone D for this one.
*Solar Plexus* Located at the navel and corresponding with the emotions and the element of fire and also psychic sight (clairvoyance). It is a bright sunny yellow color. Chant "ahm" in tone E for this one.
*Heart Chakra* Located over the heart and corresponding with the element of air and psychic touch. Visualize a bright green or a bright pink. Both are seen as the color of this chakra. Chant "ah" in tone F for this one.
*Throat Chakra* Located at the base of the throat (thyroid) and corresponding with psychic hearing (clairaudience.) A light shade of blue, you can chant "ehm" in tone G for this one.
*Third Eye* Is located between and slightly above the eyebrows. This chakra is the center of psychic powers and can produce many psychic effects. Meditation on this chakra is said to cure nervousness. A transparent indigo blue in color, you can chant "eem" in tone A for this one.
*Crown Chakra* Located atop the head, (pineal gland) is the seventh chakra. It is referred to as the thousand-petaled lotus and corresponds with astral projection and enlightenment. Violet or white are both seen as the color of this chakra.
Basic wiccan rituals, grounding sheilding,centering, visualization,meditation.
Spells= spells are best done when you have charged your energy and best on a full moon. Also you can also increase your
Power by unlocking your third eye, using a spell based on your element, and using your spirtual name in rituals,
Tools, your basics tools are your wand and your book of shadows, you don't really need a wand or candels but you can ise them to increase the visualisation and power.
Spell casting tips= good tips are:
You have to believe the spell will work
You didn't practice the basics enough
You didn't put effort into the spell
Or the spell was too unrealistic.
Last edited on Apr 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4430 - Become a warlock(really works)!!
'' On this day, I will become one of natures servants itself. I will become a witch/warlock like on the Vampire Diaries, this is my will so mote it be !''
---- Bonnie willson