7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Make a wand
- Concentration Spell
- Make Someone Love You
- Voice Simulator
- The Thirteen Powers of the Witch
- Singers Dream Voice
- Find Your Element
- Bring Person Back in my Life
- Mental Battle
#5081 - Make a wand
Wands are just an extension. They do not possess their own magic or abilities.
Take a piece off from a natural, unprocessed tree. This wood should be atleast 11 inches long and 4 inches thick. With a knife, cut off any branches, leaves, stubs, or bark.
Shape the now nude wood into the shape of a wand (wide to pointed) it should be atleast 10 inches long and 2 to 3 inches wide
Hold your wand in your hand firmly and imagine your energy flowing through. if you have done this correctly you should be able to feel your energy and power in the wood.
Put your new wand to good use.
Last edited on Jan 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5082 - Concentration Spell
''Focus I cannot, concentrate I must, Allow me to listen''
It lasts for 24 hrs.
#5084 - Make Someone Love You
Take your red towel, and lay it out on the floor. Sit on it,and spray it in your perfume/body spray. Then place the candle in front of you, at the top of the towel. Take a match, and light the candela.
Say: "Aphrodite, Greek goddess of love, lure my lover to me." Then blow out the candle in a kissing motion (pouting your lips and blowing it out works too). Then say on a scale of 1-10 of how much you want Aphrodite to help you.
Then relight the candle, and say: "Oh woe is me, my love can not be. So help gods and goddess's of love, so mote it be!" Then blow the candle out again in a kissing motion, and say on a scale of 1-10 how much you want them to help.
Last edited on Jan 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5085 - Voice Simulator
This spell is most powerful at 3:00 am. Listen to your favorite song at this time. As you are listening, sing the song in your head. Believe that when you sing, you can match the singer's pitch.
Raise your hands up and say:
"Your voice is the one I love
Your voice is the one I need
Your voice is the one I want
Power of the moon
Grant me this voice"
Last edited on Jan 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5086 - The Thirteen Powers of the Witch
Last edited on Dec 05, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5087 - Singers Dream Voice
First, set up your stage as if your were going to perform in front of people your stage can be your bed, table, open space on the floor, (if you are using your bed remove pillows there are no pillows on stage).
Lay down on the stage lay flat as possible hands out think as if your laying on a pentagram. Place the candle down by your feet and light it, careful not to kick it. Play the instrumental and then lay down and dream and see yourself on stage and imagine you singing very strong and beautiful and listen to the voice calling you telling to pull me free
Most of all believe because as your dreaming the candle will summon a yellow ring around you and you should very free but if you doubt it then the spell will not work. As the song comes to an end awaken your eyes and blow the candle out and give it at least 24 hrs for the new voice to settle in your body.
Last edited on Jan 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5088 - Find Your Element
Light the candes and say/chant the following:
Water, Earth, Fire, Wind. I call upon you now. To show me the way
to go. The element will help me through, I give my self to you.
After, you concetrate on the canles imagining that the color is the element,(water:blue,red:fire,earth:green,white:wind,second white:your soul.)You will than feel one of the candles pulling you close.
As if it was telling you to come forward and join together.
When this happens, the other candles will start to fade from your mind and their light will dim.
After this the candle that was pulling you will be your element.
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!
#5089 - Bring Person Back in my Life
Post the two pins though the center of your candle at midnight, Think about the person you miss and why you want them back in your life. maybe there is some unspoken words that need to be said, questions that need to be answered.
As you light the candle say this persons full name out loud. Then say:
"Know I move to you,as you move to me, As I think of you, think of me too. Come to me in dearest friendship (Or if you are casting this on a ex lover "come to me in love.") Then say their name three times.
Last edited on Jan 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5090 - Mental Battle
First, enter their mind. If you don't know how, just imagine a line of energy running from your mind to your victim I mean willing voulenteer. Then, act as if it's a bridge, and walk over the bridge with your minds self.
Then, in your "willing voulenteer's" mind, find their minds self, who looks just like them. However you attack their minds self, they shall feel pain. The same goes for you. If you want to leave, juat walk over the mimd bridge.
To protect yourself from sich attacks, fight back! Their mindsnself can get hurt in your mind too. Plus, your mind is your domain. Make some TNT blow up in their gace or something.
Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.