7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Magick Spell Jar
- Water Dragon
- Fast Protection Spell
- Growth Assist
- Water Snake
- Merlins Protection Spell
- Money
- Water Ribbon Magic
- Power an Object
- Protection Spell
#6191 - Magick Spell Jar
Take one of the quarts and put it out in the sun for a while, let the sun absorb it. The God is the Sun, so its rays are his power, tell the stone to absorb the energy and hold it. Do the same with the second stone, only at night. The Moon is the Goddess, and the Moon's rays are also the Goddess' Energy, so let the stone take it in.
Once the stones have been charged, take the other three stones, charge them with your own energy as well. Begin by mixing all the herbs together in the jar, you can ether mix them or layer them on top of each other. Make sure to cleanse and charge all of the herbs in your hand before you put them in the jar.
Once all the herbs have been put in the jar; take the items that represent the four Elements and put them in the jar. Along with the five stones on the top. Sprinkle salt over the top and then close the bottle and lay your hands and it charge it.
Now you have a Magick Jar. You can put it at your alter, your desk or work place, or windowpane
#6192 - Water Dragon
Go to the lake or river and place your hands upon it and see your dragon then incantation: "King of water, I pray to thee. Give me your servant as my own. I have given you my power. Now give me yours. So mote it be".
#6193 - Fast Protection Spell
The strength I miss
I ask you now, masters of all
Enhance my power
Protect me now
While chanting this, visualize a protective circle form around you.
By wearing a necklace/bracelet/ring you can use it as a origin to form an extra skin around your self, this will make it possibly to move around with the shield still intact, this may work without such circle as origin but it will increase chances that the shield will hold with you moving.
Always carry a pinch of salt with you as it can temporarily disturb the evil who's after you. This spell will only work to protect you for a while and to use it often may give a weaker protection thou you lend some power from the forces around you.
#6194 - Growth Assist
#6195 - Water Snake
Place the water into the bowl and chant: "I see you as you see me. Water serpent, I summon thee. Command, I wish friends with thee".
#6196 - Merlins Protection Spell
When you feel unsafe just say:
"I am a violet being of violet fire, the purity that god desires."
Use it when you are safe the more it is used the more powerfull it gets.
#6197 - Money
Say: "Money in my pocket. Money in my hand. In my home and bank, money. Money stream towards me as easy as counting 1-2-3".
#6198 - Water Ribbon Magic
Step 1: The Ribbon Bath
Pick a glass (if you have a crystal glass, just use it) and put in it blue ribbon. Then add diamond water. Now if you have a candle, light it on. Pick the glass and put it on you´re heart and say with you´re full voice (not yell):
"Please, mighty elemental of water, give me the power to manipulate water from rivers to seas, from oceans to lakes, around the world. I will never use you´re power to harm someone. I...(now, you say you´re reason why do you want his/her/it power and it is for someone or for you, but be careful what reason you say, because it may not work if you will be very selfish)."
"Please, insert you´re power to this ribbon which is for me(or name of someone which is ribbon for), release my mental power, destroy block of my body, and free my imaginations of waters around the world and make them happen when I wear this ribbon as symbol of your majesty.´´
Than put the glass somewhere and wait one moon half-period(it is good to start at new moon and wait for full moon.)
Step 2: The Magical Ink
Just mix in this order: ink, crystal/mineral dust, diamond water, and gunpowder. Gunpowder will annihilate with water, so do not worry about, gunpowder is for black color. Then take the ink to you´re heart and say:
"What is anywhere written with you, it always became truth."
Step 3: Final
When is full moon pick up the ribbon from the glass, dry it and then write on it: "What happens with water in my toughs and imagines, it happens in world where I live." Make the ink dry. Then tie ribbon around of some part of you're body.
Warning! On own risk! Use it wisely!
#6199 - Power an Object
The first step is to have an object or tool that you wish to empower with a spirit. Now you need to git the stone or Cristal that has the trapped spirit in it. Next you need to holed the spirit trapped stone or Cristal in your left hand. now lightly touch the object or tool you wish to empower with the trapped spirit's power with your right hand. Now you need to visualize the trap spirit being freed out of the stone or Cristal into the object or tool and say,
"Spirit release in to the______!"
(Repeat this chant until you sine the whole spirit trapped in the tool or object of your desire) in the (___)
You will say the object or tool you wish to empower with the spirits energy.
#6200 - Protection Spell
''Elements of the Sun,
Elements of the Day,
Come this way,
Powers of night and day,
I summon thee,
I call upon thee,
to Protect me,
So Shall it Be''