7158 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- The Summoning of Phoenix
- Reception Spell
- River
- Element Balance
- Spell to become a mermaid
- Psychic Power Spell
- Levito Marble
- Shapeshifting Spell
- Who is haunting me?
- Haste
#6961 - The Summoning of Phoenix
Phoenix is a great Duke and appears at first in the form of the bird Phoenix with a childs voice. Before he will be still before the conjurer, he will sing many sweet melodies. Then the conjurer and companions must beware that he give no ear to the melody, but must bid him take human form. Then will he speak marvellously of all wonderful sciences. He is an excellent poet, obedient and governs twenty legions. Phoenix must be kept focused on the task at hand and should never be allowed to wander without the circle.
Draw a circle upon the ground and recite the following invocation aloud:
"I conjure thee Phoenix, in the names of Baell, Paimon and Zagan and by their virtues and powers I charge thee Phoenix, that thou shalt not depart out of my sight, nor yet to alter thy bodily shape, that thou art appeared in, nor any power shalt thou have of our bodies or souls, earthly or ghostly, but to be obedient to me, and to the words of my conjuration, that be written in this book. I conjure thee Phoenix, by all thrones, dominations, principats, potestats and virtutes, and by their virtues and powers. I conjure and charge, bind and constrain thee Phoenix, by all the words aforesaid, and by their virtues, that thou be obedient unto me, and to come and appear visible unto me, and that in all days, hours, and minutes, wheresoever I be, being called by the virtue of the highest, thou shalt look ready to appear unto me, and to give me good counsel, to give to me thy melodies and poetry, and in all other things my will quickly to be fulfilled: I charge thee upon pain of everlasting condemnation, Fiat, fiat, fiat, Amen".
When Phoenix appears, stay quiet and listen but if he should linger long on one single note or word, he must be distracted and redirected with a question. When the engagement is complete, dismiss Phoenix with the Dismissal of the Spirit.
#6962 - Reception Spell
In a darkened room, sit at a table. Make sure you are comfortablethe room should not be too cold or too warm. Light the candle and place it approximately an arm's length away. Place the bowl of water on the table in front of you. Speak the following words aloud:
"Stone of strength from Mother Earth,
Let her power stand,
Pass to me the sight I seek,
That I might understand.
Like the water, flowing free,
Moving to and fro,
Let my mind traverse the path,
So that I too may know."
Clasp the stone firmly in your right hand, close your eyes and allow your mind to wander freely. Relax, clear your thoughts and allow no worries to enter your mind. Imagine that you are floating freely and concentrate only on your mind. Ignore your surroundings and bodily senses. Once you have cleared your mind, slowly begin to focus on the stone in your hand. Allow your thoughts to begin channeling through the stone. Imagine your thoughts spreading through the universe. Imagine your mind traveling through the stone to the open spaces of the universe and searchingsearching for communicationsallowing contact and being warmly receptive. When you feel relaxed and receptive and you are comfortable with where your mind is, open your eyes and gently drop the stone into the bowl of water.
Dip the index finger of your right hand into the water and with your moistened finger, trace a circle, three times, one over the other, on your forehead. Lean over the bowl of water and allow your mind to remain connected, through the stone, with the universe. Allow the messages to be received.
When you have finished, extinguish the candle.
#6963 - River
Fill the bowls half-full with the river or stream water. Light the candle and place the bowls on either side of it. Holding the stone in your left hand, bring to mind those memories you wish to be diminished and finally swept away. Still using your left hand, pass the stone through the candle's flame and speak aloud the following words:
" Memories I wish to leave, river helps to wash them clean. In your power, I believe. Power I have seen".
Place the stone in the bowl to your left and rub the stone, as if cleansing it, using only your left hand. Remove the stone and speak the following words aloud:
"Memories, like darkness fade in the morning's sun. And leave but shadows in the shade, where the river runs".
Move the stone to your right hand and place it in the bowl of water to your right, allowing it to rest at the bottom of the bowl. With your right hand, gently swirl the water in the bowl. When the water stops moving, extinguish the candle, remove the stone from the bowl using your right hand, place it on the white cloth and allow it to dry in the air. Once thoroughly dry, the stone should be placed under your pillow while you sleep. Keep the stone under your pillow until the memories have sufficiently faded.
#6964 - Element Balance
Warning: This spell can backfire. This happened to my friend but it is very rare.
All the ingredients must be placed in the 4 corners of the container!
Take your container and add the cinnamon and imagine fire.
Add the water and think of a flow of a river.
Sprinkle in the Earth and imagine the whole of the planet.
Add the fans and think of the most destructive of Hurricanes/Tornadoes/Monsoons.
Then light the Matches and place them with the flame pointing out away from the element.(The water will put the match out so don't place that in.)
Put a lid on the container and return to it in 4 weeks then bury it. After about 24 hrs you will feel more relaxed an comforted as the element will flow through you.
#6965 - Spell to become a mermaid
Say this ten times.
Insouciant Inclemency
Redoubtable Mediocracy
Refutable Humanity
Make me in control of when I want to be
Witches one and witches all
Please make my wish come true.
Magic spirits of the sea
Turn me into what I want to be.
And to be human say the top line and Turn me into what I'm meant to be.
Don't be mad if it doesn't work at first it may take a while!
Itchy or irritated legs
Legs crossing by themselves
Legs wanting to be together or sticking together
Legs becoming harder to move
The urge to swim or touch water
Water burning or getting extremely cold when it touches you
Scales appearing on the skin
#6966 - Psychic Power Spell
Stones of power, circle round,
Bring your power from the ground,
Speak to me that I might know,
Where earth's waters ebb and flow,
Where the heavens cast their eyes,
Where the raven roosts and flies.
Clasp all seven stones firmly in your right hand, close your eyes, and allow your mind to wander freely. Relax, clear all thoughts, and allow no worries to enter your mind. Imagine that you are floating freely. Ignore your surroundings and bodily senses. Once you have cleared your mind, slowly begin to focus on the stones in your hand.
Allow your thoughts to begin channeling through the stones. Imagine your thoughts spreading through the universe. Imagine your mind traveling through the stone to the open spaces of the universe and searchingsearching for communicationsallowing contact and being warmly receptive. When you feel relaxed and receptive and you are comfortable with where your mind is, open your eyes and gently drop the stones into the bowl of water.
Dip the index finger of your right hand into the water and with your moistened finger, trace a circle, seven times, one over the other, on your forehead. Lean over the bowl of water and allow your mind to remain connected, through the stones, with the universe. Allow the messages to be received.
When you have finished, extinguish the candle.
#6967 - Levito Marble
Put the ball on a smooth surface and imagine your aura moving from the palm of your hand, back and forth like the waves in the ocean. Imagine your aura going out of your hand, wrapping around the ball. Imagine the ball rolling. Next, flex all your fingers and then unflex them while saying "elam no len kordi" (which means "roll with much force" in Latin). The ball should move.
#6968 - Shapeshifting Spell
Charge the clear quartz with energy, telling it that you wish to transform into an animal and to be able to transform back into human form when you picture the crystal in your mind. Hold the apple in your hand and consider what you want to be. Place a mirror in front of you and light the yellow candle, but don't put down the apple (you may want to light the candle and place the mirror before you hold the apple) gaze intop the mirror while the candle burns and picture yourself turning into that specefic animal for a few seconds, keep gazing into the mirror until the candle burns (this may unfortunatley take a while) after the candle has burnt out, consider whether you still want to transform. If so, eat the apple. To transform back into human form, picture the clear quartz crystal bathed in white light, then visualize you in your animal form entering that crystal, then visualize the crystal glowing with white colour and then changing back to its original colour and your human form flying out of the crystal. The part of transforming back may take practice, so I'd recommend you casting a safety spell first. If the safety spell and the crystal transformation does not work the first time, then get someone to reverse the spell (but tell them to to do that if it doesn't work BEFORE doing the spell).
#6969 - Who is haunting me?
Now say these words, ''May the spirit whom is huanting my house
Come forth to me where he(she) can't harm me
No other soul but the one whom I shall be calling forth
Shall he(she) reveal him(her)self to me
His(her) true form
So mote it be.''
Open your eyes and wait paitently. After 15 minutes of nothing shut your eyes and look. Hopefully now you know what he or she is. I came up with the spell myself.
#6970 - Haste
From the power of the air I summon thee,
Strenghen my body and legs to give me the utmost haste