7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Life of Fear
- Dream a Dream
- Power spell
- Open a Hell Gate
- Become Bound to Hecate
- Banish Negative Energy Protection Bath
- Shadow Protection
- White Candle Protection Ritual
- Mermaid
- Seal
#4761 - Life of Fear
Fill the air around you with dark and/or chaos energy. Fill the air with you malice, hatred and anger. Get eye contact with them (it's ok if you blink) and send a duplicate amount of that energy around your target.
"Hatred and malice and anger I feel.
My insane side has been fuelled by you.
Vengeance is just
And you are worthy of my punishment.
Feel the force of my lost pain,
Feel the force of my lost anguish.
Let terror haunt you,
Strip all defences from you,
As long as there is darkness in my heart."
Say this three time, it's your choice how loudly but your voice must show your contempt. Send all the energy you put into the air towards them and form a prison with it around them, then sink it into their soul. When this is done walk away, the curse is set once you are out of their eyeshot.
It doesn't unset the curse if they see you again after casting this.
If they have a shield up or try to block the spell, make it be consumed by the energy you put into the air.
I'm not sure if this curse can be sent back to you or not, be careful.
This spell is quite draining, make sur you have a lot of energy to use.
Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4762 - Dream a Dream
If you have to, write the spell down.
sing in the sweetest voice you can:
"Close your eyes,
rest your head,
Little angel.
Go to bed.
My little sweetheart.
So innocent.
Close your eyes,
rest your head."
If the child is still not asleep continue by singing:
"Dream of love
Dream of love
Dream of happiness
My little dove
Dream not of pain
Dream not of anger
But dream a dream
my little dove."
I know this may seem like just a simple lullaby but it is not. if it works on even a 7 year old and two 10 year olds, it is not a simple lullaby. just sing it with a positive aura and eyes closed, releasing a calming energy into the child.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4763 - Power spell
#4764 - Open a Hell Gate
To begin simply choose a suitable location. I would reccomend away from yourself or where you perform spells. You must be there physically. Cannot be accomplished using astral projection or scrying. Next stand just near a surface for the gate to connect to.
Begin chanting: Conjuro potentiae Lucifer
Patefacio a porta ad inferos
Et tua deamones transire
Sic urantar mundi
After this I would leave quickly. You may have opened the gate. But, without protection the demons may turn on you as their first victim
#4765 - Become Bound to Hecate
Then chant: Ipsa magia obligo animam meam
Intercessione Hecate et me ligari in aeternum
Concede mihi in sua potentia
Sicut eam dem anima mea
After chanting this three(3) times place a few drops of your blood inside the circle. Let the candles burn for a bit longer before extinguishing them
#4766 - Banish Negative Energy Protection Bath
2) Depending on your situation, write the name of the one who is psychically attacking you on the whole bay leaf, (If you don't know who it is then skip this step)
3) Crush the bay leaf and put it in the cauldron
4) Add one pinch of each spice to the cauldron and let it simmer
5) when the water in the pot is dark brown take it off the stove
6) Fill your tub with a desired amount of water for a bath
7) Pour the mixture into the bath water
8) Bathe in the water and let it seep in
9) When you start to feel refreshed let the tub drain, and take a regular shower
Repeat whenever you feel attacked or at risk
#4767 - Shadow Protection
1. Think of a s shadow be it yours or any shadow.
2. Then see it cruel around you making you shaded easier to blend into the crowd
3. Then say:
"Shadow of the unseen merge with me keep me safe and sane make me a shade let me be secret indeed may no one see me now quick silent and swift I am as a shade so mote it be."
4. To be seen again simply see the shadow disappear well uttering:
"Shadow of the seen return to whence thou came I do not need to be hidden so by Light return now and let be seen, So Mote It BE."
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4768 - White Candle Protection Ritual
Bright power of the candle light,
Grant me safety for the night.
Your energies please keep me protected,
So that I may stay rested.
I thank your spirit for the warm affection,
That now I ask for your action.
Of my house please defend,
So that my dangers will suspend.
After this I usually let my candle burn for longer, letting the wax drip down it's sides, under the direct moon light if possible. You can put it out now of course if you really want, but I prefer to let it burn for a while longer.
#4769 - Mermaid
Chant 3 times:
"Mermaid, mermaid
Give me hope
Let me live underneath the boat
Let my tail be (color)
With power of three:
Freezing, heating, and cooling"
Last edited on Feb 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4770 - Seal
As you soften the wax from the candle say "Pesky creature time to go, I dont appreciate your show" as you say the last word pour the wax into a hole in the charm.
If you wish to release the creature use the needle to remove the wax and say "Go now, freedom calls, yearn no more, freedom is yours"
Last edited on Feb 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.