7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Rose Ariadne's Dreaming Secrets Ritual
- Energy Fuse
- Druid Witch Ancestors
- Banishing Incense
- Euphoric State
- To Bless Oneself
- Charm for Inspiration
- Invoking The Mistress Of Blood
- Hecate Wish Sacrifice
- Making Your Own Spell
#5691 - Rose Ariadne's Dreaming Secrets Ritual
Step 1:- Sit on your bed int he still of the evening, close your eyes, and think deeply about your single most important question, problem or desire.
Step 2:- During a waxing or full moon place your crystal into a glass of purified water.
step 3:- Leave the glass on the windowsill over night, make sure the moonlight hits it.
Step 4:- On the next night , place your lettuce, thyme, yarrow, or wormwood in the handkerchief and wrap it up.
Step 5:-Put the white sheets on your bed (make sure they are clean), and sprinkle the 'lunar water' you prepared the night before on them.
Step 6:- Hold up the wrapped handkerchief and concentrate, once again on the question, problem, or desire you have.
Stp 7:- Then think about the type of dream you'd like to have. Adventure? Flying? Love? Begin to 'see' your dream in your mind.
Step 8:- Place the wrapped handkerchief within your pillowcase . As you sleep, visualize the type of dream you'd like to have as if you were watching a movie.
Once you sleep, the dream you are visualizing will actually occur, or you will have a different (but still wonderful) dream.
In either case, there will be answers in your dream.... and they'll correspond with your question, desire, or problem.
As soon as you wake up write everything you remember about your dream down. Your answers will be as clear as the day ahead.
This isn't my ritual it is Rose Ariadne's but I thought I'd share it with you all because it's a wonderful ritual. :)
Last edited on Sep 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5692 - Energy Fuse
Get perferebly four other wizards( wiccans, worlocks, etc.) Draw a circle on a nice asphalt area. Add a star in the middle. Draw circles -as many as the people- with there element water raindrop, fire flame, earth tree, etc. Stand in your circle and chant
"Different in power
Same in mind
light,dark, realm
We are one
One are we
So mote it be
So mote it be"
Last edited on Oct 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5693 - Druid Witch Ancestors
1. Light the candles tarting at the bottom left.
2. Sit with family members facing eachother in a triangluar shape and chant these words:
"By the power of three we call upon the power of our ancestors."
Last edited on Nov 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5694 - Banishing Incense
Powder ingredients and then burn. If the solution does not turn out to be blue - light a blue candle with the incense for protection and change.
Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5695 - Euphoric State
This is a very simple spell. First sit/lay down (it won't make a difference). Then close your eyes and remember all the good experiences of your life. Take those memories and move them to your lower spine while clinching around that area. Finally release your memories and let them flow through your body giving off euphoria.
Last edited on Oct 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5696 - To Bless Oneself
While you feel resentment toward those who look down their nose at you, recite this spell with as much feeling as you can:
"Emotional woes, like fire and rain,
Bring me down, then up again.
Flush out these feelings of contempt,
Give me reason to no more resent,
The ones that look down their nose at me,
And velvet loving, tender flame
Please bless their souls with amity.
In the name of Magick, be,
With harm to none, so mote it be!"
Last edited on Oct 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5697 - Charm for Inspiration
1.) When you are feeling blocked or stuck, and you need a bit of inspiration from the Universe, recite this chant and pure inspiration is guaranteed to fill your mind almost instantly:
"Inspiration come to me,
Grammar, rhyme and diction, ** be.
To write a spell, ** I need, I must,
Please guide my thoughts with perfect trust
That I will handle them with care,
And rid myself of this despair."
NOTE: The 2 asterisks following the 2nd and 3rd lines denote that if your intention is not to write a spell, then you can just switch out those lines for lines that meet your intentions.
Example spell for conjuring inspiration for solving a problem:
"Inspiration come to me,
Wisest thoughts and actions , be.
To solve this problem , I need, I must,
Please guide my thoughts with perfect trust
That I will handle them with care,
And rid myself of this despair."
Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5698 - Invoking The Mistress Of Blood
1. If you require it draw an inverted pentagram on a table or alter and place the black candle in the center of this pentagram.
2. Looking down submissively either at the ground or the candles flame draw the blade across your palm and let the blood pool within your hand.
3. In a loud voice speak ''Oh, Sanguin Mistress of Blood. Consort to thy Lord Lucifer, by the Shadows Blessing Lady of the Fields of Tartarus. Come forth and embrace thy childe.''
4. Flick the pooled blood diagonally to the ground (or into the candle flame)
All endeavors of War or bloodshed will now be blessed by the Mistress of Blood
#5699 - Hecate Wish Sacrifice
Set your thing on fire then say
"I call upon the triple godess to come to me for I wish to make a sacarfice
a sacrifice will happen for it shall not leave my eyes.
As I burn I give to you hecate andI ask for something in return."
Then throw a litle of of the spices in the flame
then say:
"My request is (what you want) and as I give I wish to get,
so blessed be."
Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5700 - Making Your Own Spell
Think about the requirements of your spell, the title, and the incantation. Get your book of shadows or a piece of paper. Write down the spell and all information about it.
Take some time to focus on your belief and faith that the spell will work. Do not fear the consequences or have lingering doubt as you prepare for the spell.
Try casting the spell and see your results.
Last edited on Oct 24, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.