7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Worry Jam Jar Spell
- Home Purification
- Clease a Room
- Bind Lovers Together
- Peace Ritual
- Shut Up
- Dreams of the Deceased
- Break a Spells Power
- Reverse Candle Spell
- Think of Me
#6101 - Worry Jam Jar Spell
Take and cleanse a jam jar or box with a tight fitting lid.
Write the problem on a slip of paper Pass it through the 4 Elements, and pop it in the jar,
reciting the following spell. Leave the jar in the moonlight, but visible to yourself.
Each time the problem sneaks into your mind, think of the jar.
You are only permitted to worry if you go and remove the lid and the slip of paper.
You'll find that soon, you can't be bothered to even give it thought.
When the problem is resolved, remove the slip and bury or burn it, giving thanks to the Lady.
Into this vessel secured up tight
I place my anxieties that they might
Find their right level within my life
Be only acknowledged when I say it's right.
I swear that I will not give thought to my woe
Until such time to this vessel I go
And take off the lid and grieve, for I know
That unless the lid's missing, trapped is my foe.
It may not escape into my daily way
And trouble my thinking during the day.
Some time in the future when I feel I may
Dispose of this vessel with no debt to pay.
#6102 - Home Purification
Make sure all ingredients are completely dry. Grind ingredients together and burn on self-igniting charcoal. Chant the following:
"Spirits of the corners,
Winds of the quarters,
You who stand watching,
And you who hear my voice,
Guard well my home tonight"
#6103 - Clease a Room
To cleanse a single room - On top of a newspaper, set a blue candle. Surround with a circle of salt.
Burn a little sage in the room. Light the candle, making sure it won't tip over. Close the door
and let the candle burn down. When finished, take newspaper, salt, and candle leaving
and bury far from your home.
#6104 - Bind Lovers Together
The 2 lovers should light the candle together. Another person needs to wrap the ribbon around the couples entwined hands speaking, "I take you hands in mine, and with this ribbon I will entwine. Your love I'll forever bind, from now until the End of Time."
#6105 - Peace Ritual
Light the candle and chant:
"From out of the dark and into the light
a circular mark a candle burns bright.
I look to the sky a song I do sing
spirits soar high and gifts I do bring.
I offer my all my mind I then clear
harken my call I feel you are near.
Candle burn higher my spirits set free
hotter than fire this magic will be.
Let magic come round from under the ground
to form with my soul and then be bound.
Around me I feel magic so real
before you I kneel the spell I do seal.
Let the hatred cease and let there be peace.
These words I say with magic away
this spell that I send is now at an end.
So let the magic I've laid go forth and not fade,
so mote it be."
#6106 - Shut Up
Say, "It's getting really annoying and I want to hear no more. Make (name) shut up, so mote it be".
#6107 - Dreams of the Deceased
Light the candle and stare into the flames. Put the picture at eye level and say, "You are gone forever but through this spell my dreams are where you may come". Place the picture under your pillow. Let the candle burn to a stub and then snuff it out. Sleep.
#6108 - Break a Spells Power
Place the candle into the bowl. Fix the candle with a few wax drippings from it so it will stand alone. Fill the bowl to the rim with fresh water without getting the wick wet. Breathe in deeply and meditate for a minute. When your mind is clear, light the candle.
Visualize the power cast against you as living within the flame. As the candle burns down it will sputter and go out. As it touches the water and is extinguished, the water spell is broken.
Finally, dig a hole in the ground and pour the water into it and bury the candle.
#6109 - Reverse Candle Spell
Light the black candles and chant:
"In the name of the gods and all the spirits.
In the name of kermunnos and the light and dark.
The gods of the neverworld
and whoever shall be casting a curse against me.
Let them suffer there own curse
let thease candles be there candles,
this curse be there curse.
Let the hurt they have caused me and mine
fall upon themselves."
Do this for five consecutive nights ( as close to midnight as possible ) chant the spell each night until the candles are spent.
#6110 - Think of Me
Place the candles in a triangle formation about 1 ft. apart. Using the yarn tie the photo/name of that person to your photo/name(so it is now connected). Place it in the center of the candles. Light the top most candle and say;
"Candle light, shine so bright.
Show ( name of the person) your might!,
Corrupt his/her thoughts tonight.
Make him/her think of me, as long as this bond would stay!"
Light the second candle on your left and repeat the above chant and so on the last candle. Now visualize the pink thread glows brightly. After it blow the candlelights and say ;
"So mote it be!"
Keep the photo/name with the yarn/thread still tied on it. Put it in a safe place, you might need it someday if you would lift the spell off.. Simply cut or untie the knots.