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7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7154 Spiritual Spells
  1. Spell to Bind the Lover of our Desire
  2. Summon a Lover
  3. Spell to Summon the Dead
  4. Spell to Summon Mr. Right
  5. Protection Chant
  6. Egyptian Mummy Protection
  7. Beat the Clock
  8. Stop the Clock
  9. Bless a Magical Pen
  10. Consecrate an Amulet

#6981 - Spell to Bind the Lover of our Desire

This spell is really a conjuration of powers to compel either a man or a woman to desire the operator of the spell. This is not a "love spell", but more like a summoning and controlling spell.
You may need:

  • Full Moon
  • Hour of Midnight
  • 2 Black Tapers
  • Piece of Parchment Paper
  • Charcoal Burner
  • Charcoal in a Cauldron
  • Pentacle
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    You may need:

  • Full Moon
  • Hour of Midnight
  • 2 Black Tapers
  • Piece of Parchment Paper
  • Charcoal Burner
  • Charcoal in a Cauldron
  • Pentacle
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    The Conjuration
    On the full Moon, at the hour of Midnight, Light two black tapers. Write the name of the person to be summoned on a piece of parchment paper, and place it one the alter along with a photograph or other image of the desired. Light the charcoal burner, or light charcoal in a cauldron, and drop on some frankincense. Once the frankincense is burning, hold the Pentacle high within the circle and say aloud:

    "I sauté thee and conjure thee,
    O beautiful Moon, O most beautiful Star, O brilliant light which I have in my hand.
    By the air that I breathe, by the breath within me, by the earth which I am touching:
    I conjure thee. By all the secret names of the spirit princes living in you.
    By the ineffable and secret name Tetragrammaton and all the other names of power,
    I conjure thee. By you, O resplendent Angel Gabriel, with the planet Mercury, Prince,
    Michael, and Melchidael, I Conjure thee!
    I conjure you again, by all the secret names of Tetragrammaton, so that you may send
    the power to oppress, torture and harass the body, mind, and soul of name of the desired
    person here, she (he) whose name is written here,
    (hold up parchment)
    So that she (he) shall come unto me, and agree willingly to my desires,
    neither liking nor loving nobody in the world, for as long as she (he) shall remain unmoved by me."

    (Drop picture and parchment into charcoal burner)

    "Let her (him) now begin to feel the torment of my absence!
    Go then! Go at once! Go, Melchidael, Baresches, Zazel, Firiel, Malcha, and all those who are with thee!
    I conjure thee by the Great Tetragrammaton to do my bidding, lest, by the power, I cast you out, or into the abyss."
    Obey my will, and I promise to release you to return to your home in the nether regions from whence thou came

    Blow out the tapers, Close the Circle.

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    Last edited on Sep 30, 2015
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    #6982 - Summon a Lover

    To Summon a Lover, to bring a new love into your life.
    You may need:

  • 2 Red Roses
  • Red or Pink Chiffon Scarf (or a drum)
  • 50cm/20in of Red Ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Chalice
  • Red Wine or Grape Juice
  • CD player and a CD of soft music (optional)
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    You may need:

  • 2 Red Roses
  • Red or Pink Chiffon Scarf (or a drum)
  • 50cm/20in of Red Ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Chalice
  • Red Wine or Grape Juice
  • CD player and a CD of soft music (optional)
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    For this ritual you will need to find a secluded outdoor space where a hawthorn grows. It is best if you can walk around the hawthorn, but if that isn't possible, perform the ritual in front of the tree.

    Lay your tools on the grass and cast a Circle, ensuring that the hawthorn tree is within the magickal boundary

    *Place the roses in the middle of the Circle to form an equal-armed cross. Cut a small lock from your hair, tie it to the red ribbon, and lay it next to the roses. Pour some wine or juice into the chalice

    *Begin to move around the circle, deosil, in a slow, seductive dance. Hum or sing if you feel like it, or play the CD. As you dance, wave patterns with the scarf or beat the drum. Concentrate your energies on attuning with the Goddess tree and summoning the lover you require

    *Once you feel connected to the land, the tree and the power, begin to chant this spell, and continue as long as you remain focused:

    "By earth, by wind, by land, by sea,
    I summon a lover to come to me.
    By witch's dance and Goddess tree,
    I summon a lover to come to me.
    By earth, by wind, by land, by sea,
    I summon a lover to come to me.
    By power raised I send my plea;
    I summon a lover to come to me."

    *When you have finished chanting, tie the ribbon and lock of hair to the hawthorn tree, asking for the fruition of your spell.

    *Pour a little of the red wine or grape juice at the foot of the tree, tap your chalice against the tree trunk and say:
    "Blessed Be!"

    *Drink the rest of the wine or juice from your chalice and, finally, leave a single red rose at the foot of the tree in thanks. Take the other one home with you to place on your altar .

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    Last edited on Sep 30, 2015
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    #6983 - Spell to Summon the Dead

    Spell to Summon the Dead
    You may need:

  • Sage Stick
  • Five White Candles
  • Incense
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    You may need:

  • Sage Stick
  • Five White Candles
  • Incense
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    "Hear these words, hear my cry,
    Spirit from the other side.
    Come to me, I summon thee,
    cross now the great divide.
    Beloved spirit, name,
    We seek your guidance
    commune with us
    and move amongst us."

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    #6984 - Spell to Summon Mr. Right

    Spell to Summon Mr. Right.
    You may need:

  • Pen
  • Paper
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    You may need:

  • Pen
  • Paper
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    Write down characteristics of your idea of a perfect man and drop them into the potion while chanting:

    "A perfect man we summon now
    Another way we don't know how
    To make our sister see the light
    Somewhere out there is Mr. Right."

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    #6985 - Protection Chant

    A chant to protect yourself.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    All you have to do is chant the following: "I call the light of golden rays. I seek protection, thus, I pray. For heavenly forces at my side: angels, sages, and spirit guides. Or wolves who walk with cunning skill. Come to my aid! Come at my will! Black bird soaring light my path so I am victim to no one's wrath! And when my journey knows success, all those who aid me- Goddess bless!"

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    #6986 - Egyptian Mummy Protection

    Summons Egyptian protection.
    You may need:

  • A jar
  • Whitish grayish sand
  • 1 money bag or similar
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    You may need:

  • A jar
  • Whitish grayish sand
  • 1 money bag or similar
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    Put the sand in the jar then set it aside leave it there for about a week. Take the jar again. Go outside and set the sand down. Now, wave your hand over the jar and wave over lid. Then hold (with lid off) the jar up to the sun and say: "Collect your bones! Gather your limbs! Shake the Earth from your flesh! Your Master is here! Your Master commands it! So you shall stay near! I command ja!"

    Now take some sand and make a circle around you without stepping outside of it. Then throw some to the North, South, East and West. Then take what’s left and throw it up some may land in your hair but that is fine. Now go down on your knees and cross your arms across your chest while you face your element E.G My element is Fire so I face the South. Then Say (Seto Way and shout NAAY!). Now you can sweep away the sand but keep some on you in the money bag

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    #6987 - Beat the Clock

    Speed up Time
    You may need:

  • none
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    You may need:

  • none
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    Draw a Pentacle on your Left hand with a blessed Red pen. Visualize a Sand Clock as you draw.

    Put your left hand on your third eye and say:

    ''Sands of Time show me thy way
    Turn the nights into days
    Rose petals so light and grace
    Speed up Time, in this place''

    The spell will last for 24 hours or until the pentacle is erased, naturally or washed away, so don't try to get sweaty hands.

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    #6988 - Stop the Clock

    Speed down Time
    You may need:

  • none
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    You may need:

  • none
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    Draw a Pentacle on your Right hand with a blessed blue pen. Visualize a Sand Clock as you draw.

    Put your right hand on your third eye and say:

    ''Core go round
    Power be bound
    Interupt the Nature's Course
    Time slow down
    Cast the spell saidth this words''

    The spell will last for 24 hours or until the pentacle is erased, naturally or washed away, so don't try to get sweaty hands.

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    #6989 - Bless a Magical Pen

    Bless a magical pen.
    You may need:

  • 1 Glass of Consecrated Water
  • Crushed Roses
  • Pinch of Salt
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    You may need:

  • 1 Glass of Consecrated Water
  • Crushed Roses
  • Pinch of Salt
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    When there's a new moon, fill a glass of consecrated water and add some crushed roses and a pinch of salt.Place the pen in glass, and the glass to where the moon shines directly on it. Burn some protection incense, visualize the pen being charged with a blue light.

    Chant this three times: "Ink so (color) as the (comparison) always write with the truth. Three times said. Three times blessed. With moon light, blessed be. Serve me right. Serve me only. So mote it be" Next day, it will be blessed.

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    #6990 - Consecrate an Amulet

    Here's how to consecrate an amulet/talisman.
    You may need:

  • White candle
  • A cup of water
  • A small bowl of salt
  • Incense
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    You may need:

  • White candle
  • A cup of water
  • A small bowl of salt
  • Incense
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    You'll need a white candle, a cup of water, a small bowl of salt, and incense. Each corresponds to one of the cardinal elements and directions:

    • North/Earth: salt
    • East/Air: incense
    • South/Fire: candle
    • West/Water: water

    If your tradition requires you to cast a circle, do so now. Light the candle and the incense. Take the tool or other item you wish to consecrate in your hands, and face north. Pass it over the salt and say: "Powers of the North. Guardians of the Earth. I consecrate this wand of willow (or knife of steel, amulet of crystal, etc) and charge it with your energies. I purify this night and make this tool sacred".

    Now, turn to the east and, holding the tool in the smoke of the incense, say: "Powers of the East. Guardians of the Air. I consecrate this wand of willow (or knife of steel, amulet of crystal, etc) and charge it with your energies. I purify this night and make this tool sacred".

    Next, face the south and pass the tool over the flame of the candle -- be careful if it's a flammable material like Tarot cards or a robe! -- and repeat the process, saying: "Powers of the South! Guardians of Fire! I consecrate this wand of willow (or knife of steel, amulet of crystal, etc) and charge it with your energies. I purify this night and make this tool sacred".

    Finally, turn to the west, and pass your ritual tool over the cup of water. Say: "Powers of the West! Guardians of Water! I consecrate this wand of willow (or knife of steel, amulet of crystal, etc) and charge it with your energies. I purify this night and make this tool sacred".

    Face your altar, hold the wand (athame/chalice/amulet/whatever) to the sky, and say: "I charge this wand in the name of the Old Ones, the Ancients, the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. By the powers of the Earth, of Air, of Fire and Water. I banish the energy of any previous owner. It is now mine".

    Now you've not only consecrated the tool, you've claimed ownership. In many Wiccan traditions, it's considered a good idea to put the item to use immediately to bind the consecration and strengthen the energy of the tool. If you've consecrated a wand, athame, or chalice, you can use those in a ceremony to consecrate another tool. If you've consecrated something that is worn, such as an article of clothing (for example, a ritual robe) or a piece of jewelry, begin wearing it now.

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    7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters