7156 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Disappearing spell
- Enchanted Lava Rock
- Anti depressant
- Longer nails spell
- Crowd Manipulation Spell
- Crush like you back spell
- Peaceful Sleep For Children
- Heart medning spell
- Energy
#871 - Disappearing spell
First light the candle, then write on the piece of paper the people you'd like to disappear. Then burn the paper, when completely gone say these words "disappear I resign you to DISSAPEAR!!!"
#872 - Enchanted Lava Rock
Drop the oils onto the lava rock. Hold it in your power hand and chant:
My God and Goddess, hear my prayer;
Bless this rock with power for me to bare.
Put the lava rock in the necklace. Close it and chant:
Now this rock has been enclosed;
So grant protection, give what I proposed.
(Remember! You must believe in yourself and that the spell will work, or it will not be effective. Good luck!)
#873 - Anti depressant
Wrap the hair in yellow fabric. If it’s long woman’s hair, roll it into a ball first.
It’s important that the fabric is yellow becomes yellow symbolizes; peace, happiness, confidence, and charm. If your trying to cure this person of depression, then those are the things you need.
Soak the ‘wrap’ in water for about a minute. Then let it dry for at least 24 hours.
Set down the bowl/plate, and place the strand of hair in the middle of the plate/bowl.
Circle it once with honey, then sprinkle the salt and herbs over the honey so it sticks.
Grab the three (or four if you use orange and yellow) candles and arrange them all around the plate.
Light the red candle first and say,
“Red, fiery bright.
Come and help thy heart tonight.
Bind with the joy and the love of a thousand ones.”
Light the orange candle and say,
“Orange, courageous and helpful.
Let thy mind dodge the fears and
strive in cleanliness.”
Light the white candle and say,
“White, as bright as light.
Purity and clean thy sins,
And wear away all darkness.”
Turn off the light.
Take the fabric hair wrap and let the flame touch it a little, only a small bit of flame. Make sure each candle fire has touched it once. Best if it happens 3 times though.
Set the burning fabric and hair into the center of the honey, herbs and candles.
Chant 3 times,
“Oh gods and goddesses of the earth.
My dear ______ (their full name including last) is very ill. With the fate of early death in their eyes.
Please cure them of their sickness. Bring the happiness and love to their heart.
Oh gods and goddesses hear my plea,
I beg for ______ (their first name) so mote it be.”
Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#874 - Longer nails spell
1. Place your nail in the bowl of water. If its your finger nail you want longer, place your finger in the water. If its your toe nail, then place your toe.
2. Chant three times:
Nail, I command you to grow. Two times longer than you already are. An average nail is not what I need. Make yourself longer, to you is what I plead.
*There is no telling how long your nail will grow. It will either grow a few inches or even go up to seven inches.*
#875 - Crowd Manipulation Spell
Look at where you want to go and don't avert your eyes. Then walk directly towards it. The crowd will get smaller and you won't bump into anyone because more space will open up.
Note: You have to KNOW the destination and look directly at it. If you don't it will still stay crowded. This is great for school, Disneyland, or any public place with large crowds.
#876 - Crush like you back spell
1. First you will need to meditate while focusing on the person you like and chanting the enn.
2. Place your ingredients in the middle of the room, excluding the kettle.
3. Place and light one candle in the southeastern corner of the room and the other in the northeastern corner.
4. Take the poppet and wrap the yarn around it while chanting, "(name), you now belong to me." over and over. After you did that, place the poppet on the floor and look down on it. Then in a demanding tone, say a self encouragement speech to make your crush notice the features you want them to. For example, you could be funny or be handsome and want your crush to recognized that about you.
5. Next you will stand up and head over to your kettle. Place the bay leaf in the kettle and boil the water. After it is heated, take out the leaf and use the yarn again to tie it around the poppet. Repeat the speech again while doing so.
6. Then drink the hot water. Yes, it will hurt but if you want your crush that bad then it'll be worth it. Afterwards, you will take the poppet and throw it in the trash or destrot it if you want their love for you to be eternal. If not, then keep it to untie the yarn when you are tired of them.
7. Thank the God/Goddess/Demon whose enn you used. Wait for your crush to notice you.
Fix yourself a cup of hot tea, hot chocolate, or coffee. After you have drank whatever you fixed a cup of, plug in your headphones into your cell phone and go to YouTube and just type in 24 hours of Meditation Music.
Put your headphones in your ears and lay down on your bed and you will be asleep in no time
#878 - Peaceful Sleep For Children
First things first, make sure you have everything set up in their room first. Night light should be plugged in at this point.
Now make sure they have a full stomach, and then run their bath water and put in three drops of Johnson and Johnson Bedtime Baby wash. Wash them up so they begin to get sleepy.
Next get them out and dry them off, and wrap them in their towel. Now rub them down with the Baby lotion, and get them dressed and lay them in bed.
Get your IPhone/IPod/IPad Tablet etc. Go to YouTube and type in 24 hours of Meditation music for children or you can even use 24 hours of Disney Piano Music.
Hook up the speaker and put it somewhere high enough so that they can still hear it.
Last edited on May 07, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#879 - Heart medning spell
First of all you're going to want to make sure that you are ALOUD to light candles in your house/outside (comfortable space) then precede to light the RED CANDLE. If your wondering why the RED candle, well it's because a RED CANDLE symbolizes love and harmony. Oh so I've heard. Light the candle. Put the candle on the floor. (MAKE SURE NOTHING IS FLAMMABLE!!!) Then close your eyes and repeat this chant:
Hear my cries, Oh hear my cries. I don't want to be hurting anymore. Gods and Goddesses (mother, father,son, daughter.) please help me. I come in a quest to mend my broken heart. I've been hurt and i don't want to hurt anymore. I'm not asking for you to punish the one who hurt me, but instead help me. Please help me, i just want to move on, move on past this drag of a memory that is dragging me down. Please help. Thank you for listening to my pleads.
Thank the Gods and Goddesses (Mother, Father son daughter, etc.) Then blow out the candle. recite the spell as many times as you need to. Or just 3 times.
Last edited on Mar 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#880 - Energy
Visualize a powerful thunderstorm consuming the sky.
Hear it crackle and roar, see the lightning's veins spread across the sky.
Now visualize a lightning strike coming down and striking you.
Feel the electricity vibrating through your entire body and merging with your energy.