so lay on the ground or on the bed and start to imagine. your spirtual
slef come out of you. then when i does say to your self go to the astral plane then soon. you will be there.
so go to a dark room and places the candles around you. then chant: good luck good muck good luck good duck good luck good duck. then blow out the candles and wait a day or two.
It is a kinetic umbra technique converted into cryokinetic
To do it, in addition, charge yourself with water energy.
Then accumulate it in the hands, visualize how it shines in a pale blue glow
the energy covering your hand is long and changes slowly, forming itself into a huge white tentacle
take a swing and visualize how the tentacle covers the target can now be visualized as a whip cover with ice icicles that pierce the target of the favorite to increase pressure.
It all depends on the effect you want to achieve.
open your third eye and put two fingers on your forehead where your third eye is and imagine the place that you want to go. the imagine you moving from where you are to where want to go.
chant 3 times at night. '' Froze grounds and frosty air, leafs leave branches in dis-pare and turning for the spring, Whaling winds and silent cry's, holy hearts and darken sky's earth sighs in cold harming none so mote it be.
When done with the snow chant: Earth worm, earth heal, earth live, so mote it be
Place your instruments on your altar. Light a plain white candle (unscented),
this represents purity, and recite the following ritua
O Instruments, I Conjure Thee By The Power Of The Heavenly Host,
And By The Elements Of Fire, Wind, Earth And Rain, That Thou Shalt Be Clean
Of Foul Creatures And Obtain Every Virtue Unto Thyselves, And Work In All
Manners Directed From This Time On. By The Splendor Of The Planets And
The Divine Miracle Of Creation Mote It Be!
Sprinkle your instruments with the consecrated salt and cover them with a
piece of clean linen (do not use any other fabric). All your equipment is
now charged with positive energy and is ready to be used. If you add any
new products please repeat the ceremony for these do not
want any outside, negative influences affecting your magick!