1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters
- Easiest invisibility spell
- Dream World Spell
- Ash Spell
- Reiki vision
- Wings of Light
- Working Telekinesis Spell
- less noticeable
- Eevee evolution
- Dragon powers
#91 - Easiest invisibility spell
Close your eyes and imagine that you are bright light then imagine you are melting into the walls
To stop being invisible imagine the walls are melting out and creating you
for best results meditate first.
#92 - Dream World Spell
Hold your pillow and say:
"I call upon the gods and goddesses of dreams. Allow me to enter a world where I shall control it, and when I wish to go back to the normal world, I shall. So mote it be."
Last edited on Aug 24, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
for starters, this is not a spell. It is to show you why all time spells here on this site are fluff--and will always be.
I am going to start is that universes are places that never wants anyone to alter them. Assuming you are not the creator who is reading this, the universe does not listens to you, does not care about you, and does not want you messing with her.
And any changes made are undone as quickly as they are made, and no amount of magic or spells will cause your changes, whatever they may be, to take effect. (sorry forces of evil).
put simply, if you try to kill Hitler in the past for example, someway, somehow, he will get lucky and survive your assassination attempt--as he did with all other assassination attempts that were made against him.
Another example is that say you try to save your girlfriend or boyfriend who passed away in a car accident. Someway, somehow, another accident claims that person at exactly the same time as the car accident.
so no matter what you do, and what magic you use, it all will still happen in spite of your best efforts. And this is how all universes will be forever.
Also, if you somehow manage to prevent an event, the universe still finds a way of restoring destiny--namely you sharing the fate of the hypothetical boyfriend or girlfriend who passed away. Because the universe is a living thing, and will defend herself against those trying to hurt her--just as you would if someone was trying to hurt you.
Let me put it this way: Would you let someone do surgery on you without your permission? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!
#94 - Ash Spell
Get a ball of hair from you comb, lavender, sage and then burn them to ashes. Find a pint sized glass bottle, put the ashes in it and shake it then leave it outside on the roof of your house for a day and night. Get your bottle then put it in the fridge for 5 hours and then send it to a friend and tell them to put the ashes on something small and precious like a necklace or ring and tell them to focus their energy into it. After a couple of days you will start getting thoughts that are not your own and then ask your friend what they were thinking of doing with you that day, and if they say exactly what you heard them thinking about doing that day there you go it's done.
Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#95 - Reiki vision
First focus on your fingers on a table or something flat. Sit down and put your hands at least two feet apart from each other. Spread your fingers from each other close your eyes and imagine your best friend or someone is hurt but their body is numb and there are no signs on the outside of his/her body.
Imagine you can suddenly see them as something else like a blue spirit or any color that gives you comfort and then imagine your least favorite color in parts of the body's spirit from and see the body agitated, and the whole body lighting up with your least favorite color and then try condensing that fake pain and watch it lead you to the source.
Look at your hands and try to see the same thing on a family member who has a broken leg, for instance, or arm and try to see the parts that are not in pain and see your favorite color and then try doing meditation for several days on that same set of mind.
Go out in the world and try to see people who are in a store or something and ask them if there in pain and if they tell you that they are and the reason and where its hurting at then your doing it right.
Last edited on Jun 30, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#96 - Wings of Light
Once you’ve gathered your ingredients, sit down on the floor of a dark room below 70 degrees, and place both the photo and feather of your bird in front of you. Keep the water out of sight, as that may interfere with your connection with the bird. Once you feel ready, chant this in your head;
"O heavenly one, your beauty arrayed,
show me your ways and take me in as your own.
O heavenly one, tell me as if I am one,
for I am ready to owe you my everlasting compassion for your flight."
As you recite, imagine the bird’s grace as it glides through the air, it’s tail feathers gleaming against the falling sun. Once you finish, you should feel a bit calmer than before. You’ll feel your eyelids dropping slightly, and your muscles fall loose. Wait a couple of seconds as the bird’s soul cleanses yours. As you feel comforted, and the tensity has left your body, grasp the water and place it next to the photo of the bird. Then, pick up the feather of the bird and blow it. Watch as it glides against the air, and flutters to the ground. Before you pour the water onto the bird’s photo, recite these words out loud;
"Your (feather color) wings are those to honor,
as your beauty is unmatched.
O beautiful aviator, show me your ways, and take me in as your own.
I see you, and honor you.
O bird goddess Lilith, promise me you’ll stay.
Allow me to bask in your beauty,
as mine is unmatched by yours.
Grant me your heavenly gifts, and show me how to soar above!
So, mote it be!"
As you’ve finished announcing those very words, pour the water over the photo and shout;
"Through rain and shine,
through day and night,
you stay strong!
Show me, Lilith!"
Now, take a moment to feel the whispering echoes in your ear. Can you hear them? If so, you’ve been chosen by the bird goddess, Lilith.
For the next couple weeks, you may feel some pain in your back if you’ve been chosen. That’s fine! It’s just your bones making way for the wings. About a week after that, your wings will grow overnight. You should wake up one morning with the wings you want!
Last edited on May 20, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#97 - Working Telekinesis Spell
Say this Three Times God Who is in heaven hear me let me have the power of control items also known as telekinesis I shall use it for good not evil and realised with great power comes with great responsibility
#98 - less noticeable
Dragons Mist Chameleons eye I bend the mist I bend the eye this is my wish so mote it be!
#99 - Eevee evolution
Get your picture of eevee and say eevee eevee I go through evolution and then draw a pentagram with eevee in the middle and then say mote it be.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#100 - Dragon powers
Ok, get your Dragon stuff then say "Dragon God and horses listen to me these dragons have many powers but can I a human have them as well" then your done.