1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters
- Levitate
- Stop People From Entering Your Room
- Psychic Training
- Psi Ball
- Telekinesis
- How to get Telepathy
- Clairvoyance
- Disguise Spell
- Air Control
- Time Travel Spell
#1161 - Levitate
First, get your wand and item you want to levitate. If you are a beginner start out with something light then work your way up. Then point at the object with your wand and say: "Levitatous!" If it does not rise start with something lighter or keep trying.
#1162 - Stop People From Entering Your Room
Point your wand at the door and say: "Reppello muggletum". People may come and knock but they will not come in on you. It works until you open the door.
#1163 - Psychic Training
Tie the string to the weight and hold the end of the string. Focus on your energy flowing like a beam of soft light to the weight (or send it through the string). Slowly tell the weight in your mind to move left to right, right to left. After you have a rhythm going, you should tell the weight to move in a circle getting slowly wider. When you want to stop, or when you begin to feel tired, slow the weight down.
#1164 - Psi Ball
Cup your hands but they need to be atleast 7cm. apart. Then close your eyes and try not to think of anything empty your mind. Then vizualize your minds energies flowing into your hands and forming a ball. The longer you do this the stronger the ball will be!!! Very easy!!! Psi balls can be used for lots of things: telekenisis(aerokenesis, pyrokenesis, hydrokenesis ect.), energy shields and so on and so on!
#1165 - Telekinesis
How to Develop Telekinesis
An Exercise to Assist You in Developing Telekinesis
- Choose a utensil.
- Hold it in your hand comfortably.
- Find a comfortable position to sit and relax breathing effortlessly.
- Close your eyes.
- Let the days thoughts go.
- Focus on the utensil.
- Slowly run your fingers over its surface and feel its energy.
- At the moment when there is no separation between you and the fork and you actually feel its energy- bend it.
If it bends you did the exercise correctly. If not it could be because your mind wasn't focused and other thoughts entered. It will take some practice and persistence when developing telekinesis.
Tips on Developing Telekinesis
- Don't think about the process or what may or may not happen just practice as if its an experiment.
- Relax and enjoy the process of developing telekinesis (up to 7 days a week if possible).
- Stop if you get a headache.
- Without believing it is possible it will not manifest- believe you can move objects with you mind and you will.
- Focus all your attention. There is no room left in your mind for thoughts of what you had for dinner last night.
- It is easiest to start with light objects, such as feathers or thin paper.
#1166 - How to get Telepathy
Learn Telepathy Exercise Using Color
Get 5 different colored objects ready (the same object but 5 different colors, e.g. colored pens, rubber bands, sweets, sheets of paper etc.). Be present in this moment. Center yourself. Feel yourself to be truly "here" and "now" present. Still your mind. Do not think of any other place. Do not think of the past or the future. Do not think of anything (this is the hardest part of learn telepathy, to still the mind - meditation can be a good telepathy exercise in preparation for transmitting telepathic signals).
Sit down with another person. Choose one person to "send" and the other to "receive". The person who sends (Sender) chooses a color in their mind. Sender then 'send' this color to the mind of the other person beginning the sending by speaking the work “begin". Receiver then tries to connect with senders mind to see if they can pick up what is being telepathically send. The receiver might then say a color - maybe red. The sender then says one of two things "yes" if the color was correct and then choose another and says "begin" to send another color or the same one again.
If the correct color was not picked up by the receiver the sender simply says "no" and keeps transmitting the same color thereby the receiver keeps trying to read the transmitted color. Start with doing this exercise for five minutes increasing it to ten minutes when comfortable. Take a break and then complete the same telepathy exercises with the roles of sender and receiver reversed.
Learn Telepathy Exercise Using Playing Cards
You will need a pack of playing cards, a sheet of paper and a pencil for score sheet. Be present in this moment. Center yourself. Feel yourself to be truly "here" and "now" present. Still your mind. Do not think of any other place. Do not think of the past or the future. Do not think of anything (this is the hardest part of learn telepathy, to still the mind - meditation can be a good telepathy exercise in preparation for transmitting telepathic signals).
Choose one person to "send" and the other to "receive". Sit down back to back with another person, the receivers back faces the senders back. Sender shuffles the pack of cards and lifts up the top card looking at it. Sender then "taps the card" signaling the beginning of transmission. Sender then mentally 'send' the color red or black depending on the color of the card to the mind of the other person. Receiver then tries to connect with senders mind to see if they can pick up what is being telepathically sent.
There are several ways of "sending". You can imagine the word red or the word black when you close your eyes, or think of a red or black object, i.e. imagine a red fire engine, a red flower, a red carpet or a black Porsche, black soot, black dustbin, etc. The receiver then calls out the caller that he or she thinks the card is. The sender places a tick (for a correct answer) or a cross (for a wrong one) on the score sheet
#1167 - Clairvoyance
Beginning Clairvoyance
A common mistake people make is assuming that 'seeing' involves the use of the eyes when in a closed state. Do not strain to see. You do not have to have your eyes closed to access your third eye however in the beginning it is recommend to shut out all distractions.
Finding Your Mind’s Eye
Sitting comfortably, close your eyes. Remember where you were yesterday. What does it look like? Realize that you have created a picture in your mind’s eye to recall this time Notice where this image is projected within your body. This is your inner screen or mind’s eye.
Exploring Your Clairvoyance
Sit comfortably with your eyes closed. Notice the inner screen of your mind. Bring your attention to the space between your eyes at the center of your forehead (your third eye). Visualize your third eye expanding. Do you see anything shapes, colors, anything at all?
Do not judge yourself or expect too much of yourself. Just be aware of images of any sort that come to mind: If nothing comes don't be discouraged. Developing this skill may take some time. Know that by bringing your attention to your third eye the skill of clairvoyance has already began to awaken. Like all skills the development or rather the remembrance of it will involve persistence.
Further Exploration
Once you are feeling more confident and begin seeing images in your mind’s eye you could try this activity with a friend to test clairvoyance. Have a friend set up a room in the house. Change things about it, move things and add things. Have your friend sit in a certain position in the room. Remain in a separate room. Bring your focus to your inner sight. See the room in your mind’s eye: What do you see? Where is your friend sitting? What has moved? Record what you see and then check with your friend.
To test clairvoyance may make you feel pressured to get it right. If it does try the experience of simply seeing what is happening at your friend’s house through your third eye in your own time and then giving him/her a phone call to see how they are and what they are up to. Did you sense any of what was happening? Eventually though it may be nice to measure your success to see how far you have come i.e. test clairvoyance
#1168 - Disguise Spell
To undo the spell, do your maneuvre of choice (or a different one than the one used to cast the spell) while saying: ''Lies, Guise, No more a disguise!''
P.S. when doing the undoing part of the spell, you still have to point at yourself w/ your wand or your index finger as you say: ''Disguise.''
#1169 - Air Control
This is a simple incantation to stop the wind.
Focus your mind and chant:
"I cause the wind to stop, its airy powers now will drop."
Chant this as many times as necessary.
#1170 - Time Travel Spell
Step 1.) Sit in front of a Calendar. Close your eyes and picture the time it is before your eyes closed. Now picture the time going back. Now picture a calendar going back in time, the years going back 2008....2006.....2004.....2002......2000........1950. Then, Imagine the year you want to go to. Once you have the year in mind, say:
"The year I have inside my mind, shall be revealed to my kind. I send Me/us back to time that I thought. So if in trouble here, we don't get caught. Bring us/me to this place in time, so we can help the ones we find."
Returning from thePast
Repeat step one except now you are thinking of the years going up.
Then afterthat say:
"On the count of one, the spell has begun, on the count of two, this spell will make us new, on the count of three, this spell will return us/me to our time so wee can flee."