1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters
- Make a Seeing Pool
- Levitate Objects
- Angel Wings
- Spirit of the Constellations
- The Forms of Draconic Fury
- Reading Minds
- Animal Follower Spell
- Shadow Teleportation
- How to Disappear
- Invisible to Others
#551 - Make a Seeing Pool
You have to fill up the bowl than go outside on a sunny day with your wand. Spin your wand in the water and say...
"Gods of water,
Make me see
The power of the
Seeing pool.
So mote it be!"
Repeat 10X
If the reflection is
- Green something bad will happen,
- Purple your next car ride will be bumpy,
- Blue it will rain,
- Yellow your next spell might work
Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#552 - Levitate Objects
Sorry if it doesn't.
If not, mail me and let me know.
#553 - Angel Wings
"Angel, angel,
From far far away
Take me high in the sky
Let be one of you
Wings of two
I wish to fly just as high
I wish for wings as beautiful
And as powerful as golden wings
Take me far far away"
If you are a chosen angel you will have your wings and fold them back at will and also you will have dreams of angels.
Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#554 - Spirit of the Constellations
Put the amethyst in your hand and place your hand between the candles. put the candles in a triangle and light them one by one. start with the white and end with the red. use the glass to cut a small slit on your finger. And drop a drop of blood in the water. Once the blood spreads, think and concentrate on the person you wish to perceive. While holding the amethyst, say these words.
" May (your zodiac) confront the adolescent I wish to perceive, and let the astral stars and gods reveal the veil which covers their true identity."
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#555 - The Forms of Draconic Fury
Hold the toothless figurine to your heart look at the (#?) of pictures printed all on one page and say: "These forms I see before my eyes shall be my body to rule the skies. To fly as I wish as the bane of cowards the dark and the light in my true form. For I am the fury of night. When from human to dragon I wish to change I shall close my eyes and say the form's name, and when turning back is my desire I'll shoot one blazing ring and fly through the fire".
Last edited on Jul 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#556 - Reading Minds
Concentrate very hard on the victims forehead and say this chant in your mind three times
"As I travel through the mystic realms of earth, I seek to hear the voice behind (Victims name) mind so mote it be"
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#557 - Animal Follower Spell
Take a piece of fur/feather/scale of the animal, or related to, and put it in a bowl of moss and ground up oak leaves.
Then draw your animal as best as possible (color it in), or find a picture and print it.
Write on the back:
Take the paper and tear it apart, then mix it in with the fur/feather/scale and the moss and leaves.
Find a seed or nut, and dig a hole somewhere near the forest. Burry the mixture and the seed/nut. When burried, say
O' Holy witches, O' Holy warlocks
O' Holy spirits, O' Holy gods
Take my wish, make it true
Take my follower, have it made from you
In time that passes, let this plant grow
Once a seedling sprouts, I will know
Basicaly it's saying to have the witches, warlocks, spirits, and gods work together and make your animal follower, and when a seedling sprouts, your animal will be here.
Now, you do have to water the plant and stuff, make sure it gets sunlight. Also take a stone with you(explaination below) Everytime you water it, repeat the spell above.
When the plant sprouts, say
O' Holy witches, O' Holy warlocks
O' Holy spirits, O' Holy gods
My friend is here, thank you all
Take this stone And decorate your halls
As you say it, take the stone and burry it with the plant.
To keep your animal, continue to water your plant. Once the plant dies, your animal will get sick. You must feed it the plant to save it and continue it's life.
Remember: Only you can see your animal. Don't tell any humans about it, or they'll likely burn you at the stakes: literaly.
#558 - Shadow Teleportation
Find a shadowy place, then think about where you want to go and how you want to get there. Let the shadows flood over you, and before you know it, you'll be there!
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#559 - How to Disappear
Put the blanket over your head and grab your wand. Point it at yourself and say the following chant
"I'm invisible no one can see me
Invisible as can be
Only who believe can see me
As I say now mote it be"
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#560 - Invisible to Others
Get a cup of water. Get the mirror and look at yourself. Say: "Ignore me. Ignore my actions. I no longer am visible to you. I'm unseeable.So mote it be. " Drink the water. You should be less noticeable everyday If you want to be noticed. Say the spell but change invisible to visible and ect. And change eater into like juice or soda.
Last edited on Jun 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.