1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters
- Intelligence Spell
- Teleport to Different Realities
- Thought
- Mind Reader
- To be a Fairy
- Summon a Demon
- Causing Someone Confusion
- Psychic Powers
- Create: Psi Ball
- Inner Dragon
#581 - Intelligence Spell
2. Put your red candle in the middle of the two white candles. The three candles must be straight. Do not light the candles just yet
3. Relax a bit, the more relaxation you have, the more the spell will work
4. Put your object about four inches infront of the red candle. You must be closest to the object or facing the object
5. Light the candles. Make sure to light the red one last.
6. Wait a minute after lighting the candles and say two times:
Thee Intellegence of Mine is Weak
By the Gods and Godesses above I beg for more
Make me smarter, more intelligent, please. And let the object I have keep the intelligence locked inside
7. Focus on the object hard. Let your mind be guided by the spirits, gods, goddesses
8. Touch the object in a half hour and you should become more intellegent
Last edited on Nov 14, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#582 - Teleport to Different Realities
Make sure you're alone (or the rest will come with you) then say: "Oh, spirit of worlds, send me to a place where my dreams make sense!"
Last edited on Jul 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#583 - Thought
Sit in the center of the triangle and chant this spell 3 times...
"As flame lights shadow,
and truth ends fear.
Open lost thoughts to my
minds willing ear.
May the smoke from this candle,
and to everywhere creep.
Bring inner most voices,
to my mind and speech."
Last edited on Jun 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#584 - Mind Reader
Enter focus, connect with the flow using meditation. Now, visualize the person who you wish to read. Once you do that, close your eyes. Now, see yourself. Keep the image of the person in your mind also.
Now, imagine you walking in that persons mind, all the memories, everything. You walk as if you are physically in that persons mind. Now, seek the path. Find the memory you want to read, it doesn't matter what it is if you want a random read to prove yourself. If you want a particular memory/thought read then focus on that.
Once you find it, it will immediately be available to you. Now, the next stage is to reverse what you have done. Leave that persons mind. Imagine you leaving through a door, and close it behind you. Find yourself, and imagine you opening a door on your head, enter it, then close it.
When you open your eyes, you will have what you have gathered in your head. This will take practice, but it is much faster than it sounds. Instant in fact.
Last edited on Apr 10, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#585 - To be a Fairy
With the paper draw a picture of a fairy that you want to be. Meditate or visualize yourself as this fairy while believing that it will work. In your mind say that you wish to be this fairy.
Last edited on Jun 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#586 - Summon a Demon
Only powerful users of Black Magic
Should perform this spell
Their is many consequences during this spell as in .. Death Curses Suicide Relative loss . These are your actions .
Plant each candle on the corners of the stars.
Light all of the candles and make sure the room is dark.
Chant these words 3 times.
Hell from below you may take my soul, but in exchange you must send me a minion
From your dungeon of blood and fire!
The flames will rise higher and put your hands together and plant them in the middle of the Pentagram the blood will grow and open a gate to hell .
Performed 1 time
You can send the demon back but you will have to give back something fragile.
#587 - Causing Someone Confusion
Effects : Dizziness and fainting.
Effects on you : Lost Breath
Or look at look at it in full detail picture it in every part of your mind and soul.
Return the item close your items and say in your mind and you picture the item.
'' As the night fades away to the dawn of another day let him/her forget what has
happend through out the day i'm sorry for what happened I wish it was never
Done but forgive the ones who have sinned and let this person forget of it.
#588 - Psychic Powers
Say " I am psychic,I'm aligned with nature,I'm receptive to subtle energies & psychic information,I'm tuned into hidden cosmic forces, My psychic powers are very strong, My sixth sense is activated, My Mind is aligned with universal knowledge, I am extremely intuitive, My third eye is open, Psychic powers are normal, People are amazed at my psychic Abilities, Universal knowledge & energy surrounds me, I hear my heart and my mind, I feel great, I'm happy, I'm healthy, I feel inner peace, My soul is joyful, All is good in my world, The past is over and done, I am in touch with my spirit and feelings, All is perfect whole and complete, The fullness of life is meaningful to me, I can tell right from wrong, My spirit knows what is good or bad."
Last edited on Jun 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#589 - Create: Psi Ball
#590 - Inner Dragon
Take out a white candle and light it. Stare deep into the flame. Think of the word "dragon" in your mind. What comes to mind? Most people will think of a huge fire breathing ferocious flying dragon. Bit think a little more harder and stare a little more into the flame. Does suddenly a water dragon come to mind? A earth dragon digging in the soil of the world? Or does a fire dragon still keeps burning down villages? There you have it! You have found your inner dragon!
But that is not all. According to the ingredients, you need the candle. Blow out the other candle.Once you have the correct candle, light it and stare into the candle once again. If you have done this spell correctly, a sudden vision of the dragon asleepshould appear. Once you have seen it, say the following until your dragon opens it's eyes,
" Dragon dragon wakey wakey, crawl out and see the world. From the sky to the sea, from the soil to the moon, fly high into the sky. Dragon dragon wakey wakey crawl out and see the world."
Last edited on Jun 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.