1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters
- The Art of Pyrokinesis
- Transform Into a Worm
- Mind Link(Over Distance)
- Empathy link spell (Telepathic link over distance)
- Avians (not a spell)
- Avian spell ( prayer) made4fun
- Avian Metality meditation
- Enemy Slowness
- Mind interruption
- Simple Magick Practice
#71 - The Art of Pyrokinesis
To start, it's best to meditate for an incredibly long time. Reach out to the world, and connect with the element of fire. Feel it as part of yourself, an extension of your soul. Push your astral body into a place you associate with fire, maybe even the edge of a volcano, so that you can feel the heat all around, absorbing you and becoming part of you. Imagine the results you intend to get from the practice in the ritual- but of course, don't expect anything too extreme for your first time. Try to get in touch with any fire-related deities or spirits you follow that can grant you some help.
When you come out of your meditation, begin by lighting the candle. You can also perform a prayer at this stage, but if you don't have a god or goddess to reach out too it's not strictly necessary.
Once the candle is lit, the true work begins. As you come out of your meditation you must remember not to lose touch with the world and the elements, as you should reach out with your magick towards the candle. Visualize the flame flickering the smallest bit, jumping up or being pushed around by your fingers. See it as a part of yourself, able to move like your head or arm.
Good tricks to start out with are making it flicker in certain directions, making it go down as if being pushed by a finger, extinguishing and relighting it (both incredibly difficult)
Don't be discouraged if results don't come immediately, or even ever. Personally, we haven't mastered any form of kinesis ourself. It's a tricky art, and generally not worth the effort put in to just make a candle flame move, but if you can find a purpose then good on you. This ritual is an incredibly basic one, and like all magick can be molded to fit your needs- you can add chants or crystals or whatever you think may help in your journey. But stay safe when you're playing with fire.
Last edited on May 15, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#72 - Transform Into a Worm
- Take four leaves from a tree outside, and place them into the cup.
- Get some water, and pour it into the mug with the leaves inside. (High temp water is liked, but cool water will do fine and dandy.)
- Presently, get some dirt or soil, and put some into the cup also.
- When you've done that, say this serenade:
"Enchantment of the firm and fair,
Make me such a worm to care.
Let me devour earth and run,
The same number of animals live by sun."
Side effects:
- Feeling squirmy
- The craving to eat dirt (Please don't unless you're in worm form)
- Shrinking at will
Last edited on May 21, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#73 - Mind Link(Over Distance)
first say this "wind earth fire and water i call upon you to make this spell magic so mote it be." next say this 3x during the day " Oh great goddess Iris I invoke you to set up a Mind Link between me and (chosen person's name here) the link between us shall be permanent and irreversible and we will be able to do anything you could imagine doing with telepathy so if you allow it let it be for this is my will so mote it be."
#74 - Empathy link spell (Telepathic link over distance)
Say this first "wind earth fire and water I call to you to make this spell Magic so mote it be." Next say this as many times as you want " Oh great goddess Athena I invoke you to give me an Empathy link like the ones in the Percy Jackson series with the person that I choose (first and last name) if one of us dies then the other person will most likely die too please let this happen for this is my will so mote it be."
#75 - Avians (not a spell)
Avians are, well, bird people. They are essentialy humans with wings. They come in many different shapes and forms like a falcon, hawk, be jay, crane, and any other type of bird you can think of. Any form of wings would have only characteristics of a bird. The human body would be heavily effected because of 2 more limbs on it. This would cause an avian to eat more as it uses more energy to do anything. The unrealistic part about avians is the muscle and bone difference from a human. In order to be both bird and human they need 2 different types of bones. Hollow and thick. The hollow bones are in birds to allow them to be aerodynamic and lightweight. Humans are meant for the ground because they are heavier and their movement is highly based on their legs. The muscles are different because they would need a whole new set of muscles in order to lift and use the wings.
Avian have eyes more like a birds to allow many more features. They are considered mithics as they are mithical. There are many variations of avians based on the type of bird because that corrosponds with how they look act and live.
High speed avians:
High speed avians are more like falcons and such. They would have short hair and feathers to be more like a bullet in the air. Their eyes would be wind resistant and they would be highly reactionary with fast reflexes so they can make sharp turns and not get hurt. These avians will live up high like in the mountains or near a cliff.
Gliding/soaring avians:
These ones will have large, broad wings like an eagle. They won't have fully wind resistant eyes but moderate. They live anywhere that suits there personal needs like food, shelter, etc... they would have longer hair and bigger feathers to catch drifts of wind.
Rapid takeoff avians:
These avians are more like small birds. Crows, pigeons, robins, bluejays... they well... rapidly takeoff. They each are different from the others in a way whether it be size, color, or shape. They have rapid movements in short bursts so hey make quick getaways. They would typically be smallish but get larger.
Seabird avians:
Seabird avians are interesting. They range from gulls to turns and more. They typically have long, skint wings with short and insulated feathers to keep them warm and dry in the cold ocean wind. They would live in or on cliffs near the ocean and nest with other avians.
Avians would most likely be omnivores. They need enough protein and nutrients for a human and giant wings. Depending on where they live shows what type of food that would be for instance seabird avians would eat fish and whatever greens they could find.
This is what I have for now if I get more information or corrections I will write a part 2. Please be nice in the comments cause this is my first info sheet! Good luck people!
Last edited on Feb 10, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#76 - Avian spell ( prayer) made4fun
Start by mediating and relax. Drink your water to calm yourself even further if necessary. After this is done. Chant the following:
Hello one (s) above me. There is a wish I want most granted. Please let me grow a pair of wings, big, broad and fit for me. I do believe that this will work. I wish to fly above the clouds to protect the birds. To keep r the wind from my face. Please. This is my wish. So mote it be.
This is more of a prayer but again don't hate in the comments cause this ain't real I made it for fun!
Last edited on Apr 20, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#77 - Avian Metality meditation
To start rest for at least 5 minutes or until your mind is clear. You will need to be quiet and patient for this. Sit down in a quiet room with no distractions and get comfortable. Close your eyes. Picture yourself above the world playing with birds free. Picture yourself growing and using your wings. Be realistic about these wings. Don't think about anything unnatural like pink fairy wings but rather something realistic. As you picture yourself flying, think about how they feel. What kind of wings are they? Falcon? Hawk? Robin? The list goes on but what's important is that you know all about them. Once you do this, picture the wind in your face, making your eyes water. They in your mind, don't stop the wind but make yourself resistant to it. Again picture yourself flying and acting as if you were meant to have wings. Do and repeat this for a long time. Then you should let your mind go blank and think about nothing, open your eyes. There is your meditation. Remember this is still in testing and it won't give you wings but give you an avian mindset so don't comment about that. Peace out!
Last edited on Feb 10, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#78 - Enemy Slowness
Memorize and say:
"Run run like a snail,
Make (name) run as slow as a snail"
#79 - Mind interruption
Chant "mental reverse" however many times you want and imagine a clock reversing in the target's head.
Last edited on Nov 01, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#80 - Simple Magick Practice
Focus on your space. Without moving feel yourself touch the floor with your hands if your hands are on your lap or vice versa. When you are confident with that you can branch out. Do this until you can leave the room. Once that has happened you are ready to try Astral Projection or any other complicated things!
Last edited on Aug 23, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.