A few ways you can use to make a scrying tool. Scrying is a way of getting answers to questions or seeing the future.It is something that takes practice and time. At least do it 15 minutes a day. There are a lot of things you can scry in. Such as a river, a lake, sand, a tree, a scrying mirror, a crystal ball, a silver bowl with water in it , a shiny stone, a black bowl with water, be creative.
You may need:
Picture Frame
Black Paint
Black Paper
Black Spray Paint
Black or silver bowl
You may need:
Picture Frame
Black Paint
Black Paper
Black Spray Paint
Black or silver bowl
Scrying Mirror
Picture Frame
Black Paint
Black Paper
Black Spray Paint
Take the glass from the picture frame and paint it on one side of the glass, or spray paint it. Put the glass back with the black paper behind it. It should be completely black and should not be able to see any stripes.
Scrying Bowl
Black or silver colored bowl
Simple. Fill the bowl with water and use it the same way as the mirror.
Make sure you are looking at the person. S/he does not have to look at you.With your wand/hand,make a 6 in the air. Wait a second then say/whisper this ":I seek their mind,I seek their trust,make sure this one is not tough. Make him under my control, for he/she deserves 1 ticking of mold!"
Stare at them for at least 30 seconds, then ask them to do something. If they say no,say "but you are under control" then say "yido guckra vyacki." 3 times.
This spell is used to summon up vapor monsters and animals.
You may need:
You may need:
Go outside on the full moon, it as to be night time. Now, focus on what monster or Animal you want to summon. Let the moon reflect off you. Focus and say "Gods, and goddesss all, Summon up something, terrifying for me, by the power within. Mote It Be!" Say this ten times. It takes about a min.
I Am Not Fully Sure If This Spell Works Or Not Or How Far It Will Go
Eg Im Not Sure If You Were In Thee North Pole And Wanted To Go To The South It Would Work
Sorry If It Dosent :(
Simpily Close You Eyes And Think Of The Place You Want To Go To.
Then Open Your Eyes And Recite These Scentences 3 Times
''To Do A Blink
You Do A Wink.
You Jump Up High
And Touch The Sky.''
On The Third Recitement You Will Be Transported To The Place You Thought Of In A Blink Of An Eye
"Silent as a willow,
Black as night,
Unseen I will be
For the rest of this
Start with a low voiced chanting murmur, slurring and blending your words. At black as night go a little louder and clearer while still slurring a bit, then a little louder, a little louder, and say time louuderr. While doing this beginners try closing your eyes.Everyone and anyone imagine disappearing and what you'd do while keeping a blank mind. Only ones with at least some (or more) can accomplish this spell.
Try holding hands together while doing this, it helped me. This spell does not involve dealing with the Darke and other side. The spell covers a lot. People can't hear you, only maybe a small swish sometimes like the blowing of leaves when a rush of wind passes. So if you're hiding its lucky to be by some trees with a good amount of wind. (You can conjure wind because you can do other spells while you have this spell on).
It camouflages you by blending you with surroundings like black blends with night. It makes you unseen because that's what it says. It lasts for the the time you need :) If you are very advanced you can say the spell in your head and it will work. Practice makes perfect!
Say as many times as you feel needed: "Wings of the 12, wings come to me in (30) days so I can fly and reach to the sky. This is my wish and my will so mote it be"
Makes you dream what you wish. It works because I've tried it once.
You may need:
Piece Of Paper
You may need:
Piece Of Paper
With this spell you can dream what you want.
* Get a white piece of paper or a computer.
you just need to write, it works better if you write it.
* Write your dream that you want to live. Every detail like
who you will be, eye colour, hair colour, all..
* After you writed where your dream ex. (I want to dream tonight
to be in the harry potter world and I'll be a boy with name Zac with
gold hair, silver eyes, and all.) Ok ? understand.
* Now say it x10 times or more you need to focus these words
inside your mind. So when you'll sleep you can think about it
and live it.
Basically this is a spell to distract a person for a quick getaway.
You may need:
Aloe juice
You may need:
Aloe juice
First you will take the leaves and break them into bits and pieces. Then you put it in a jar and then you add the dirt. Finally you put the aloe juice in and mix it.