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928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters

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928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 928 Wealth Spells
  1. Abundance Candle Spell
  2. Paper Money Spell
  3. A simple Money Spell
  4. Increase Wealth of Household
  5. Wishing Spell
  6. Hoodoo Money Candle Spell
  7. Traditional Witches Ladder
  8. Money Jar
  9. Fall From the Sky
  10. Banish Debt Candle Spell

#531 - Abundance Candle Spell

The energy of the flame will help draw new financial opportunities to you.
You may need:

  • A green candle
  • Cinnamon oil
  • Vanilla oil or extract
  • A large denomination coin
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    You may need:

  • A green candle
  • Cinnamon oil
  • Vanilla oil or extract
  • A large denomination coin
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    Use something sharp to carve the word ''Wealth'' along the side of the candle and then anoint the word with cinnamon and vanilla. Put the coin in the bottom of your candle holder, set the candle in over top. Light the candle and let it burn down completely.

    When the candle is done, leave the wax-covered coin in a safe place to help bring money into your life.

    Added to on Nov 27, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #532 - Paper Money Spell

    You can bring a little extra cash into your life with this Voodoo spell for money.
    You may need:

  • A piece of paper money
  • Needle and red thread
  • A piece of red cloth larger than the bill
  • Coarse salt, at least a cup
  • Pink candles
  • Orange oil
  • Amber incense
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    You may need:

  • A piece of paper money
  • Needle and red thread
  • A piece of red cloth larger than the bill
  • Coarse salt, at least a cup
  • Pink candles
  • Orange oil
  • Amber incense
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    Gently use the needle and thread to sew the dollar bill onto the red cloth. Hang it up on wall, where you can set up the rest of your spell under it.

    On a table or altar, sprinkle a thick line of salt to make a square. Set a candle at each corner and light them. Set a little open dish of orange oil in the center. Dip the end of your incense stick into the oil, then light it in a holder outside of the square. Repeat the words out loud:

    Pinned to my life evermore
    Go with me to every shore
    I trade you for another thing
    Come back to my pockets bring

    Leave the candles and incense burning for an hour, then snuff them out. Leaving everything set up, repeat the spell (lighting candles, incense, words) again for the next 2 days at the same time. Within 15 days, you should have some extra money.

    Added to on Nov 26, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 23, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #533 - A simple Money Spell

    I have not yet cast this spell but with belief and confidence it should work! It would be best to do on a thursday. This should get you some money!
    You may need:

  • A green or white candle
  • A copper 2p coin
  • Confidence
  • Belief
  • Voice
  • Strand of your hair
  • Cup of water - even better if purified
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    You may need:

  • A green or white candle
  • A copper 2p coin
  • Confidence
  • Belief
  • Voice
  • Strand of your hair
  • Cup of water - even better if purified
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    Imagine lots of money coming towards you.
    Light a white or green candle, it is best if you scratch out the word money on the base of the candle.
    Burn the hair and coin (melt or heat with candles flame) as you chant

    'One coin here,
    One coin there,
    Richer and richer,
    As I burn this strand of hair.
    Help me gain lots of money each day,
    God and goddess,
    As I burn this coin as sacrifice,
    Grant my wish as I plea,
    So mote it be!'

    Use a cup of water to let to the coin and hair soak in for 5 minutes.
    Afterwards put the coin and hair, or whats left of it in your purse/wallet for 10 months.

    Added to on Nov 20, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #534 - Increase Wealth of Household

    This spell has the power to increase the wealth of everyone in the household.
    You may need:

  • Small amount of green paint
  • Full moon
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    You may need:

  • Small amount of green paint
  • Full moon
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    On an evening the full moon is clearly visible, go outside and under its light paint your index finger with green paint. Go to your doorway and above it place your green. Fingerprint while saying:

    "Those who pass beneath
    Have their personal wealth increased"

    Your fingerprint can be in an inconspicuous place if you live in someone else's house or apartment. It dosen't have to be obvious unless you want it to be.

    Added to on Nov 17, 2013
    Last edited on May 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #535 - Wishing Spell

    A spell to help your greatest wish come true. (only use once a day)
    You may need:

  • White Candle
  • Wind
  • Daytime
  • Outdoors
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    You may need:

  • White Candle
  • Wind
  • Daytime
  • Outdoors
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    Light the white candle

    Gods and Goddesses of the ocean flame
    Come to me
    Grant me one wish by the power in me
    So mote it be

    (Imagine your wish coming true as you say the spell)

    Added to on Nov 05, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #536 - Hoodoo Money Candle Spell

    This will get you big money and FAST!! :D
    You may need:

  • 1 Green Chime or Votive Candle
  • Candle holder
  • Honey
  • Sugar
  • Cinnamon ( Grounded )
  • High John Root
  • Tigers eye
  • Money Incense: Money Powder, Frankincense EXT
  • Incense Holder
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    You may need:

  • 1 Green Chime or Votive Candle
  • Candle holder
  • Honey
  • Sugar
  • Cinnamon ( Grounded )
  • High John Root
  • Tigers eye
  • Money Incense: Money Powder, Frankincense EXT
  • Incense Holder
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    Put a SMALL amount of each ingredient in a small mixing bowl: Honey, Sugar and Cinnamon . Mix together until paste forms. Take your candle and carve the rune Fehu on the candle. Then use your finger to rub the paste on the candle from the wick to the bottom and place your candle in the proper candle holder. Light your incense above the candles flame and place in the incense holder. Take a little more paste and place it on your tongue without swallowing Say out loud or in your mind while focusing on the candle: Candle on money magic I ask that you bring me: amount of $, I am not greedy and need this money for: List what you need, I am thankful, so more it be and harm he none. Then place the High John and Tigers eye stone by the candle and incense and let it burn. Bury the rest of the candle and ash in the ground or water.

    Added to on Nov 05, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #537 - Traditional Witches Ladder

    A Witches Ladder is comprised of 3 lengths of material braided together, adding 3 feathers every 3 inches while chanting. The Witches Ladder is one of the most versatile spells ever discovered because there is no specific requirements as far as colors, gems, anything. You need only the strings and feathers, and you can work for anything.
    You may need:

  • 3 cords
  • 3 feathers (1 rooster, 1 raven, 1 pheasant)
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    You may need:

  • 3 cords
  • 3 feathers (1 rooster, 1 raven, 1 pheasant)
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    At midnight within the circle, braid together three cords. Every three inches, add into the braid three feathers: one from a rooster, raven, and pheasant. Visualization and concentration are key.

    With every trio of feathers, picture adding to your spell. The power will grow. While braiding keep your goal in mind, and incant the following:

    "Three by three, times three again,
    Cord and pheasant, raven, hen;
    Bound in braid, by inches three,
    What I conjure, come to me!
    Feathers fly, carry the power,
    By dark of night, the witching hour!
    That this spell will come to pass,
    Three Moons shall this ladder last.
    To be burnt when its' work is done,
    Love, Truth, Joy; three are one!

    When completed, keep the ladder hidden safe for three lunar months. Then it is to be burnt for its' power be done.

    Added to on Nov 04, 2013
    Last edited on Jun 30, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #538 - Money Jar

    This is a jar spell to draw money to you.
    You may need:

  • 1 glass jar with metal lid
  • 1 green candle
  • 1 green ink pen
  • 1 piece of parchment paper
  • A 100 dollar bill or largest currency you can afford
  • 1 black tourmaline stone
  • 1 Tigers eye stone
  • Ginseng root
  • High John the Conquer root
  • Cinnamon powder
  • All spice powder
  • Thyme leaves
  • Patchouli oil
  • A green votive candle
  • A sharks tooth or rose thorn(optional)
  • Frankincense incense
  • Sage smudge stick
  • A green string
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    You may need:

  • 1 glass jar with metal lid
  • 1 green candle
  • 1 green ink pen
  • 1 piece of parchment paper
  • A 100 dollar bill or largest currency you can afford
  • 1 black tourmaline stone
  • 1 Tigers eye stone
  • Ginseng root
  • High John the Conquer root
  • Cinnamon powder
  • All spice powder
  • Thyme leaves
  • Patchouli oil
  • A green votive candle
  • A sharks tooth or rose thorn(optional)
  • Frankincense incense
  • Sage smudge stick
  • A green string
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    This spell Is intended to be cast at midnight. Work with the moon cycle. If its waning, its a spell to banish debts, if its a waxing moon, its a spell to bring wealth. New or full moon cast to draw money.

    Clean your stones in salt water. Charge them by holding them and meditating on them, imagine you are energizing them with your life force. In your mind imagine them glowing in your hands and feel the sensation of the energy in your hands and arms.

    Then smudge your jar and area with the sage. As you do this, focus on cleansing out all negative energy, spirits. Declare the space is free of anything that will interfere with your fortune. Smudge the inside of the jar by letting the smoke wisp up into it.

    To the empty jar, now add the cinnamon powder, the ginseng root, all spice, and thyme.Grind some High john the Conquer into the jar as well. Put the stones in the jar. Now on the parchment write the following.

    "Money money come my way
    fortune and profit be here to stay.
    I command you to full fill my need.
    Of this I do not out of greed.
    For good tidings it is Ill share
    The wealth will expand to those whom I care."

    Now draw a 6 pointed star, like the Star of David. In the far left top point, draw an A. at the top right point, draw an S.At the bottom right point, draw an M. At the bottom point, draw an O, at the bottom left point, draw an N. finish by drawing an eye inside the small top triangle.( like you see on the dollar bill Pyramid).

    Carve dollar signs into the green candle with the sharks tooth, or rose thorn. Anoint it with the patchouli oil.

    At just before midnight, light the frankincense incense on your alter. Meditate on the spell working, envision money coming to you, your needs are taken care of, you have more money then you need. Imagine that you are helping your family and friends and they are appreciative. Imagine an unbroken cycle of wealth and sharing coming full circle as these people are helping others and the money coming back to you, threefold.

    Hold the jar overhead, and and invoke your spirits or the Gods, or Goddesses you patronize. Command them to carry out your bidding. Read the parchment aloud. Now roll it with the money and tie it with the green string. Place in the jar and put the lid on. Light the green candle.

    Added to on Oct 31, 2013
    Last edited on May 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #539 - Fall From the Sky

    Sometimes what falls from the sky is rare sometimes it's not. Use this spell to cause something to fall from the sky.
    You may need:

  • Wand
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    You may need:

  • Wand
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    Go outside and say : "Clouds up high. Grass down low. Make something fall from the sky so mote it be".

    Then point your want to the sky and circle it 5 times. Walk around for a while - if you don't find something you did it wrong or it just takes a while.

    Added to on Oct 26, 2013
    Last edited on May 06, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #540 - Banish Debt Candle Spell

    This spell will banish your debt. It is from this book. I ask that you purchase the ebook from Amazon, this is not propaganda. Spells for Money and Wealth   by Angela Kaelin   Angela Kaelin Copyright © 2011, 2012   Winter Tempest Books Kaelin, Angela (2011-04-03). Spells for Money and Wealth . Winter Tempest Books. Kindle Edition.
    You may need:

  • Paper and pen 3 White or black candles White Sage bundle or Sage oil Green, silver or gold candle Silver coin (preferably a Mercury Head dime) Fireplace, large coffee tin or other safe place to burn a piece of paper Money Drawing Oil Green mojo bag
  • from: Kaelin, Angela (2011-04-0. Spells for Money and Wealth (p. 6. Winter Tempest Books. Kindle Edition.
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    You may need:

  • Paper and pen 3 White or black candles White Sage bundle or Sage oil Green, silver or gold candle Silver coin (preferably a Mercury Head dime) Fireplace, large coffee tin or other safe place to burn a piece of paper Money Drawing Oil Green mojo bag
  • from: Kaelin, Angela (2011-04-0. Spells for Money and Wealth (p. 6. Winter Tempest Books. Kindle Edition.
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    Make a list of all of your debts along with the name of the person or company to whom they are owed.

    Pass the paper and one of the white or black candles through the smoke of the White Sage bundle. Alternatively, anoint the edges of the paper and the candle with Sage oil using a motion away from you.  

    Dim the lights in the room. Then, light the white or black candle and meditate on the flame while you imagine your life without debt. When you feel you have given sufficient energy to these thoughts, take the paper with the debts written on it and burn it while calling upon Hecate, Hades, Pluto, the Norse Goddess of the Underworld Hel or any other Underworld spirit.   As you burn the paper, call upon the spirit by name, as follows: ''N., I call upon your powers to destroy these debts, release their energy from my life and purify them in the earth. Let none be harmed as you bring this problem to a resolution. Bring me wisdom, inspiration and peace. By the power of three times three! So mote it be!''  

    Allow the candle to burn down completely. Repeat this procedure over the course of three nights. After the third night, bury the ashes and the refuse of the three candles off your property or throw it into running water.   On the following Friday or Sunday, preferably on the night of a waxing moon, anoint the green, silver or gold candle with Money Drawing Oil using a motion toward you.

    Light this candle. Afterward, hold the coin above the flame at a safe distance, but where you can see its light from the candle reflecting off of it. Then, place the coin on your altar with the head up.   Address the spirit you are working with, again, saying: ''N., ruler over gold and silver, let this coin be a conduit for your wealth and abundance. Fill my life with all I need and more.''  

    Meditate on your needs being fulfilled and being able to live the life you've always dreamed of in comfort and wealth until the candle burns out.   Bury the remains of the candle in your yard. Place the coin in a mojo bag and carry it with you. Once a month, on a full moon, anoint it with an oil formula for good luck, money or wealth.

    Kaelin, Angela (2011-04-03). Spells for Money and Wealth (p. 68). Winter Tempest Books. Kindle Edition.

    if it works for you can you hook me up with a ferrari?

    Added to on Oct 23, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters