928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters
- Penny for Luck
- Energy spell
- Focus and Concentration
- Brush of Protection
- Lucky Horseshoe Unlocking Ritual
- Water's Money Powder
- Have Visions in your Mind
- The Magic Money Jar
- Sweetener
- Does Your Cush Love You?
#631 - Penny for Luck
Hold it in your hand, getting used to the feel of the penny.
Hold it near your heart.
Hold it near your third eye.
Kiss the hand you hold it with, and say - ''Penny for Luck!''
Throw the penny into the grass, on a fence or on a tree, for the fairies to come and take it away.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#632 - Energy spell
'' Obstet negando efficere positivum impedit negative affirmativus opera
Bona tu accipies tanto tibi prodest malum '' .
More likely to keep some negative at bay away from you but it's only temporarily though and brings positive energy in .
Message me the results chow . LMS
#633 - Focus and Concentration
Shall my mind be ever filled.
Distraction now be quiet, still.
That which ambles shan't make the hill.
The time is ripe to do,
And to continue till its all through,
Quickly and efficiently I shall
Fulfill my own morale.''
If you wish, this can be followed by ''By the power of three, so mote it be'' or any similar finishing phase.
Translations are welcome, too. Message me if you have one.
Like a majority of smaller spells, the wording doesn't need to be exact so long as it sounds right.
#634 - Brush of Protection
Step 1
Decide if you're going to do this one in the morning or in the eveniing...or both!
(HINT: Doing this one in the morning will attract prosperity and good luck into your home...doing it in the evening will bring protection and security to all living in your home...)
Step 2
Lay your toothbrush and toothpaste on the countertop next to your sink.
Step 3
Sprinkle cinnamon powder around your sink so it's half circle around your toothbrush, toothpaste...but is
"open" to you.
Step 4
Place your white candle at the top of the half circle of cinnamon, inside the half circle.
Step 5
Light the candle and clsoe your eyes.
Step 6
If you're doing the spell in the morning say:
"With every stroke of this brush, I attarct more prosperity and luck to this home.
This energy will follow me wherever I roam.
Brush be ready, brush be quick...
Attract what i need and make it stick."
*If you're doing this spell in the evening say:
"With every stroke of this brush, I attract security and protective energy to all in this home.
This energy will follow us wherever we roam.
Safe from tragedy, heartache, and ill.
Brush be swift, cleanse all, then be still."
Step 7
If it's in the morning, as you brush your teeth, visualize a very specific increase in prosperity for you as every day goes by.
Imagine how you'll feel when prosperity begins to find you in subtle and possibly dramatic ways. With each brush stroke, the images in your mind should intensify as if they're already occuring. If it's evening, with each brush stroke imagine a white light in the shape of an egg shell grow in intensity around each living thing in your home. Imagine stones coming at you, and watch them bounce off this protective shield that continues to get brighter...stronger...
Step 8
When you're done, snuff the candle out, DO NOT BLOW! Then clean up as usual and go about your day.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#635 - Lucky Horseshoe Unlocking Ritual
Prepare your altar and cast your magick circle as you would normally do. Put the magnets or lodestones, the horseshoe, and the clover in your drawstring bag. Light the incense and allow the aroma to fill the room.
Light the candles, and as you do say: "Luck comes to me by the powers of three...everything good comes my way, just as i say, so mote it be." Pick up the bag and wave it over the incense three times saying:
"This bag is made,
This charm is done,
Let luck come to me,
In a free-flowing run."
Snuff out the candles and give thanks to the spirits for the successful outcome of the spell. Open your magick circle. Place the bag close to where you sleep at night and luck will begin to flow your way. Then see what happens.
Last edited on Feb 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#636 - Water's Money Powder
You can sprinkle some of this powder in places and objects that represent money and/or places you store your money in. For Example (Piggy Bank or Wallet). I highly suggest you make this potion on a Waxing Moon or New Moon you will get a better result.
#637 - Have Visions in your Mind
Chant the following three times:
"Hear my spell
Hear my cries
Spirits from the other side,
Let me have visions when iI need
To do a very good deed"
When you are done look into a light close your eyes and breathe, then you should see a vision of anything going wrong.
Last edited on Feb 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#638 - The Magic Money Jar
When March winds blow, and skies are bleak and your checking account looks like welfare week. Go to your kitchen with a dash. Find a jar to bring some cash.
Get a tea bag, mint for sure. Brew a cup, you need no more. In your little witch's pot, add vervain, not a lot. In goes dragon's blood and cinque foil. Bring it all to a rolling boil. Mix ingredients, stir it thrice. Cut the heat, throw in some ice.
On paper virgin, write your need. Be specific, ignore the greed. Put the paper in a jar: To bring in riches from afar. Call the Fates, yes all three. Ask them for prosperity. Here's the chant, it's easy now. Take your time to give it power.
"Three great ladies crossed the land
Each held prosperity in their hand
The first said, "She needs some."
The second said, "She has some."
The third said, "There is more to come."
"We turn three times, the way of the Sun.""
Raise your energy, clap three times. Then seal the brew with a magical sign. When it cools, pour in the jar. Close it tight, mark with a star.
A minor magic, I call this: To bring you monetary bliss. For extra punch, choose a planetary hour: Full Moon is good, for extra power. When money comes, thank the Gods. Pour the content on the sod. Return in like the gifts you got. And remember all the blessings brought.
Last edited on Feb 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#639 - Sweetener
Get a mason jar or other type of jar that will allow light in. Place inside of the jar an item belonging to the person, a photo, or a piece of paper signed by them. Also put in a bit of lavender, pennyroyal, scullcap and a small amethyst. Then fill the jar with honey and close the lid. Burn a yellow or orange candle ontop of the jar. The spell is done.
Last edited on Feb 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#640 - Does Your Cush Love You?
Light the match and say:
As I light this match
let it grow
so that it may show
what I do not no.
Then with that match light the candle and say:
If he love's me let me know
This is my will so let it be so
Concentrate on the flames, when you feel your ready to receive the answer blow out the candle and waft the smoke towards you. Be sure your truly ready to receive the answer or it won't work.