928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters
- Paycheck
- Ravenwulf money spell
- Dream Question, Dream Answer
- The Money Rock
- Find your Element
- Enhance Creativity
- Prevent Straying From Tasks
- Money Tree Spell
- An Oil to Attract Money
- A Spell to Say Goodbye to Debt
#691 - Paycheck
Say the following over your paycheck. Or if you have direct diposit, use the direct diposit ticket. "Black moon and white,red moon and gold the fullness of harvest brings riches untold. Energy to matter and force to form my prosperity grows and savings are born. Silver and mercury, knowledge and thought go into each purchase before it is bought. Con men can't see me and theives shy away, my prosperity comes to me each night and day."
Last edited on Jan 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#692 - Ravenwulf money spell
The ink..you can use any ink you wish as long as it is natural...but i use a soot and wine ink..or vinegar.On the parchment with the quill, write your name, write the amout you desire..light the candle and while holding it in your power hand..imagine the money comming into your life..no matter how..just that it is comming!and accept that it is...know that it is believe that it is!..set the candle down, and burn the parchment slowly allowing it to smoke..ask the smoke to deliver your message, your desire, and that no harm come to anyone..by the power of three..so mote it be..
i have used this many times..and i have secretly let it slip to 9 others who have used this....it worked!
#693 - Dream Question, Dream Answer
Dear Aphrodite,
Is this person the right person for me?
Love (whatever)
When the incense is completely burned, pour the ashes on the question. Fold it. Hold it tight in your hands. Close your eyes and say:
''It is an answer that I seek,
In my dreams, I'll take a peek.''
Place the folded paper under your pillow and blow out the candle(s)
NOTE: If you are using magick stones, place them around the alter before doing the spell.
#694 - The Money Rock
When you are ready, light the candle. In the glow of the candle flame, paint money symbols on the rock. As you do this, concentrate on how this rock will bring needed money into your life. After 7 minutes snuff out the candle. Everyday, light the candle for 7 minutes until money appears.
Last edited on Jan 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#695 - Find your Element
I did it and I'm an air element.
#696 - Enhance Creativity
Before attempting this spell: Ensure that your Stab is charged. An uncharged Stab will result in nothing.
Perform the spell to cleanse yourself of evil thoughts. Go outdoors. Grasp the Stab in your non-dominant hand at shoulder level with the bottom resting on the ground. With your dominant hand, grasp your Stab as far down as you can without bending over.
Remove your non-dominant hand from your Stab. Hold your dominant arm straight out in front of you so that the Stab no longer rests onthe ground. Turn the Stab so that the bottom points out directly in front of you.
Recite the following: "Omtts le cwit'ablits altsttice. Mzhyors lyi cwiti psi." (Prn. oh-ma-tees' (a nasal, s as in pass) lae quee-thahb-lee-thaes' (th's as in path, s as in pass), ahl-thihs'-tee-cae (th as in path). Mazh-yor-ahs' (zh like s in pleasure, s as in pass) lyee quee'-thee (th as in path) pa'-zee (a nasal).)
Keep the Stab elevated for at least 5 minutes.
Possible Effects
- Severe loss of creativity for eight to ten months (possibly up to two years), after which creativity will return extremely slowly, but will never return fully.
- Loss of individuality for several weeks.
- Inability to think for yourself for several days.
- Inability to communicate for several days.
- Inability to figure things out for several months.
- Severely decreased IQ for several months, after which IQ will slowly return but will never fully return.
Last edited on Jan 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#697 - Prevent Straying From Tasks
Ensure that your Stab is charged. Using a Stab that is not charged will result in nothing. Place the bottom end of the Stab on the dirt or rock surface. Because stone is resolute, it will help focus your energy in this spell. The Stab is needed to successfully transfer your energy into the rock or dirt in a way that allows it to increase the resolve of your spell.
Hold the Stab at a point at shoulder level. Concentrate on the task you need to complete. Recite the following: "Cwo neeito côpletál cwest gol sâz divversív." (Prn: Quo nae-chae-shee'-toh co-plae-tahl' (o nasal) quest gohl sats (a nasal) dee-vare-zeeb')"
Possible effects of an ineffective cast include:
- Inability to concentrate for several days
- Lowered mental capacities for several days
- Decreased IQ for several days
- Inability to carry a conversation for several days
- Decreased creativity for several days
- Decreased logical abilities for several days
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#698 - Money Tree Spell
Last edited on May 16, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#699 - An Oil to Attract Money
Last edited on Apr 05, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#700 - A Spell to Say Goodbye to Debt
Debt begone
lickety split,
dept begone
before I spit.
Then take the five pentacles or whatever objects symbolizing your debt and and pass it through the candle flames until it catches fire. Let it burn to ashes in the empty bowl. Pitch out the candle's flame, then toss out the candle. On the next new moon, bury the ashes far from your home.