928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters
- Morning Spell
- The Orange Envelope Spell
- Mermaid Spell
- Money Jar
- Draconic Fire
- Money Drawing Spell
- Avoid Falling While Ice Skating
- Necklace Wishing
- Make Luck Charm
- Joyful Candle Spell
#761 - Morning Spell
Concentrate on the time you want to wake up- like say in your head the time and concentrate on it. Whisper ''So mote it be.''
Go to bed.
Then you should wake up at that time. D
#762 - The Orange Envelope Spell
Green; the colour of Nature, this leaf i did pluck
And as this leaf is green, please bring me luck.
And harm none, so mote it be.
~ With the leaf still in your power hand, pick up the flower in the same hand:
Yellow flower in Earth did grow,
On me, please, good luck bestow.
And harm none, so mote it be.
~ Now the blue flower while still holding the leaf and yellow flower:
Colour of Spirit at your behest
I ask by this spell that i be blessed.
And harm none, so mote it be.
~ Place the three in the bowl, and as sprinkling the dirt over them, say:
As I sprinkled with Mother's soil
May I remember that I still
Must work hard and I must toil
if I am to have my will.
And harm none, so mote it be.
~ Focus on the bowl and repeat the last invocation twice more, seeing yourself gaining luck. once you feel it is fully charged, pour the contents in the orange envelope and place it somewhere where it will not be disturbed. Whenever you feel you need more luck, take it out, hold it between your hands [like you're praying] and focus on the luck aiding you. Be sure to thanks the deities for the luck you have gained from this spell.
#763 - Mermaid Spell
Wear a symbol the whole time ( A symbol is a neclace or braclet )
Here's the Spell
Spirts of the deep,
I wish too be a mermaid
with the tail color of _____ ( pick a tail color )
And the powers of three.
Say 10x's in the bath tub at night and the Moon has to be full.
At blank say what color tail you want.
#764 - Money Jar
Place all items into the bottle, put the lid on tight, shake for five minutes, chanting:
"Copper glow and silver shine
Amongst all others, make wealth mine.
And it harm none, so mote it be".
Leave the bottle either on your alter, or where you leave your wallet or purse or change for 5 days then bury it as close as possible to the house.
Last edited on May 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#765 - Draconic Fire
First, take the water, and make a circle according to the size of your fire. Then, take the bones, and place them together, with some wood. Now, light the fire, making sure it stays inside the circle ( if it doesn't, the spell will fail.) Then, write the name of the place, person, or object you wish to see. Now, write it in Latin, as Latin is very good for spells. Then, fold the paper into a square, a very small square. And drop it into the fire ( making sure the fire still stays within the circle, not even an ash can escape!) Now chant, "Invisos dimencialis cortilium serchaes!" and look deep into the fire, and will the object to be seen.
Last edited on Oct 24, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#766 - Money Drawing Spell
''With each swing of this string, my money will multiply by ten''
After you finish tying the string, place the green candle on a small plate. Place the dollar near the candle, but make sure no wax drips on the dollar, I recomend putting the candle in the middle of the plate and placing the dollar on one of the edges of the plate. Light the candle and say:
''With each flicker of the candle's flame, my money will multiply by five.''
Now, let the candle burn until it's finished. If the candle's flame goes out quickly, it means the spell took a shorter time to take effect. The money will likely be given to you by a person. The money can also be found on the floor.
I hope the spell works for you. Blessings~
Last edited on Aug 04, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#767 - Avoid Falling While Ice Skating
1. Look over this a few times just to make sure you have the flow right.
"Goddess of balance
Yin and Yang
Give me the balance to ice skate
Let me glide
Don't let me side
And fall
I need to soar
It is my will
So mote it be."
This can be changed to roller state.
Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#768 - Necklace Wishing
Put the necklace on. Go through your normal day without touching the necklace!!! Keep looking down to see if the clasp is at the front. If it is totally at the front, then make a wish, and put the clasp back to the back. When it comes back to the front, then your with should become granted!
Last edited on Oct 23, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#769 - Make Luck Charm
First make a pentagam (can draw, paint, etc.) now lay your object in the middle of it. Make sure there is moonlight on it. Now stare at it and chant three times "Oh, (personal deity name) I call to thea, this item I need for good luck this day; everyday. for good luck be to all around (object name) so that the users may be lucky. This is my will. so mote it be."
Last edited on Oct 23, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#770 - Joyful Candle Spell
Happiness and joy come into my life
Away with anger, stress and strife
I am happy, I am free
No more negativity
Pass your hands through the warmth of the flames (preferably without burning yourself). Leave the candles to burn down on their own.