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928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 928 Wealth Spells
928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 928 Wealth Spells
  1. Protection Spell using the Power of the Sun
  2. Money
  3. Money Tree
  4. Smart Spell
  5. See the Future
  6. Good Luck Law
  7. Become a Mermaid
  8. Get an A+ Spell
  9. Lucky Day
  10. Simple Money

#901 - Protection Spell using the Power of the Sun

Protection spell using the fire element.
You may need:

  • Standing in sunlight
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    You may need:

  • Standing in sunlight
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    Just a simple protection spell using the Fire element.
    Chant 3 times while standing in sunlight and focusing your mind on the sun :

    .The immortal fire will always shine.

    .Fire of the sun I shall make you mine.

    .Protection is now my desire.

    .Make the flames now more brighter.

    .Burn away my misery and fear.

    .All evil shall vanish and disappear.

    .Light and warmth shall protect me.

    .One, two, three, so mote it be.

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    #902 - Money

    A spell to get money.
    You may need:

  • 1 Green candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 Green candle
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    Stare at the green candle. Think of gold, think of money, think of coins. Anything that has to do with money.

    Now imagine that money is coming to you like your body is sucking it in. Then imagine your body gleam that color. Replay this a few times in your head, then say:

    "Money is powerful, money is mine. Money for me, none for thee. On the ground in the sky. Money will be all mine. Money is every where. Now make me take it from there."

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    #903 - Money Tree

    Need money? cast this spell.
    You may need:

  • Green candle anointed w/ pine oil.
  • 1 Tablespoon Sweet basil (In right hand)
  • Pine Incense (Pass the basil over the altar candles and the green candle and incense 3 times and sprinkle basil around the green candle.)
  • Green Silk Pouch
  • White altar candles anointed w/ sandalwood oil
  • 5 pennies (4 old, 1 new)
  • Salt Water
  • Orange candle annointed w/ basil oil
  • Parchment
  • Pine Incense
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    You may need:

  • Green candle anointed w/ pine oil.
  • 1 Tablespoon Sweet basil (In right hand)
  • Pine Incense (Pass the basil over the altar candles and the green candle and incense 3 times and sprinkle basil around the green candle.)
  • Green Silk Pouch
  • White altar candles anointed w/ sandalwood oil
  • 5 pennies (4 old, 1 new)
  • Salt Water
  • Orange candle annointed w/ basil oil
  • Parchment
  • Pine Incense
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    On a waxing moon, set the altar in the east of your circle. This will need to be left up for a full waxing cycle. You will need easy access to a door. Take a new penny in your hand, Circle the altar deosil (clockwise) and say:

    "Bring to me what I see By thy power, Hecate."

    Spin rapidly deosil and go outside and toss the new penny in the air. Wherever it lands, bury all 5 pennies, saying:

    "I give thee money - Hecate
    Return to me prosperity.
    I give thee five
    Return by three
    As I will
    So mote it be."

    Return to your altar and snuff out the candles. Next week, at the same day and time, return to your altar with your talisman bag and the parchment. Light the orange candle. Visualize money flowing onto the altar. Unearth the coins and bring them to the altar. Wash them in the chalice water to purify them. Pass them through the incense smoke and the fire from the orange candle. Place each coin in the talisman pouch, old coins first. Add nine pieces of rock salt, close the mouth of the talisman pouch and face east and say:

    "Bring to me what I see
    By thy power Hecate.
    Altar power Must it be
    Earth and Air,
    Fire and Sea
    Bring to me What I see
    By thy power Hecate."

    Place the bag inside your clothing and wear it every day for 7 days. Leave it on your altar every night visualizing prosperity. On the 7th day, hide it in the eastern portion of your house.

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    Last edited on Dec 23, 2015
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    #904 - Smart Spell

    Is your IQ low? Well? This Spell will make you Smart.. enjoy!
    You may need:

  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Concentration
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    ''Spirits, send the words from all across the land, Allow me to absorb them through the touch of either hand, For 24 hours, from 7 to 7, I will understand all meanings Of the words, from here to heaven.'' If you give the best concentration on this spell then this should work,! ♥BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE♥

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    #905 - See the Future

    To see the future.
    You may need:

  • Glass Ball
  • Meditating Mat
  • And A clear mind
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    You may need:

  • Glass Ball
  • Meditating Mat
  • And A clear mind
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    Sit on the meditating mat. Clear your head. Next think deeply what the future may look like. Then look deeply into the crystal ball. If you see a swirling pink cloud try to make something out of it. And there is the future.

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    #906 - Good Luck Law

    A law of the universe about luck.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    A law of life is the law of compensation:

    If you do good, good will come. Conversely, if you do bad, bad will come.

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    #907 - Become a Mermaid

    As it says.
    You may need:

  • Bathtub with water in it
  • Swimsuit
  • You
  • Your Voice
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    You may need:

  • Bathtub with water in it
  • Swimsuit
  • You
  • Your Voice
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    First put your swimsuit on. Then get in the bathtub and say mermaid if your a girl and say:

    "Merman if you are a boy."

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    #908 - Get an A+ Spell

    This will most likely grant you the power to get a 90%-100%; no side effects have been reported. If there are, please tell me.
    You may need:

  • The day before the test (it lasts only 24 hours)
  • Your textbook
  • A strong voice
  • A mind
  • A pencil
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    You may need:

  • The day before the test (it lasts only 24 hours)
  • Your textbook
  • A strong voice
  • A mind
  • A pencil
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    This spell is a bit easy, meditation might be needed, but that's optional. Now please read on.

    First off, you MUST study your textbook or the spell can't work, that's what the textbook is for!

    After studying, this spell will just make you remember everything you've just studied. Trust me, no matter how hard you try or look, there's no shortcut to learn everything. I've tried.

    Anyways, hold the pencil in your hand. Close your eyes and imagine your classroom where the test is in. Imagine NOBODY in there, but you have a paper on your desk saying anything between 90%-100% (any number between those will do, but that won't be the grade you get most likely).

    Now open your eyes. Stare at the pencil and CONCENTRATE. Now say the following chant:

    ''With this pencil I hold in my hand,
    My grade will be juicy, not yet bland.
    This spell I provoke will force an A.
    If not an A, I cannot play.
    The time is right,
    The time is true.
    Tomorrow at school,
    My grade will be like glue.
    From 90-100,
    The spell will last.
    Now this is the spell I cast.
    With this pencil I grant it to thee,
    So mote it be,
    Mote it be.''

    This is as many times as you'd like. It will grant you an A on your next test, but really, this just helps you remember everything you've just studied. If it doesn't work, please notify me.

    ALSO! VERY IMPORTANT!!! You MUST use the pencil you've just enchanted on the test, or else it won't work!

    **I have no time to define the spell. The time I finished this I had to go. Sorry; I'll get back to it!

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    #909 - Lucky Day

    This will make you lucky for a 24 hours period, but has no guarantee.
    You may need:

  • Patience
  • Concentration
  • A Straight Face
  • A Voice
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    You may need:

  • Patience
  • Concentration
  • A Straight Face
  • A Voice
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    First off, you might want to do my meditation ritual, but that is optional.

    Next, close your eyes. Think of the worst thing that could possibly happen to you today. Maybe you'll get beat up at school, or you'll get fired from you job. Just trust me on this, BAD THOUGHTS.

    Now open your eyes and say the following chant:

    ''Thoughts of misery,
    Thoughts of despair.
    I will force them all to tear.
    Thoughts of happiness,
    Thoughts of love.
    Make me luckier than a dove.''

    Simple as that, but I have no guarantee this will work. Also for confusion of the chant, here's a definition of it:

    The first 2 lines explain to luck what might happen.
    The line after that tells luck that it will all disappear.
    The next 2 lines explain how your day will now be.
    The last line explains how lucky you will be.

    And to also say, this could backfire. The dove that luck has set you upon might have died or been shot, so that will most likely cause bad luck, or if you're lucky, the spell won't work. You can NOT do this again after you've already done it in a 24 hour period. After 24 hours, you can do it again.

    Also the dove luck has set on might already be dead before you've said the chant, so in that case you will most likely have it not work, and a less change of a backfire.

    I wish you luck!

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    #910 - Simple Money

    This spell will not make money fly out of nowhere. You'll probably find money on the ground, somebody could give it to you, you could win a contest, etc.
    You may need:

  • One or two green candles
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    You may need:

  • One or two green candles
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    Stare at the green candle. Think of gold, think of money, think of coins. Anything that has to do with money.Now imagine that money coming to you, like your body is sucking it in. Imagine your body gleam that color. Replay this a few times in your head, then say:

    "Money is powerful. Money is mine. Money for me. None for thee. On the ground. In the sky. Money will be all mine."

    This may or may not work, depending on how hard you're trying. But don't overdo this, if it doesn't work, obviously... it doesn't work. Try this one time, if that doesn't work, try it one more time, if it doesn't work then, stop. You're wasting valuable time, or you're probably just stressed. Be relaxed when saying this, I have heard of no backfires recently, but this spell isn't highly suggested.

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    928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters