Pen, black, silver, or that matches the candle color
Piece of paper
Glass bowl with water OR
Glass dish, with a bag of salt handy
You may need:
3 white candles
2 candles that are a color related to your wish
Pen, black, silver, or that matches the candle color
Piece of paper
Glass bowl with water OR
Glass dish, with a bag of salt handy
Use this guide to find what color candle you need that is related to your wish.
Light these candles in a star shape, with 1 white candle at the top, then the other 2 white candles at the bottom of the star. The 2 colored candles should be the middle prongs of the star. Place the plate or offering bowl in the center of these, and light the candles clockwise starting from the bottom left candle.
Write your wish on the piece of paper, with the pen. Try to keep the paper small since you will be burning it and burnt paper smells like your house is on fire.
After writing your wish, fold the paper up and hold it, concentrating and visualizing your wish coming true, and saying the following chant
''On this sheet my wish be told
No aspect of my heart withhold
For this I need quick fruition
So that my life may match my vision''
Then, light the paper on fire just for a bit, and either dunk it into the bowl of water to extinguish it, or drop it on the glass dish and pour salt on top of it to put the flame out. Alternately, you can just let it burn out on its own if you really want.
It will help if you can have something to represent the other elements as well. A bowl of water, or an oil diffuser with oil/water for water, incense for air, salt or crystals for the earth, and the candles which are fire.
After the paper is burnt out you can do whatever with it, throw it out or bury it outside if you wish. Let the incense and oil diffuser if you started them finish burning/diffusing, the candles can be blown out and kept for another spell. The salt can be reused or thrown out whichever you prefer. If you would like you can meditate on the thought of your wish coming true as the incense and oil diffuser finish up.
You will accumulate a high amount a wealth in the distant future.
You may need:
4 short green candles
1 wand/magic charm (non flamable)
crescent moon
a 1 dollar bill
You may need:
4 short green candles
1 wand/magic charm (non flamable)
crescent moon
a 1 dollar bill
Line up the 4 candles in a half circle. Light the them 1 by 1 from left to right. Wave your wand in a half circle on each candle. The tip must touch the flame. Take the scorched wand and touch the bill in the direct middle. For every second the wand touches it, you will gain 100 dollars in the distant future.