987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters
- Make an Ice Amulet
- Planet Control
- Fire dancing spell
- water energy
- Acute Fire Manipulation
- Temperature spell
- Stop the Rain and Summon the Sun Spell (tested)
- Create a Snow Storm *TESTED*
- Fire
- Winds
#141 - Make an Ice Amulet
Through this ENTIRE spell, you shall think of cold ice, snow, and mountains... think of your desire to gain ice powers... think of what you'll do when you do. You shall not release these thoughts from your mind until the cup is in the freezer, and you will think these thoughts again when you remove the cup from the freezer.
Also, through the spell, feel the Magick inside of you flowing out into the pendant and water/ice as you say the words.
Hold the pendant in your cupped hands, gently. Now say quietly:
''Gemstone before me,
You have all the Magick.
You have power, not sin.
Your power shall grow,
And let it be so,
Ice magic shall rise within.''
Now imagine a cold wind blowing.
Now gently drop the pendant into the cup, and watch closely as it sinks. As it does so, imagine skating on ice.
While it rests in the water, say these words:
''Gemstone before me,
Feel the cold, cold Magick.
Feel the chilling ice you are in.
Your power shall grow,
And let it be so,
Ice magic shall form within.''
As you say these words, imagine laying in soft, soothing snow.
Now stir the mix, and think of a blizzard swirling around you. Say the chant:
''Gemstone before me,
Feel the icy, cold Magick.
Freeze into the Ice you are in.
Your power shall grow,
And let it be so,
Ice magic shall form within.''
Stop stirring and say ''Rest well.''
Now gently put the cup in the freezer around 11:55 P.M.
Wait wishfully until 12:25 A.M. to take it out. As you do, say:
''Gemstone before me,
Feel the cold, cold Magick.
Feel the chilling Ice you are in.
Your power shall grow,
And let it be so,
Ice magic shall form within.
Imagine a battle between Ice and Fire. Ice is winning.
Set the cup down gently. Watch closely as it melts and say this chant:
''Gemstone before me,
Feel the cold, cold Magick.
Feel the chilling ice you are in.
You were born for power, not sin.
Your power shall grow,
And let it be so,
Ice magic shall rise within.''
Repeat quietly until it is melted. Now remove the pendant. Hold the pendant in your cupped hands, gently. Now say quietly:
''Gemstone before me,
Feel the cold, cold Magick.
Feel the chilling Ice within.
Your power shall grow,
And let it be so,
Ice magic shall rise within.''
Put your pendant on the string as well as any extra beads you may desire. Tie the string, and put it around your neck.
Congratulations, you are now an Ice Mage! Wearing your new amulet will introduce you to your powers. If you wear the necklace enough, you may even be able to capture your Ice Magick powers without it around your neck!
-Side Effects (while wearing amulet)-
Feeling too hot in warm temperatures
Feeling more introverted
Paler skin
Lighter/brighter eyes
Colder skin/blood
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#142 - Planet Control
The first thing you must do is to decide whether you think your casters should all be in one place, or be scattered around the globe. I suggest the latter.
Next, you must all latch your powers onto the sun. If you have enough power and accuracy, you could use the fields instead of the sun. Fields are what electrons are made of. Apoogies if this insults your beliefs, but since you are not trying this, it shouldn't matter.
Once latched on to something solid (fixed in the universe), you can push and pull on the forces to meet your requirements.
I would say something now, but all I'll say is:
#143 - Fire dancing spell
light the candle , than put your hand over the flame and say ''fire fire bow down to me go ahead and bend to my will , SO MOTE IT BE
Last edited on Apr 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#144 - water energy
''water,water,lend me your energy, so mote it be!''
#145 - Acute Fire Manipulation
Light the lighter or strike the match. While hovering your hand near the flames, chant: "Hephaestus, god of fire, I beg thee to help me control this element of destruction. So mote it be."
Try various hand gestures to manipulate the size of the flame. Repeat all steps until a change in the flame's size occurs.
Last edited on Jan 03, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#146 - Temperature spell
And also the opposite
As cold as ice as cold as snow make this (object)'s temperature lower
#147 - Stop the Rain and Summon the Sun Spell (tested)
Also, this is not only the first spell I wrote, but it's the first spell I cast too! And also the first spell that I know 100% works!!
#148 - Create a Snow Storm *TESTED*
1. Write on the paper in big letters in the center SNOW
2. Write in smaller letters above SNOW 'I wish for'
3. Write in smaller letters below SNOW 'It shall be'
4. Pray to whomever it would concern and request snow (OPTIONAL)
5. Imagine energy slowing from you to the sky, enforcing it and filling it with snow (Do outdoors for better chances
6. Place cup of water to the side for emergencies
7. Light the paper on fire and drop it into the bowl (USE FIRE SAFETY)
8. Let it burn completely. Relight if required
9. Throw the ashes outside towards the sky
10. Imagine energy flowing from you to the sky again, imagining the sky filling with snow and energy.
#149 - Fire
Concentrate on your hands, do your best to block out un-needed thoughts. Say as quitely or loudly as you want,"Flaming, flaming, sparks in the air. Spearding, spreading, like wildfire.The power of this, come to me, before the sparks settle for no-one to see."
Last edited on Jan 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#150 - Winds
Use your hand in a fluid motion of your choice. Feel the Air lacing on your fingertips. And practice.
Last edited on Jan 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.