987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters
- Candle in the Wind Prediction
- Summon Cold
- Summoning Heat
- Heal A Burn
- Flame
- Storm Jar
- Warmth
- Circle of Rage
- Burn
- Potion of Protecting
#251 - Candle in the Wind Prediction
Find a night when there is no moonlight shining. Sit down on the bare earth and stick your white candle down in the ground. Feel free to go outside earlier and sit upon the earth for 5-10 minutes or so. This allows you to just relax your mind and feel the earths energy all around you. right when it turns 11:10 PM, speak aloud your wish so the earth and wind will hear you. Let the earth and wind decide the wish prediction in complete silence until the next minute comes. Right when it turns 11:11 PM, light the white candle. Focus on the candles light and your wish. If the wind. Doesn't blow out the candle by 11:13 PM, then your wish will come true. If the wind does blow out the candle by 11:13 PM, it is a sign from the wind that your wish will not come true. No matter the outcome, be sure to thank the wind for its answer because it knows best.
Last edited on Sep 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#252 - Summon Cold
Open your mind to the world around you, close your eyes, and think icy things.
Once you feel you are ready, chant: "I summon the ice from around my being, the frostiness beyond my seeing. I bring the ice from inside my soul to add to this icy cold. This is my will, so mote it be." you are chanting, imagine the cold as blue energy and direct some into your body. Do not direct too much, or you will end up freezing. If the spell works, you should feel chilled.
Last edited on Sep 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#253 - Summoning Heat
Close your eyes and imagine flames, fire, and heat. Say: "Fire burning within myself; banish the cold from my fingertips. This is my will, so mote it be." During the spell, you should feel a sense of warmth come over you. When you are done speaking, the spell should be complete. There are no known side effects. But, like any spell, it takes a bit of energy and belief for it to truly work. However, this spell only works if you are trying to warm up your body, it doesn't work on objects.
Last edited on Sep 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#254 - Heal A Burn
- Place the towels in front of you.
- Next, light the candles.
- Fill the bowl with the water.
- Cut the aloe leaf and use the juices in the water.
- Dump the water on the burn.
- It may burn a lot but it will heal fast.
Last edited on Mar 19, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#255 - Flame
Gather some magic into your body and say these words. "Fire fire do my bidding, do not just stay there sitting. Fire fire make my will, do not just stay still." Fire should be summoned to do your bidding.
Last edited on Sep 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#256 - Storm Jar
Pour your water into your jar, again storm water is preferred for added chaotic energies. When you're pouring your water in, visualize that you're pulling the rain from the heavy clouds and putting them into the jar.
For added umph I've always added a little dish soap to my bottles so I can see the little twister swirl around and the bubbles get blown around in my water made winds. This is completely optional though!
Go outside when the conditions are right: Higher humidity, not too dry out because you really won't get what you want with dry air. Give the jar a whirl and ask for a storm. Do you work with Zeus, Thor or any other thunder god? Ask them for help bringing a little light and rumble to your rain show. It never hurts. The stronger the shake, the harder rain storm you will get. Do this a few times and when you notice the weather changing it means you channeled it. Give your jar a break for a few days and sit down to enjoy your storm.
A word of caution: It looks like a little twister and when I was young I made the mistake of playing with my storm jar during a thunderstorm I already called. Bad idea. Tornado sirens! Thankfully nothing actually touched down, that's why I never use this when a storm is already rolling in.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#257 - Warmth
It is very easy all you have to do is visulize yourself getting warm and say: "I am warm warm as fire being warm is my desire."
Last edited on Sep 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#258 - Circle of Rage
First, arrange The candles into a pentagram. Second, light all the red candles using the purple candle. Third, place the purple candle in the center.
Then chant:
"Circle of Fire. Circle of rage.
On this night I turn a new page,
increase my power ten fold,
turn me into a mold.
On this night of the moon of blood
Turn everyone's blood to mud.
Make me pure and powerful
Oh goddess this is my wish after this chant weakness Shal be dismissed.
Please grant this wish goddess.
Mote it be."
Last edited on Sep 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#259 - Burn
Say: "You've burned me now I burn you."
Last edited on May 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#260 - Potion of Protecting
Pour water into a container. Take as many leaves as the age you are (17 yrs old - 17 leaves). Crumple up the leaves and put them into the container. Add the pumpkin seeds (17 yrs - 17 pumpkin seeds). Let that sit for a couple minutes (17 yrs - 17 minutes).
Light the candle with the match. Let the candle burn (17 yrs - 17 minutes). Add the rock in. Add the personal item in. Add in the apple seeds. Pour liquid into small necklace vial and wear it a long as you want to be protected or keep it in the container as long as you want to be protected (17 days - keep it 17 days).
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.