987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters
- Rose petals on the wind
- sun and moon handsome
- fire making spell
- Magic Sun Beauty Spell
- Some military for karate woods
- Spell To Summon Rain
- Sun spell
- Make it snow
- To Cleanse an Object
- Rain summoning
#21 - Rose petals on the wind
Write your wish on a whole dried rose petal with the marker. It can be for money, a certain item, love etc. Do not be too specific.
Toss the petal out of doors so the wind, eventually, will take it.
This is like bay leaf petitions except rose petals are used and air is worked with rather than fire. This can be adapted. You could bury or burn the petal depending on the element you wish to use.
#22 - sun and moon handsome
If you worship the sun and moon during the day and night time and let both their light hit your face, a man will be handsome for a short period of time.
Last edited on Aug 17, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#23 - fire making spell
Last edited on Jul 20, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#24 - Magic Sun Beauty Spell
Walk out in the sun with water and flower of choice. Sit down and chant 6 times,"Oh Magic mother sun, created great beauty you have done, however I wish to change, may you change me in a reasonable time range." Next sprinkle water on flower and take a deep breath. Then 2 times say "Magic may I have (wished color of eyes/hair/skintone) and (hair texture) in a week or 3." Then put flower in water sprinkling it in a circle around you. You should notice changes in a few weeks.
Note: Don't ingest any materials.
Last edited on Jul 14, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#25 - Some military for karate woods
This spell is simple. Just throw some military stuff like flags and swords in the woods, and the woods will give you karate stuff back. Just give the woods some military flags or swords not all.
Last edited on Apr 02, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#26 - Spell To Summon Rain
In order to cast the spell you must say the spell while filling the container with water . Make sure it is cloudy so it may work faster.
Say as much as you need to.
Here's the spell :
From the clouds up above , to this [the container you are holding]. I summon thee to rain [for how long you want it to]. I asketh of thee to fall on my command . By the powers invested within me may this spell come to pass.
Last edited on Apr 02, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#27 - Sun spell
On a sunny day, go outside and light the candle. Look through the quartz and whisper:
"The sun today shall appear again on (day you want it to be sunny).
It will burn bright and be the color of my candle.
It will shine and be stronger than (weather that you think is going to be on that day).
The sun shall come."
Look through the quartz at the sunny sky. Don't look at the sun, obviously. Just look at the blue sky and the clouds. Imagine the sun appearing again on the day you want it to.
Last edited on Jun 27, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#28 - Make it snow
Put water in bowl. Say: The origin of snow is cold.
Add salt. Say: Its salty taste.
Add glitter. Say: The glittery glow
Add fur. Say: As white as snow
Add the touch of white. Say: A little of this and now we go!
As you say and add, wave your wand over your potion. Now go outside and dump it over your grass as spread out as you can. Then say a spell that you made up that ask's for snow and plea for it. Do not do something like this:
Please, please, please, please make it snow. I beg for it PLEASE! Oh lord make it snow! Here is mine:
Oh make it snow it is what I want, oh make it snow over the front. Snow is my only wish a blizzard is fine. So mote it be!
You can try my spell but it might not work. This spell won't work for all just some. Since I am a beginner it might have only worked for me. Tell me in comments if it worked and enjoy snow if you get it!
Witch Noelle
#29 - To Cleanse an Object
- Set up an uncluttered space with direct sunlight in the early afternoon.
- Put incense burner in the middle of said space.
- Place objects around it (of a single type/purpose).
- Clear your mind.
- Light incense.
- Pass objects though smoke.
- Say incantation as you pass each object through (in whispy voice).
- Set objects around incense.
- Use feather to fan smoke around objects.
- Continue the chant (speak in a breathy manner).
- Half way through, close eyes and visualize the smoke carrying away the old energy.
- Let thoughts of fresh, clean air, gratitude and significance of the spirit of air wash over you.
"Energy Erase.
Negativity Negate.
Cleansed as you are.
Pure as I will.
Blank slate integrate!"
Last edited on Apr 08, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#30 - Rain summoning
Channeling your emotions will help, try to control them though.
Say this once: Drip, drop.
Plip, plop.
Let a rain fall.
Once and for all.
A thin drizzle is all I plead.
So mote it be.
Last edited on Jul 20, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.