7 Luck Spells from The Air Element
- Bay Leaf Banishing
- Wishing Jars
- Charm Sachet: Love
- Luck and Money
- Faery Infusion
- Quartz and Candle Spell
- True Heart Wish
#1 - Bay Leaf Banishing
Go to a stream or river. Sit down and take a moment to focus on the issue or issues in your life. Write your wish on a bay leaf. Either wishing to be rid of a problem issue in your life or a problematic person.
Hold the leaf in your hands and focus on your wish. Focus on the problem issue or person. As you do, gently rub your fingers on the bay leaf and visualize it absorbing the issue.
When you are ready, toss the leaf into the water, symbolically and quite literally releasing your wish into the universe, and as you watch it slowly drift away, focus on the problem being carried away with it. Say the following:
"I release my problems.
They will plague me no more.
No longer will they have a place in my life.
Let them be washed away, like my wish,
As it is carried away upon the bay."
Last edited on Dec 04, 2019
Part of the The Air Element Library.
#2 - Wishing Jars
Before casting this spell, meditate on your wish, or what exactly it is that you would like this spell to bring into your life.
When you are ready, slowly add the items into the jar, and visualize each one helping to bring your wish into manifestation. You can also say a small chant or statement associated with what it is you want.
For example, if I was doing this spell to attract a lover, I would add in rose petals, violets, paper hearts, and a slip of paper listing the qualities of the ideal lover that I wanted to attract. (Remember to be very specific with what it is you want, but do not name an actual person, in this case.) I would visualize each of these things helping me find the man or woman that had these qualities.
When you are done filling the jar, place the lid on it and tie the ribbon around the lid, now place your candle on top, and focus on your wish. Meditate on it and visualize your wish as clearly as possible, now take the second sheet of paper and burn it in the candles flame. As the paper burns, know that your will has been released into the universe.
You can repeat this daily (I do it as long as I feel it is needed), or until your wish starts to manifest.
Also keep in mind that you will need to take steps to help your wish along its way. For example, if you are doing this for love, try to get out more to meet new people, or work on kindling a relationship with someone you already know or have feelings for. If you do not take action, chances are your spell will not be able to help you much.
Last edited on Feb 05, 2019
Part of the The Air Element Library.
#3 - Charm Sachet: Love
On the drawstring bag, or pink cloth depending on what you're using, draw the symbol of two hearts touching. Then, take the pen and use it to write down the qualities you are looking for in a significant other, on the sheet of paper. Be as specific as possible here. Do not visualize a specific individual, just focus on finding someone with the qualities you desire.
Now, place the paper into the bag and slowly add in the herbs. As you do, visualize the herbs charging the bag with your intent and say the following:
"Roses, anise, cinnamon, bring me love, companionship, and all that which I desire. I seek love, and so love I shall find. Love shall be mine."
Say this as you put all of the herbs into the bag, then slowly tie it shut. Take several moments to visualize and focus on what it is that you want, the type of individual that you want, etc.
Also keep in mind that this will not work instantly, nor will it drop some random stranger into your lap. This is to help you find someone that has the qualities you're seeking, and that can take time. Be patient and let your spell do its work.
Last edited on Feb 09, 2019
Part of the The Air Element Library.
#4 - Luck and Money
To start with, anoint your candle with the peppermint oil. Visualize the oil charging your candle with a green energy. Now, visualize this energy drawing in money or financial profit.
Place the candle at the center of the green piece of paper. Around its edges draw money symbols or other symbols that represent what you want this spell to draw in. When you are finished slowly sprinkled the herbs around the edges of the symbols and candle. Visualize these herbs and symbols helping to further charge your spell with your intent.
Now, take the white sheet of paper and write down what exactly it is that you want. Visualize yourself having the money that you need, etc. When you are done, light the candle and close your eyes. Continue to visualize your desire, your intent. As you do so, slowly chat:
"Money, luck, I draw you in. May my worries be forgotten. May I get what I need."
Chant this as you continue to visualize your goal, Visualize your words doing exactly what it is that you are saying. Focus on them bringing you what you need. Then, when you feel you are ready, open your eyes and burn the sheet of paper that you wrote your intent on. As it burns, visualize this action sending your will out into the universe to bring you what you need.
Keep in mind, this will not drop money into your lap or have you seeing results the next day. It will bring you what you need, in time. Be patient. To help strengthen your spell, you can repeat it for as long as you need to.
Last edited on Jul 06, 2019
Part of the The Air Element Library.
#5 - Faery Infusion
In a mortar and pestle crush up the mint and lavender, add the drop of honey suckle oil and leave to dry. Once dry, place the mixture into a teabag. Place your teabag into a mug, jar, container or anything else that can hold hold water. Pour hot water over the teabag and leave for 2-3 hours. Once the water is fully infused with the lavender and mint you can remove your teabag.
Pour your on a flower in your garden or a house hold plant. This should attract fae. "Why would I want fae I my garden?" You may ask, fae are spirits of nature and will add energy to your plants and help them grow. It has been said that faeries can pollinate plants. A few signs that the infusion worked and faeries have entered are: seeing ladybugs around your garden, feeling a presence when around your flowers/plants and an increase in butterflies and bees.
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the The Air Element Library.
#6 - Quartz and Candle Spell
For this spell you will need a quartz crystal and a candle associated with your intent. It is also helpful to perform this spell on a day who's properties are associated with your intent, though you don't necessarily have to(I have provided a list of candle colors to help you pick one associated with your intent. I have also provided a list of the days of the week and their correspondences. Both lists are located below.)
Candle Colors:
White: Protection, purification, peace, truth, and sincerity.
Red: Protection, strength, health, vigor, lust, sex, passion, courage, exorcism.
Black: Absorbing and destroying negativity, healing diseases, and banishing.
Light Blue: Tranquility, healing, patience, happiness.
Dark Blue: Change, flexibility, the subconscious mind, psychic work, and healing.
Green: Finances, money, fertility, prosperity, growth, luck, and employment.
Gray: Neutrality.
Yellow: Intellect, attraction, study, persuasion, confidence, and divination.
Brown: Working magic for animals, healing animals, and the home.
Pink: Love, honor, and friendship.
Orange: Adaptability, stimulation, and attraction.
Purple: Power, healing diseases, spirituality, and meditation.
Days of the Week:
Monday: The day of the moon, fertility, and healing.
Tuesday: The day of Mars, strength, and courage.
Wednesday: The day of Mercury, communication, study, and travel.
Thursday: The day of Jupiter, luck, and fortune.
Friday: The day of Venus, love, and relationships.
Saturday: The day of Saturn and clearing obstacles.
Sunday: The Day of the Sun, health, and success.
Once you have picked the candle best suited to your intent, use the tip of the crystal to either write a sentence explaining what you desire or draw a symbol associated with your intent into the side of the candle.
Once this is done, light the candle and visualize it glowing with the power of your intent. As the candle burns down visualize it releasing your wish and sending it out to be fulfilled.
For example, if you were casting this spell for protection, you could wait until a Tuesday. Use the crystal to carve a symbol of a shield into the side of the candle. Light it and then visualize the candle being filled with protective energies. As the candle burns down, visualize it sending out protective energy to either protect you or a loved one.
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. - 1988, By Scott Cunningham.
Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. - 1993, by Scott Cunningham.
Last edited on Dec 04, 2019
Part of the The Air Element Library.
#7 - True Heart Wish
Connect with your power within. Cut the red paper into a heart. Light the white candle and use the black marker to write one wish on the heart. Once done, burn the heart while you recite your wish aloud. When finished blow out the candle.