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33 Spiritual Spells from The Air Element

Covens The Air Element  ► The Air Element's Spellbooks  ► 33 Spiritual Spells
33 Spiritual Spells from The Air Element

Included in this list of 33 Spiritual Spells
  1. Enhance Telepathy
  2. Candle-Mirror Banishing
  3. Banishing A Person
  4. Runic Attuning
  5. Daily Protection
  6. Vision Meditation
  7. Cleaner Enviroment (Only for you)
  8. Aerokinesis
  9. True Heart Wish
  10. Call the Wind
#1 - #10
#21 - #30
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#21 - Enhance Telepathy

Strengthens your telepathic ability.
You may need:

  • 1 White candle
  • 1 Purple candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 White candle
  • 1 Purple candle
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    Do this spell before going to sleep and when you wake.

    Place a white and purple candle side by side, light them, chant the spell three times, and as you do so keep your mind open. Feel your mind opening further. It may help to visualize the opening in a way that works for you.

    ''As it be thought in the minds of others
    Those familiar and strange
    Those sisters and brothers
    May it be heard in my own mind
    Loud and clear as if it's spoken.''

    Added to on Apr 12, 2012
    Part of the The Air Element Library.

    #22 - Candle-Mirror Banishing

    Using candles and a mirror to banish negative energy in you and/or around you.
    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • 1 black candle
  • A hand held mirror
  • Incense (optional)
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    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • 1 black candle
  • A hand held mirror
  • Incense (optional)
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    Sit in a place where you have a smooth, flat, stable surfice in front of you, such as the floor or a table.

    Place the portable mirror flat in front of you with the reflective glass facing up (the mirror should be small like a hand held 5-8'' mirror with handle). Place the black candle on the central area on the mirror. On the other side place the mirror place the white candle.Light both candles and the incense, if you chose to use one.

    This is where the spell has two ways to be done, but both can be done. 1) banishing negative energy from within you. Relax your body and mind. You can close your eyes if you want to. Visualize white energy light coming out of the white candle through the flame. The light comes to you and enters your body through your crown chakra/top of your head or breath it in through your nose. It fills your chakras and body flowing downward from head to toe. As it fills you, realease all negative energy and thoughts you have. Let them escape out of your body; you can do this by exhaling the negative energy through your mouth. This negative energy is a black mist of energy. As the black energy is released it is being pushed into the black candle through the flame. And them further pushed into the mirror. Do this until you are no longer releasing negative energy. 2) banishing negative energies from around you, such as a specific room or house. This is the same process as the first method. But instead of the energies involving your self, they involve you area around you such as the specific room or house. The white energy fills the area and pushes the black energy into the candle then mirror.

    When done, you may either let the candles burn out, or dispose of them. To dispose of the black candle and mirror, wrap them in a cloth of some type, preferably a darker colour, and bury them in the yard or place them in the trash. You may do as you please with the white candle.

    This process may take multiple efforts to fully banish the negative energies. You can also do this on another person who may or may not be physically with you or away from you. As well as you can do this spell for places that you are not physically at.

    Added to on Apr 11, 2012
    Part of the The Air Element Library.

    #23 - Banishing A Person

    Use this spell to get an unwanted person to leave (you alone).
    You may need:

  • Black candle
  • Picture of the person to be banished obtainable*
  • Piece of paper
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    You may need:

  • Black candle
  • Picture of the person to be banished obtainable*
  • Piece of paper
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    Use a black candle, with a picture of the person (if
    obtainable) placed underneath, also place a piece of paper
    with the person's name on it.

    Anoint the candle with oil for banishing. Burn for nine nights. Put the candle flame out, just don't blow it out. On the last night let the
    candle burn all the way out.

    Each night you burn the candle, meditate and focus
    on the aim in mind. Imagine and see the person
    leaving you alone; imagine and see their wrongs they have done to you turning
    back onto them selves. Do this for about 5 minutes each night, or for as long as you feel you should.

    When the spell is completes, properly dispose of all tools used.

    Added to on Apr 11, 2012
    Part of the The Air Element Library.

    #24 - Runic Attuning

    A type of Galdr Magick in which you are attuning your self to Rune symbols.
    You may need:

  • Your self
  • Rune set (optional)
  • Pen(cil) and paper (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Your self
  • Rune set (optional)
  • Pen(cil) and paper (optional)
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    This process carries over through multiple consecutive days. Actual number of days may vary by the set of runes you pick.

    Start by choosing a set of runes you wish to work with - such as the Elder Futhark. You may get an actual set of runes such of rune stones (for example). Choose a rune to start working with. If you want you can choose them alphabetically, but any specific order is not necessary; so, do what you feel most comfortable with.

    *Once you have chosen the first rune, study it's meaning and familiarize your self with how the rune symbol is drawn and the meaning. If you want you can draw the symbol repeatedly to help memorize it write as much of it's meaning as you can remember after some time has past after studying. At night when you lay down to sleep in your mind draw the symbol repeatedly and seeing it being drawn with your mind's eye. At the same time you are mentally drawing the sybol mentally chant its name each time you draw the symbol. You can place the specific rune (stone) you are working with under your pillow. Do this until you fall asleep or you feel that you need not continue. If you do not want to do this when you are laying down to sleep you can use the same drawing and chant process while meditating; holding the rune stone in your hand(s) if you will be using physical runes.*

    * * Repeat this process with another rune each day until you have worked your way through each rune. It however is not necessary to work with a rune for only one day. You can work with a rune for however long you feel you must as long as you work with each rune at least for one day.

    Durining your sleep you may experience some vivid and rather interesting dreams in which the rune you just worked with appears in your dream.

    Added to on Mar 24, 2012
    Part of the The Air Element Library.

    #25 - Daily Protection

    Cast this spell once a day to be protected for the day.
    You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    Chant 3 times:

    Protect me now
    I come to thee
    'Tis my will
    So mote it be.

    On the 3rd time you chant this spell, say it with extra emphasis.

    Added to on Mar 21, 2012
    Part of the The Air Element Library.

    #26 - Vision Meditation

    This isn't so much a spell as it is a practice, but it shows you a vision.
    You may need:

  • Your self
  • A quiet place
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    You may need:

  • Your self
  • A quiet place
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    Start by meditating in a quiet place. When you are relaxed and your mind is relatively clear, see your (spiritual) self sitting on top of a large body of water that expands as far as the eye can see. The water is clean and clear. Look down and see your reflection in the water. As you are sitting on the water, begin to move your upper body in a circular motion. The circles you make will start slow and small, but will gradually get faster and grow in range. As the speed and size grows you will begin to lose your self like you are slipping out of consciousness. After a short time you will go into a trance-like state. Shortly you will come back to consciousness and your circular motions will get slower and smaller until you stop. When you have completely stopped look at the water and what is reflected is the vision.

    Added to on Mar 19, 2012
    Part of the The Air Element Library.

    #27 - Cleaner Enviroment (Only for you)

    Like if you have maybe Asithma this will help you breath better. This can bring a SIGNLE BREATH to a person instantly! Very powerful. I am publiciting this spell because I trust you. If this spell happens to be abused and I get reports, it will be removed and changed!*
    You may need:

  • candle
  • (OPTIONAL) wand
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    You may need:

  • candle
  • (OPTIONAL) wand
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    This spell happens to be powerful witth a wand*

    Technique and spell created by MoonLite800

    Light the candle and wave wand (optional)

    AND SAY:
    "Of this air I cannot take,

    something wrong, or a mistake!
    Take our pain away, put the

    breath insite, make this

    breath a gulp of pure



    • Light A Candle
    • Visualise the air turning PURE WHITE
    • take a gulp of air in
    • CLose your eyes
    • then chant a small spell to go with this MADE BY YOU
    • And add a "so mote it be" at the end of your chantment

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    Part of the The Air Element Library.

    #28 - Aerokinesis

    Well Aerokinesis is taking ahold of the wind and able to almost grab it an be one with it and tell it what to do!
    You may need:

  • Open Mind
  • A big yard outside
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    You may need:

  • Open Mind
  • A big yard outside
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    This is not a spell, it is one of

    my basic tqchniques to help you master Aerokinesis, it works for me so It shall work for you!

    • Step outside
    • Imagine and visualise the following

    "Feel like the wind moves if you move. Try to imagine the wind moving

    in the same direction as your arm does if you mvoed your right arm to the left...

    Visualise a texture in the wind. Imagine that you were in a big clear nothing but

    grass and flowers in a meadow! Feel the slightly gentle breeze blow on the top

    of your head and feel it drag along with your hair/head"

    This technique was completely made by MoonLite800

    this technique is for LEARNERS other advanced

    If you need help just contact me!

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    Part of the The Air Element Library.

    #29 - True Heart Wish

    This spell is to grant your ture heart's wish like money, love, health, or even bad things to happen.
    You may need:

  • Red paper
  • A black maker
  • A white candle
  • Bowl of holy water
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    You may need:

  • Red paper
  • A black maker
  • A white candle
  • Bowl of holy water
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    Connect with your power within. Cut the red paper into a heart. Light the white candle and use the black marker to write one wish on the heart. Once done, burn the heart while you recite your wish aloud. When finished blow out the candle.

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    Last edited on Jul 08, 2016
    Part of the The Air Element Library.

    #30 - Call the Wind

    Say this loud and clear takes a long time to cast and takes a lot of energy sometimes it fails not usually say the following words.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant: "I call upon the element of air to call the winds to blow the air of the sky's of the gods and goddesses so may it be". It doesn't really mater if you do it inside or outside but if you want to know if it worked go outside if your inside look at the leaves.

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    Last edited on Jul 09, 2016
    Part of the The Air Element Library.

    33 Spiritual Spells from The Air Element