Lay the herbs and candles before the working candle light it and clear your mind. Sprinkle the herbs and candles with moon water and pass them quickly through the flame of the working candle while saying:
"Herbs, blessed and enchanted to be
Bring happiness, abundance, prosperity
With this candle burning flame
By stone, and sun, and moon and rain
Bring about tis, my desire
By this candle's enchanted fire"
In this method of working you place a protective shield around yourself or your home, so that no harm can come to you, it or the people therein.
You may need:
You may need:
Visualize a ring of light surrounding your property. Ask your guardians or favourite deities to protect you, your home and its occupants for as long as necessary. Reinforce the circle of light whenever you think about it or in the case of your home, whenever you go away.It really is that simple and means that you trust your own abilities.
Incidentally, when under any kind of attack one may always mentally ask for Divine justice in the knowledge that what goes around, must come around in due course. Often inaction is as effective as action. This enables us to rest easy, recognizing that we cannot always know what the result will be, yet secure in the knowledge that justice will prevail.
Write on the birch strip "Bring me true love" . Burn the strip along with the incense and say: "Goddess of love, God of desire,
Bring to me sweet passions fire".
Alternatively, cast the bark into a stream or other flowing water, saying: "
Message of love, I set you free,
To capture a love and return to me".
It is said that yarrow enhances a telepathic link between lovers, loving friends and members of your immediate family.
You may need:
Mercury incense
Pieces of yarrow stalk
You may need:
Mercury incense
Pieces of yarrow stalk
Light the incense. Consecrate the stalks by passing them three times through the incense. Say: "I dedicate these stalks for the purpose of communication between us. May they be used wisely and well".
Now distribute them to the people with whom you wish to be in contact. If doing this as part of a group ritual then spend a few moments making a mental link with each person in the group. When you need to be in contact, need help or wish to draw on the power of the group, hold your piece of stalk in your left hand and call on the other person or persons.