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80 Spiritual Spells from The Immortal's Keep

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80 Spiritual Spells from The Immortal's Keep

Included in this list of 80 Spiritual Spells
  1. To Attract Pixies
  2. Totem Animal Dream
  3. Dream Power
  4. Keep your Child Safe
  5. While you Sleep
  6. To Make a Dream Pillow
  7. Bay Leaves Spell
  8. Daily Audit Plan
  9. Sleep
  10. Asking for the Dreams
#1 - #10
#21 - #30
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#1 - To Attract Pixies

This spell helps attract pixies.
You may need:

  • A plant, grass or something connected to nature
  • Milk
  • Bread
  • Sugar
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    You may need:

  • A plant, grass or something connected to nature
  • Milk
  • Bread
  • Sugar
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    Put Milk into a small bowl or container. Add the sugar ontop of the bread and break into small pieces. Place the milk and bread at your door, window or garden. Then chant...

    "Come to me,
    Come to me
    From the sky on honey bee,
    For in this place you are safe from harm,
    Grace me with your Pixie Charm."

    Like other beings trust is key, Pixie's need to trust you to show themselves and it may not always work the first time.

    Added to on May 16, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
    Part of the The Immortal's Keep Library.

    #2 - Totem Animal Dream

    This technique is similar to Linking With Your Totem Animal on page 180, but carries the process one stage further in that you have a special request in mind. The representation of a bear is used here, but you may choose to use your own totem animal. The more tactile this image is the better, though you would not use for instance a teddy bear, since this has become more of a fantasy animal. You need to be able to hold whatever you choose in your hand.
    You may need:

  • Psychic Dream incense
  • Small representation of a bear (such as a charm or toy)
  • Your dream journal
  • Pen
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    You may need:

  • Psychic Dream incense
  • Small representation of a bear (such as a charm or toy)
  • Your dream journal
  • Pen
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    Burn the incense before you go to bed. Using the representation of the bear as a starting point, hold it in your hand.

    Visualize your bear or animal to be as lifelike as possible (only use a picture or photograph if nothing else is available). You may find that the image you finish up with is nothing like the one with which you first started this does not matter.Ask the animal for the assistance you need. Wait quietly until you sense the animals co- operation.

    Visualize the bear allowing you to climb onto its back and the two of you starting out on your journey. By now you will have achieved a slightly altered state of consciousness and can allow the bear to take control.

    Allow yourself to drift gently off into sleep, knowing that you are perfectly safe. Alternatively, remain in a state of waking awareness until you feel satisfied that you have received the information you need, then compose yourself for sleep.

    In the morning, record your dreams and impressions and correlate them to the request you made. Often in using this method you do not receive the answer immediately, but you will find that the answer will present itself, usually within 72 hours of initiating the process. If no such answer is apparent, repeat the technique at intervals until you are confident in the result.

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    #3 - Dream Power

    When you need to make someone aware of something, perhaps a healing energy or information that they need to make a decision, it is possible to influence their dreams, without them being aware that you have had anything to do with the matter. You actually make a link for them to higher authority.
    You may need:

  • A square of fabric
  • Needle and thread
  • Cotton wool or other stuffing
  • Handful of herbs or a few drops of essential oil
  • Paper and pen
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    You may need:

  • A square of fabric
  • Needle and thread
  • Cotton wool or other stuffing
  • Handful of herbs or a few drops of essential oil
  • Paper and pen
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    Sit quietly in your sacred space, gather your thoughts and decide precisely what it is you want the person to hear, or perhaps feel. Write down your wish on the piece of paper in as few words as possible.

    Make a dream pillow using the square of fabric and stuffing. Add a quantity of lavender and rosemary or a few drops of oil. Put in the piece of paper last, then sew up the end. Put the dream pillow on your altar.

    Because this is on behalf of someone else you might wish to reinforce your sacred space for your petition. Gather your energy into your solar plexus then hold your hands over the dream pillow. As you do this, say the following:

    "Goddess Divine Holy Mother, I petition you herein for another. (Name) does not understand. Creating trouble quite unplanned. Holy Mother, Goddess Divine, Send a dream, awaken the mind. Show the way through, the way thats right. Give them the truth by clear starlight. Holy Mother, Goddess Divine, Open the way for a clear sign. Bring them clarity while they sleep. So much from experience that they can reap."

    Change the incantation to suit your purpose if you wish. You might give the dream pillow to the person concerned as a gift or hang it in a prominent place in your own sacred space. Remember that this does not force a person into any particular course of action. This spell allows them to make decisions that are right for them, and you know you have done all you can to help. You have acted as wisely as you know how.

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    #4 - Keep your Child Safe

    This simple technique is based on an old nursery rhyme which began life as a prayer. It protects a child as they sleep and introduces them to the idea of being able to make use of their dreams.
    You may need:

  • Glass of water
  • A clear quartz crystal
  • Few drops of lavender oil
  • Pine cone
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    You may need:

  • Glass of water
  • A clear quartz crystal
  • Few drops of lavender oil
  • Pine cone
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    • The articles above represent in order water, earth, air and fire and have several significances in protection spells
    • When first activating the spell, hold the crystal in your hands for a few moments to activate its protective powers. Do the same with the glass of water.
    • Drop the crystal into the water and add a few drops of lavender oil.
    • Visualize your child shielded from all harm.
    • Hold the pine cone in your hands and ask for its powers of regeneration to be activated. Place the charged glass and the pine cone together on the bedside table.
    • Repeat the words: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,

    Bless the bed he lies upon Four corners to his bed, Four angels round his head: One to watch, one to pray, And two to bear his troubles away!

    • Obviously if you have a little girl you will use the words she and her instead of he and his.
    • Each morning throw away the water in the glass this is not for drinking either down the toilet or outside your door since it is by now contaminated.
    • Renew the water each night, repeating the rhyme as you do so, and refresh the other objects as you feel it necessary.
    • This way of working is unobtrusive and does not frighten the child. If you make the last part of this spell an aspect of the nightly routine, as your child grows up he or she might like to participate in the actions and words and should develop a sense of security because of them. If your child has nightmares, use the pine cone as part of your soothing technique by giving it to him or her to hold.

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    #5 - While you Sleep

    Knot magic has a particular effect in ‘binding’ or fixing a spell in place and with the addition of colour it is possible to use ribbons to bring about a desired outcome. By using your own bed as a focus, your magical work can be done while you sleep. This is a very personal way of working and one which can bring particularly positive results.
    You may need:

  • Four lengths of appropriately coloured ribbon
  • Four pins
  • Your bed
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    You may need:

  • Four lengths of appropriately coloured ribbon
  • Four pins
  • Your bed
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    If your bed has bedposts, simply knot a length of the correct colour ribbon for your purpose around each post. Each time you do this, say: "With this knot of coloured ribbon, bring to me the power hidden. Grant me that right throughout this night".

    If your bed has no posts then carefully pin the knotted ribbon to each corner using the same words. Each night for two further nights touch each ribbon knot in turn and repeat the words above.

    Leave the ribbons in place until you no longer feel the need for them. You can expect to have some fairly vivid dreams over the following three nights, which may help you to develop the qualities you seek. This spell allows your unconscious self to work in a protected space without the chatter of day to day matters.

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    #6 - To Make a Dream Pillow

    Dream pillows may be used for several purposes. You can use them to enhance sleep, in which case any of the following six herbs may be used: catnip, hops, lavender, thyme, valerian, vervain (to prevent nightmares). Should you wish to affect your dreams, you can also consult the incense section and use the herbs listed for Psychic Powers, Divination and Prophetic Dreams.
    You may need:

  • 1 part each of at least five dried herbs
  • Bowl
  • Dried orange and lemon peel
  • 1/2 part mugwort
  • 1 part myrrh or frankincense resin
  • 2 pieces of lightweight cloth such as muslin
  • Needle and thread
  • Your personal choice of decoration
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    You may need:

  • 1 part each of at least five dried herbs
  • Bowl
  • Dried orange and lemon peel
  • 1/2 part mugwort
  • 1 part myrrh or frankincense resin
  • 2 pieces of lightweight cloth such as muslin
  • Needle and thread
  • Your personal choice of decoration
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    Burn a little of the frankincense or myrrh resin to cleanse your working area. Mix the five dried herbs in the bowl in whatever proportion feels right. While doing this, think carefully about the purpose of your dream pillow; for example hops will give a sound sleep, mugwort induces psychic dreaming and camomile promotes a feeling of wellbeing.

    Crumble the dried peels into small pieces and add the rest of the finely ground resin to this mixture. Sew together three sides of the material, leaving one side open so you can easily fill the pillow with the herbs. Make a mental link with Hypnos, the Greek God of sleep or Demeter, Earth Mother.

    Decorate the bags with magical symbols, Moons or your own personal preferences. Fill the pillow (not too full) with the herb and resin mixture and sew up the final side. Your dream pillow is now ready for use. You may now use your dream pillow whenever you require. Slip it into your pillow case and inhale deeply.

    Dream pillows are very useful if, for instance, you are away from home and need to create a certain ambience, or if you need continuity while working on a particular dream project. A typical use of a dream pillow in shown in the spell Dream Power overleaf.

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    #7 - Bay Leaves Spell

    This spell uses plant magic and fire to achieve its purpose. The bay leaf possesses powerful magical properties. The first part is best done at the time of the New Moon, and the result will often have come to pass by the time of the Full Moon.
    You may need:

  • 3 bay leaves
  • Paper or parchment
  • Pen Candle
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    You may need:

  • 3 bay leaves
  • Paper or parchment
  • Pen Candle
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    Write down your intent to change your behaviour three times on the paper, repeating the wish aloud. Place the bay leaves on the paper.

    Fold the paper into thirds and visualize your wish coming true. Now fold the paper into thirds once again and hide it away in a dark place. Keep visualizing your behaviour changing as you do this.

    Once you are satisfied with your new behaviour, light the candle and burn the paper in the flame as a thank you. Allow the candle to burn out. Bay promotes wisdom, so protects you from making mistakes. This is obviously a spell best done in private. You should never reveal your intent to others, so be very clear that the intent is for the Greater Good.

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    #8 - Daily Audit Plan

    As part of your nightly routine to clear your mind initially for dreaming, and later for magical working, it is wise to do what might be called a daily audit. This consists of doing a review of your day and balancing the good with the bad.
    You may need:

  • A piece of paper
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    You may need:

  • A piece of paper
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    Take a sheet of paper and divide it into two columns. On one side list actions and types of behaviour you consider good and on the other those you consider bad or indifferent.

    Looking at the bad side first, review where your behaviour or action could be improvedand resolve to do better in the future. You may like to develop a technique for yourself that represents your rejection of the disliked patterns of behaviour. This can be as simple as writing down the behaviour and discarding the paper on which it is written; you may choose to use the Bay Leaves spell shown below.

    Now look at the good side and give yourself approval and encouragement for having done well. Resolve to have more of the good behaviour and, if you wish, form an affirmation which indicates this.

    Where your behaviour has been indifferent, resolve to do better and to give yourself more positive feedback for having made the effort.

    Forgive yourself for not having achieved a best result and praise yourself for doing your best. This is the aspect of balancing your books. Now let your day go, do not dwell on the negatives and go peacefully to sleep. This exercise helps in the process of keeping you spiritually strong and clear in your purpose.

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    #9 - Sleep

    In myth, Hypnos, the god of sleep, was usually personified in winged form as one of the inevitable forces of nature. He is always pictured as young and fair though some say he was the father of Morpheus, the god of dreams.
    You may need:

  • Cup of herbal tea such as chamomile
  • Dream journal
  • Pen
  • Crystal to help with dreams such as diaspor or jade
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    You may need:

  • Cup of herbal tea such as chamomile
  • Dream journal
  • Pen
  • Crystal to help with dreams such as diaspor or jade
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    Hold the cup in both hands and say:

    "Hypnos, Lord of Sleep, son of Night."

    Bless this cup and give me rest That I may benefit from all your might And know forever what is best.

    • Drink from the cup.
    • Put the journal and the pen together, close to your bed, with the crystal on top.
    • Say:

    "Morpheus Morpheus, shaper of dreams Crafter of light not all that it seems."

    Send me now, images fit only for kings. Those that fulfil my deepest yearnings Let me remember all that I learn True to myself, to you I now turn

    • Now compose yourself for sleep and await developments. Morpheus had special responsibility for the dreams of kings and heroes, and gave shape to those beings who inhabit dreams. He is petitioned here in the knowledge that you are a monarchs of all you survey and that your journal will help you to understand.

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    #10 - Asking for the Dreams

    This works perhaps most effectively for those who have already learnt how to recall and record their dreams as shown below.
    You may need:

  • Your mind
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    You may need:

  • Your mind
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    • Use as a memory jogger the word CARDS, which stands for the following points: Clarify the issue Ask the question
    • Repeat it
    • Dream and document it
    • Study the dream C means that you spend some time in clarifying exactly what the issue really is. When you identify the basic aspects of what seems to be blocking your progress or where you are stuck, you can gain some insight into your own mental processes. You have thus prepared the groundwork.
    • Try to state the issue as positively as you can; for example Promotion passes me by rather than I am not getting promoted. The subconscious tends to latch on to negative statements rather than positive, so if you state the problem negatively you are allowing negative energy to gain a foothold. Dont try to resolve the situation at that point.
    • A suggests that you ask the appropriate question using an old journalistic technique: Who? What? Where? When? Why? Then sort out in your own mind exactly what the relevant question is. For instance, in our example, you might ask: Who can best help in my search for promotion?

    What must I do to be in line for promotion? Where do the best opportunities lie for me? When will I be able to use my greater experience? Why is my expertise not being recognized?
    You can see that all these questions are open questions, and are not necessarily tied to any time frame. They do allow you to decide where your knowledge of magical influence or spell making is best applied. If you ask a confused question you may well get a confusing answer, so try to get as close to the heart of the matter as you can. Conversely, by asking inappropriate questions you may notch up answers you do not wish to have. Repeat the question. Just as restating an incantation builds up power, by repeating the question over and over you are fixing it in the subconscious. Blocks of three repetitions oftenwork very well, so repeating three sets of three (nine times in all) means that it should have reached deep into your unconscious.
    As you compose yourself for sleep and use your relaxation techniques, tell yourself that you will have a dream that will give you an answer to your question or problem. Dream command means informing your inner self that you will have a dream that will help. If you wish, as you repeat the question tap lightly on your third eye in the centre of your forehead. One word of warning. The dreaming self is quite wayward, so to begin with you may not receive an answer on the night you request it.
    You may only receive part of an answer, or nothing for several nights, and then a series of dreams that tell you what you need to know. It is a highly individual process, and no one can tell you how it should be. With time you will recognize your own pattern, but be prepared to be patient with yourself. Dream it. When you do dream, document it briefly as soon as you can, noting down the main theme, and anything else you consider might help you in your magical practice. Study the dream in more detail when you have time enough to do so.
    Look carefully at the imagery within the dream, which will probably be fairly clear-cut and straightforward. Look for details, clues and hidden meanings, see whether you can apply any of them to situations in your normal everyday life, and use your knowledge of symbolism to help you decide whether developing a spell or ritual will make your life more fulfilling or easier to handle.
    Sometimes the suggestion for a new way of acting or the answer to a question can come from applying the information to a different part of your life, before you even get down to tackling the question you have asked. As you become more proficient at dealing with the information that becomes available to you, you may find the nature of your questions changes and becomes much more pro-active. For instance, you may find yourself asking, How can I make so and so happen? or What if I did . . ? This is true creativity and gives you the opportunity to practise your spell making and your magic in a number of different waysIt is the exciting process of the appearance of the magical you appearing in your external life.

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    80 Spiritual Spells from The Immortal's Keep
    #1 - #10
    #21 - #30