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80 Spiritual Spells from The Immortal's Keep

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80 Spiritual Spells from The Immortal's Keep

Included in this list of 80 Spiritual Spells
  1. Balancing your Energies
  2. To Know the Child Within
  3. To Clear Evil Intent
  4. The Spell of the Shell
  5. Purifying Emotions
  6. Overcoming your Shadows
  7. Disperse Negative Emotion
  8. Cleansing the Aura
  9. Enhancing Confidence
  10. A-Light Spell
#41 - #50
#61 - #70
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#61 - Balancing your Energies

This spell principally uses the energy of the earth and of candles. The spell can be performed either during the day if you particularly appreciate the light, or at night when you honour the Moon. Often it is good to perform it outside as an appreciation of energy returning to the earth.
You may need:

  • Fresh flowers for your sacred space
  • Single white flower
  • Bowl of water large enough to hold the flower
  • Green and yellow candles
  • Jasmine or rose incense
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    You may need:

  • Fresh flowers for your sacred space
  • Single white flower
  • Bowl of water large enough to hold the flower
  • Green and yellow candles
  • Jasmine or rose incense
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    Prepare your sacred space as usual, making sure you use plenty of fresh flowers to -decorate. Float the single white flower in the bowl of water, thinking all the time of its beauty. Light the candles, thinking all the while of the freshness of Mother Natures energies. Light the incense and become aware of the differing perfumes created.

    Quietly consider the cycle and power of Nature. Stand with your feet about 18 inches apart. Become aware of your connection with the earth, mentally reaching towards the centre-through the soles of your feet.

    Feel the energy rising through you towards the light. Reach towards the light and feel its energy moving downwards through you. Let those energies mingle with those of the -earth. Allow the new energies to swirl around and through you, cleansing, healing and balancing.

    "Lady of flowers and strong new life
    Be born anew in me tonight".

    When you feel refreshed ground yourself by running your hands over your body from head to toe. Sit quietly for a short while and contemplate how you will use your new energy. Finally, allow your energy to settle in your solar plexus.

    This spell is designed to replace old stale energy with -new vital force. You should come away feeling-refreshed and invigorated. While this spell has-similarities to rituals to Ostara, the single white-flower also represents the Moon and therefore-feminine energy.

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    #62 - To Know the Child Within

    This spell is a variation on a technique which appreciates that we all have aspects of ourselves which can go unrecognized and therefore undeveloped. By using your sacred space in which to work, you are enhancing the connection you make to that part which remains childlike. The main tool is visualization
    You may need:

  • Green or blue candle to signify healing
  • An incense or essential oil which reminds you of -your childhood
  • Doll or poppet to signify the child you once were
  • Salt water
  • White cloth
  • Your altar
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    You may need:

  • Green or blue candle to signify healing
  • An incense or essential oil which reminds you of -your childhood
  • Doll or poppet to signify the child you once were
  • Salt water
  • White cloth
  • Your altar
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    Light your candle and the incense. Choose a particularly good childhood-memory. Hold the poppet in your arms and think -about the child you once were. Now treat the poppet as though it were a-child.

    Say: "I name you (use your childhood name of nickname)"

    Hold the poppet in your arms, croon to it, -rock it, and talk to it. Tell it everything you would have liked to hear as a child. Imagine that it talks to you and tells you how-it feels and what it wants. You may even hear your own childish voice.

    Let your own voice change in response. Play with the poppet. Now become aware of your adult self again. Sprinkle the doll with a little salt water to cleanse away the negative past. Raise your own energy by whatever method you prefer breathing, colour, a brief-meditation or an appeal to the gods.

    Visualize yourself pouring that positive-energy into the doll, which represents your-own inner self. Imagine the child you would have liked to-have been, and project that image into your doll. Continue until you can feel a change in the energy and you feel at peace.

    During that time you may find that you are crying or laughing just like a child. This is-simply a release of energy and is perfectly acceptable. You may find that the poppet or doll begins to -feel vibrant and alive, glowing with white-light and love.

    Kiss the poppet or doll. Wrap it in white cloth as you would a baby -and lay it to rest on your altar. Leave the candle to burn out. Leave your sacred space secure.

    It is important that you give yourself time now to return to normal, so you will need to spend a little-time just appreciating the person you have become.Ground yourself by whatever method you choose,touching the ground, taking a walk, having a bath or-whatever you prefer. A nurturing activity such as-cooking is also good. You will probably find after this-technique that you tend to dream somewhat vividly, as-you uncover some of the joys and hurts of childhood.

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    #63 - To Clear Evil Intent

    This spell can be used if you suspect that somebody is directing unhelpful energy towards you which is making you sick. Words have particular force, so in expressing your feelings forcibly as in line 2 of the incantation, you are turning the energy back on the perpetrator.
    You may need:

  • Length of string
  • Bottle
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    You may need:

  • Length of string
  • Bottle
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    Tie a knot in the string. Place it in the bottle and bury it in earth. After three days dig it up. Put the bottle on the floor or ground and say:

    "A curse on me you buried deep
    To make me sick, you nasty creep.
    I placed a knot into this twine
    And so your work was worked in vain"

    Shatter the bottle, carefully pick up the string and undo the knot; the original curse is now invalid. Dispose of the bottle remains in any way that you feel is appropriate. Burn the cord and blow the ashes to the wind.

    In some ways this could be called a protection spell,but since the curse could cause you to be ill this spell guards your well being. The curse is transferred by the power of your spell to the cord, which is then disposed of by burning. The assumption is that your magic is-stronger than the person who has wished you ill.

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    #64 - The Spell of the Shell

    This is a lunar spell which calls on the power of the Moon and the waves. It is also representational because the shell is a long accepted symbol for the Goddess and signifies her ability to take all things to her and effect changes. In this example, we use an Ogham Stave to represent healing, though the spell can be used for other purposes as well. It is performed at the seaside.
    You may need:

  • Shell
  • A symbol of your desire
  • Fine nibbed marker pen
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    You may need:

  • Shell
  • A symbol of your desire
  • Fine nibbed marker pen
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    To perform this spell, you must find a suitable shell in shallow water. Take the shell and dry it thoroughly. Draw your chosen symbol upon the surface of the shell. For healing, we suggest the Edhadh Ogham Stave:

    Place the shell upon the shore so that the tide will bring the waves across the shell. When the shell is in place, draw a triangle in the sand, enclosing the shell completely. The symbol upon the shell must be facing upwards (towards the Moon).

    Meaningful words, or phrases, may be placed upon the shell also, or simply written in the sand (inside the triangle). Finally, face the Moon and say the following words of enchantment:

    "Goddess of Moon, Earth and Sea,
    Each wish in thy name must come to be.
    Powers and forces which tides do make,
    Now summon thy waves, my spell to take".

    Leave the area now and the spell is set. Once the waves come, then your wish will be taken out to the spirits of the sea. It will usually take about seven days for a -lunar spell to begin to manifest, but it can take as long as 28 days.

    This type of magic is what we called little works and belongs to the folk-magic level of spell making.Take care to note the phase of the Moon (waxing forthe gain of something, waning for the dissolving of-something). You are using natural objects which to- the uninitiated mean nothing.

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    #65 - Purifying Emotions

    This spell is one that helps you to release negativity and distress that may build up when you do not feel that you are in control of your life. It uses the four Elements to do this and may be performed on any evening during a Waning Moon. It has been kept deliberately simple so that you can spend more time in learning how to make your emotions work for you rather than letting them overwhelm you.
    You may need:

  • White candle
  • Bowl of water
  • Bowl of salt
  • Dried herbs (such as sage for wisdom)
  • Vessel in which the herbs can be burned
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    You may need:

  • White candle
  • Bowl of water
  • Bowl of salt
  • Dried herbs (such as sage for wisdom)
  • Vessel in which the herbs can be burned
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    Stand in your sacred space, light the candle and say: "I call upon the Elements in this simple ceremony that I may be cleansed from the contamination of negativity".

    Wave your hand quickly over or through the flame and say: "I willingly release negative action in my fire".

    Rub the salt on your hands and say: "I release stumbling blocks and obstacles in my earth".

    Put the herbs in the container and light them. Wave the smoke in front of you, inhale the perfume as it burns and say: "I clear my air of unwise thoughts".

    Dip your hands in the water and say: "I purify this water. Let this relinquishing be gentle. Purified, cleansed and released in all ways, I now acknowledge my trust and faith in my own clarity".

    Spend a little time thinking about the next few weeks to come. Recognize that there may be times when you need the clarity you have just requested. Now dispose of the ingredients immediately in the following way:

    Put the salt in with the ashes then pour the -water on the ground so that it mingles with -the ashes and salt. It is often helpful to find some sort of ceremonial way of releasing energy which enables you to let go of an old situation which is still troubling you. A good-time to do this is just before a New Moon, so that you-can begin a fresh cycle with renewed vigour.

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    #66 - Overcoming your Shadows

    This spell, which signifies letting go the hurts of the past in a way that allows you to move forward with fresh energy into the future, can be performed at the time of the New Moon. By carrying it out every New Moon you are gradually able to cleanse yourself of the detritus of the past, often as far back as childhood
    You may need:

  • Cedar or sage smudging stick or cleansing incense
  • Bell Athame or ritual knife
  • White candle
  • Cakes and wine or juice
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    You may need:

  • Cedar or sage smudging stick or cleansing incense
  • Bell Athame or ritual knife
  • White candle
  • Cakes and wine or juice
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    Cast your circle using the smudge stick or -incense to sweep the space as you move -around the circle clockwise. Think of your space as being dome-shaped -over your head and cleanse that space too. Ring the bell. With your arms raised and your palms facing -upwards, acknowledge the Goddess and say:

    "Great Goddess,
    Queen of the Underworld,
    Protector of all believers in you,
    It is my will on this night of the new moon

    To overcome my shadows and bring about change.
    I invite you to this my circle to assist and protect
    me in my rite".

    Hold your athame or knife in your hands in -acknowledgement of the God and say:

    "Great God,
    Lord of the Upper realms,
    Friend of all who work with you,
    It is my will on this night of the new moon
    To overcome my shadows to bring about change.
    I invite you to my circle to assist me and protect
    me in my rite."

    Light the candle and say:

    "Behind me the darkness, in front of me the light
    As the wheel turns,
    I know that every end is a beginning.
    I see birth, death and regeneration."

    Spend a little time in quiet thought. If you can remember a time either in the last month or-previously when times have not been good for you, concentrate on that. While the candle begins to burn properly remember what that time felt like.

    Now concentrate on the candle flame and allow yourself to feel the positivity of the light. Pick up the candle and hold it high above your head. Feel the energy of the light shower down around you, the negativity drain away. Now draw the power of the light into you and feel the energy flowing through you. Pass the candle around you and visualize the -energy building up. If you wish, say: - "Let the light cast out darkness. "

    Now ground yourself by partaking of the -food and drink. Thank the God and Goddess -for their presence.Withdraw the circle.

    This is a very personal way for you to acknowledge the God and Goddess in your everyday life. While on first acquaintance it appears to be a protection technique, it is actually one to enhance your energies and to allow you to be healthy and happy in all levels of existence.

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    #67 - Disperse Negative Emotion

    Here is a simple technique for dealing with negative energies such as anger and resentment. It uses the Elements and their qualities in a very positive way. The circle of light links with spirit, the dark stone represents Earth and the water acts in its cleansing capacity.
    You may need:

  • A dark stone
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    You may need:

  • A dark stone
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    Visualize a circle of light around yourself. Hold the dark stone in your hands. Place it over your solar plexus. Allow the negative emotion, perhaps anger -and resentment, to flow into the stone. Try to decide what colour the emotion is, and how it arose in the first place. It sometimeshelps to counteract such an emotion bychanging its colour.

    Raise the stone first to your forehead to signify clarity. Next, place it over your heart(this helps to raise the healing vibration to thecorrect level). If it seems right, use words such as:

    "With this stone
    Negative be gone,
    Let water cleanse it
    Back where it belongs".

    This reinforces the idea of the stone holding your anger. Concentrate and project all your negative emotion (anger, resentment etc) into thestone. Visualize the emotion being sealed inside the stone. Take the stone to a source of running water in -the open air and with all your energy throw it as far as you can. It also helps if you can get up to a high place to throw your stone away, since this way you -are using Air as well.

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    #68 - Cleansing the Aura

    This spell is a cleansing one which uses nothing but sound and can be done anywhere though the open air is better. It will depend on your own sense of yourself what sound you use but the one given is known to be successful
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Find a spot in which you feel comfortable -within your open space. It will depend on what you are attempting to -get rid of which spot is better. Be sure to take-plenty of time over choosing this until it feels-absolutely right. Settle yourself comfortably on the ground. Take a big deep breath and then breathe out. Your breath out should be slightly longer -than the in breath. Do this three times to clear your lungs

    Now take a further deep breath and this time -as you exhale say as loudly as you can: "Ahh Ee Oo". Repeat the sounds at least twice more -increasing in intensity each time until you are actually screaming If you can, continue for two more sets of three (nine times in all, though six is fine.)

    Finally sit quietly, place your hands on the earth or the floor, re-orientate yourself in your surroundings and absorb fresh energy as you-do so. Become aware of the sounds around you. Leave the area.

    This is quite a powerful technique and you do need to be quiet for the rest of the day, so that you can allow the energy to settle. The technique is a good way to deal with the frustrations of your everyday world and often results in being able to look at things from a different perspective.

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    #69 - Enhancing Confidence

    In the old days many people thought that noise was a way of getting rid of demons so it was customary to shout when banishing such nasty things. Today we also recognize that psychologically we can be encouraged by passion, so this is a way of self-encouragement, and an appeal to our own ‘inner demons’.
    You may need:

  • A bell or rattle
  • Rousing music
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    You may need:

  • A bell or rattle
  • Rousing music
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    Preferably choose a time when you will not disturb others and when you will not be disturbed. Choose a short affirmation that expresses your best hopes for yourself.

    This might be: "I will survive" or "I can overcome any problem" or "I have the confidence to do anything".

    Play your music until you feel uplifted by its -mood. Take up your bell or rattle and dance around -the room. Proclaim your affirmation at the top of your -voice at least three times and preferably nine.

    When the music finishes resolve to do three -different things in the next week which -demonstrate your new-found confidence. Each week reaffirm your confidence in the -same way, changing the words as necessary

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    #70 - A-Light Spell

    This spell enables us to practice in the safety of our sacred space, before venturing out into the everyday world. It is not so much a healing technique as an energising one. The closer we come to an understanding of the powers that we use, the less we need protection and the more we can become a source of spiritual energy for others
    You may need:

  • As many white candles as feels right
  • Equivalent number of holders
  • Anointing oil of frankincense
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    You may need:

  • As many white candles as feels right
  • Equivalent number of holders
  • Anointing oil of frankincense
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    Anoint the candles from middle to bottom-then from middle to top. This is so you achieve a balance of physical and spiritual energy. Place the candles in the holders on the floor in a circle about six feet in diameter.

    Standing in the circle, light the candles in a clockwise direction. Stand in the centre of the circle and draw the energy of the light towards you. Feel the energy as it seeps throughout the whole of your body, from your feet to your -head. Allow the energy to spill over from the crown of your head to fill the space around you.

    Now, visualize this cocoon of light around -you gently radiating outwards to the edge of your circle of candles. When you feel ready, sit on the floor and allow the energy of the light to settle back -within you. Ground yourself by sweeping your body -with your hands in the shape of the above figure, but do not lose the sense of increased energy. Snuff out the candles in a clockwise direction, and use them only to repeat this technique until they are used up.

    Gradually, as you become used to the sense of increased energy, you should find that you are more able to cope with difficulties and to become more dynamic in the everyday world. It will become easier to carry the light within you not just within the circle of candles, and you may find that you perceive more ways in which you can help the world go round.

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    80 Spiritual Spells from The Immortal's Keep