Just like my truth tea, it will get you answers, but this version is specifically for enemies, and those with ill will.
You may need:
Ground Cloves
Ground Coriander
Ground Cinnamon
A Coffee Filter
A piece of thread
A metal bowl
A wooden spoon
Ground red pepper
Garlic Powder
Whole flakes of Pepper
Ground Turmeric
You may need:
Ground Cloves
Ground Coriander
Ground Cinnamon
A Coffee Filter
A piece of thread
A metal bowl
A wooden spoon
Ground red pepper
Garlic Powder
Whole flakes of Pepper
Ground Turmeric
1. Brew a pot of water.
2. Mix the herbs together.
3. Pour them into the coffee filter.
4. Tie the coffee filter shut with the thread, and make sure it's tight. making a tea bag.
5. Put the tea bag into the bowl.
6. Pour the boiling water into the metal bowl.
7. Let it steep for 6 minutes.
8. Stir the tea with the spoon and say:
''Thou hath crossed me,
and caused me pain,
I look upon thee,
with much disdain,
Now I say,
this little extra trick,
shall bring the truth,
laid on thick''.
Mix a tablespoon full into the person's food, and let the truth come.
A simple kitchen witch spell, that requires very few ingredients.
You may need:
Ground Cloves
Ground Coriander
Ground Cinnamon
A Coffee Filter
A piece of thread
A metal bowl
Your Dagger (Athame, whatever you choose to call it)
You may need:
Ground Cloves
Ground Coriander
Ground Cinnamon
A Coffee Filter
A piece of thread
A metal bowl
Your Dagger (Athame, whatever you choose to call it)
1. Brew a pot of water.
2. Mix the herbs together.
3. Pour them into the coffee filter.
4. Tie the coffee filter shut with the thread, and make sure it's tight. making a tea bag.
5. Put the tea bag into the bowl.
6. Pour the boiling water into the metal bowl.
7. Let it steep for 6 minutes.
8. Stir the tea with your dagger (Make sure it's clean), and say:
''As I stir,
three times three,
All who drink this magick tea,
Shall tell the truth,
None shall lie,
Let it be done,
So say I''.
Invite the person in, and pour them a cup of tea, and the truth will come pouring out.
The life of the lotus blossom holds a special message for us. Its qualities and the way it maintains its beauty can be metaphoric for a life lived in harmony with its environment.
The lotus flower begins its life in very shallow water, usually in a muddy pond. As it grows it rises out of the dark mire, lifting itself up on a strong and stable green stalk.
It may rest close to the surface of the pond but it is never moistened by the water.
If the rains come, the precipitation just rolls right off and scatters about the blossom as pearls.
If it is picked from its stalk, it is found to be silky and dry to the touch. The mature lotus blossom always turns its head toward the bright light.
As you light your lotus candle, celebrate the ritual manifested by the simple lotus?
Hold your Faith in the natural processes of the universe.
Devote your Time to fulfilling the plan for your life.
Maintain Hope that as you keep to your path, others will be strengthened to rise above the dark and negative energies of our world and Love Lavishly as you Open to your Enlightenment and Share your Beauty with all Others.