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"third eye"



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Search Results for third eye
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third eye - Magic Forums
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...em new at AP and reading more and more articles. In each of it there is a term used third eye! what is third eye? Astral Projection third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye.......
third eye - Magic Forums
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...i need a third eye witch or wizard to see if they could see my astral self if im still a merman email me at General Info third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye.......
Third Eye - Magic Forums
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...What is the Third Eye? Misc Topics third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye.......
Opening third eye - Magic Forums
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...I don't know how to open my third eye can anyone help me Misc Topics Opening third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Opening third eye.......
Third eye - Magic Forums
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...Hey guys, I've been seeing my family members around me a lot and was wondering if this was the start of the opening of your third eye? If it is how do I close it? (It's freaking me out). Misc Topics third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start...
The Third Eye: My Advice - Magic Forums
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...Hello, lovely community members! I'm feeling inspired to give you some more advice about the third eye from my experiences. I want to give you tips that I've heard on how to activate it more. If someone ever tries to say you don't have a third eye, that is NOT true...
Raising energy/ Third eye
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...Hi everyone, I've been having alot of problems seeing appearant differences with raising energy and opening the third eye. And how are you supposed to sense energy? Because I feel heat when I begin meditation and chanting. But I'm not sure how that involves raising energy or opening the minds eye....
third eye - Magic Forums
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...ok i think i screwed up. im noty sure if i opened my thirdeye but when a did a teqnique to i felt very very lightheaded and now when i go to bed i think about it and i get lightheaded and the sensation of falling and my heart races....did i...
Third Eye help please - Magic Forums
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...So i have seen on here all of the different methods people put on here about opening your third eye. I was wondering if some one could put it in a simpler form i guess i am just having a hard time understanding it. Misc Topics third eye help please Reply...
Third eye in christianity
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...So I know this sounds really strange but..let me start with basics. Im a girl Im 14 I have practised in psychic things but later converted to christianity however since then my psychic senses have been so strong.. anyway in with my problem you see im doing an award that requires...
Third Eye hurts... - Magic Forums
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...It's me again..!!! I know, I ask a lot at forums but I just want to know! Sorry If some of you are getting irritated with me and my newbie questions! okay!! I just read an article about opening chakras. It says that visualize chakra spinning with diff colors depends on...
Third eye - Magic Forums
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...Hi everyone I was just wondering how would I go about opening my third eye what is the best way. Also how would I open my chakras and balance them Misc Topics third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third...
The third eye - Magic Forums
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...For those wishing to open the brow/ajana chakra and other chakras go to this link, which i use much. But the point of this thread was to focus more on people with open brow chakras already, although i have no problem helping people how to open their own. so you...
third eye - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...ok i was sitting in a car while listening to my ipod and i closed my eyes and sat there listening. suddenly i felt something really weird kinda around the middile of my forhead and i checked to see if anything was on my forhead and nothing was there so can...
third eye - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...i had open my third eye and i do meditation every day since. for some time i have left out the meditation n i can feel my third eye is getting weaker until 1 day i met with a thai monk. we were having a ritual, i repeated his chanting and...
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