Search Results for "protect relationships"
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Search Results for protect relationships
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Herbal lesson 2, protective herbs
...The Path of the Shaman Articles Herbal lesson 2, protective herbs A list list of protective herbs This document is readable only by members of The Path of the.......
...The Path of the Shaman Articles Herbal lesson 2, protective herbs A list list of protective herbs This document is readable only by members of The Path of the.......
protection spell defeated
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...i'm in a situation where i warned someone who stole from me that i'd get revenge if he didn't return my things. he has placed protection spells that are hampering me, i've never encountered this before. anyone have suggestions on how to nullify his protections and allow me full access? Spell...
Forum Post
...i'm in a situation where i warned someone who stole from me that i'd get revenge if he didn't return my things. he has placed protection spells that are hampering me, i've never encountered this before. anyone have suggestions on how to nullify his protections and allow me full access? Spell...
protection spell free - Magic Forums
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...This spell is best performed on a Saturday, the day of Saturn which is associated with contraction and thus protection. Find a quiet place where you will not have any disturbances for at least 20 minutes. First, set three white candles in the center of your table or altar. If you...
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...This spell is best performed on a Saturday, the day of Saturn which is associated with contraction and thus protection. Find a quiet place where you will not have any disturbances for at least 20 minutes. First, set three white candles in the center of your table or altar. If you...
Protection Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Apple Banishing For purification, protection and healing you must pursue this spell outside outside of your property as you're wanting to remove the negativity elsewhere. read more Even more great spells..... Aid For Protesters Akasha's.......
...Apple Banishing For purification, protection and healing you must pursue this spell outside outside of your property as you're wanting to remove the negativity elsewhere. read more Even more great spells..... Aid For Protesters Akasha's.......
Potion of protection - Magic Forums
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...Is there any easy brew to bless for protection? What i should use, what not? I have few kitchen herb powders, and i have tried to make potion for protection, but they dont feel working. Energies are i unharmony. The potion doesent seem to work. What i should do? SilverFrost Storm...
Forum Post
...Is there any easy brew to bless for protection? What i should use, what not? I have few kitchen herb powders, and i have tried to make potion for protection, but they dont feel working. Energies are i unharmony. The potion doesent seem to work. What i should do? SilverFrost Storm...
Elemental Protection Chant
...A chant asking all of the elements for protection. Chant this after meditation. Usually, I am outdoors for both the meditation and the chant, but it works indoors as well. If you are indoors you may wish to light a candle with the appropriate colours for each of the elements. Elements,...
...A chant asking all of the elements for protection. Chant this after meditation. Usually, I am outdoors for both the meditation and the chant, but it works indoors as well. If you are indoors you may wish to light a candle with the appropriate colours for each of the elements. Elements,...
Relationship with satan - Magic Forums
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...Can somebody please help me to have a close relationship with Satan /Lucifer. i was once part and close to him and demons. Every night i see them in my dreams but i was caught by my sister so i was afraid she will inform my mum so i stop and...
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...Can somebody please help me to have a close relationship with Satan /Lucifer. i was once part and close to him and demons. Every night i see them in my dreams but i was caught by my sister so i was afraid she will inform my mum so i stop and...
Protection From Immoral Magic
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...Hi everyone! So recently, I told my friend (a fellow magic practitioner) about my serious attraction to this guy in my year. He's clever, charismatic and strikingly attractive. But, of course, he's straight. I've grown to accept that he and I aren't meant to be. That using magic is simply the...
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...Hi everyone! So recently, I told my friend (a fellow magic practitioner) about my serious attraction to this guy in my year. He's clever, charismatic and strikingly attractive. But, of course, he's straight. I've grown to accept that he and I aren't meant to be. That using magic is simply the...
Ghost protection - Magic Forums
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...I am looking for a quick way to send off bad entites. Ones that are already here not a prevention spell, and it can't be like a hole ritual. It need to be quick. I know it will take time and it would need to be powerful. For example, a demon...
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...I am looking for a quick way to send off bad entites. Ones that are already here not a prevention spell, and it can't be like a hole ritual. It need to be quick. I know it will take time and it would need to be powerful. For example, a demon...
protection - Magic Forums
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...Does anyone know any spells that can be cast quicky to banish or protect yourself from angry spirits or demons Spell Suggestions protection Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a new new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest protection.......
Forum Post
...Does anyone know any spells that can be cast quicky to banish or protect yourself from angry spirits or demons Spell Suggestions protection Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a new new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest protection.......
Protection Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Apple Banishing For purification, protection and healing you must pursue this spell outside outside of your property as you're wanting to remove the negativity elsewhere. read more Even more great spells..... Aid For Protesters Akasha's.......
...Apple Banishing For purification, protection and healing you must pursue this spell outside outside of your property as you're wanting to remove the negativity elsewhere. read more Even more great spells..... Aid For Protesters Akasha's.......
Blessing of protection? - Magic Forums
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...I have a necklace that i love and some weird things have happened lately. I was wondering if anyone knew a Blessing of protection that would be easy to do. im on a budget and cant afford much of anything and i live in a house... well a family where wicca...
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...I have a necklace that i love and some weird things have happened lately. I was wondering if anyone knew a Blessing of protection that would be easy to do. im on a budget and cant afford much of anything and i live in a house... well a family where wicca...
help, need protection - Magic Forums
Forum Post neighbor has been harassing me on any/all levels, she's done black magic on me and my family. looking for any help with spells or herbs for protection or any info that may lead to help. she has been harassing me for ten years now, I don't know when the black...
Forum Post neighbor has been harassing me on any/all levels, she's done black magic on me and my family. looking for any help with spells or herbs for protection or any info that may lead to help. she has been harassing me for ten years now, I don't know when the black...
protection - Magic Forums
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...Hi everybody, i was wondering if anybody knew a simple protection spell or anything like amulets that are good for protecting your against bad spirits/demons that i could use so when i hopefully start doing a few things i know that im protected. Thank you :) Spell Suggestions protection Reply to...
Forum Post
...Hi everybody, i was wondering if anybody knew a simple protection spell or anything like amulets that are good for protecting your against bad spirits/demons that i could use so when i hopefully start doing a few things i know that im protected. Thank you :) Spell Suggestions protection Reply to...
Love Protection Spell - Magic Forums
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...Requirements A very loved childhood toy. Love Note: By meaning toy the best would be a stuffed animal such as a teddy bear. Instructions: Take your childhood toy and go to your bedroom, inside lay upon your bed with your loved toy. Hug your toy and with all the memories and...
Forum Post
...Requirements A very loved childhood toy. Love Note: By meaning toy the best would be a stuffed animal such as a teddy bear. Instructions: Take your childhood toy and go to your bedroom, inside lay upon your bed with your loved toy. Hug your toy and with all the memories and...