Search Results for "third eye"
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Search Results for third eye
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third eye - Magic Forums
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...Its a very powerful power .......
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...Its a very powerful power .......
Eye Color Change?!? - Magic Forums
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...Ok so, ive been looking for a spell to change the color of my eyes, but ive done like...two but none of them works so, maybe some of you know a spell or have done one that works, so, please can you help me? The color of my eyes are brown...
Forum Post
...Ok so, ive been looking for a spell to change the color of my eyes, but ive done like...two but none of them works so, maybe some of you know a spell or have done one that works, so, please can you help me? The color of my eyes are brown...
eye spell - Magic Forums
Forum Post there a spell that can either make your eyes glow or increase their color to make them more prominent? Spell Suggestions eye spell Reply to this post oldest 1 2 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2.......
Forum Post there a spell that can either make your eyes glow or increase their color to make them more prominent? Spell Suggestions eye spell Reply to this post oldest 1 2 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2.......
Jaden10's Profile - Membership Area
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feelings if I am in the same room as my mother did working working on opening third eye and meditation learning new spells I feel like this is who I am and who I want to.......
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The Evil Eye - Magic Forums
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...What is Evil Eye ? Evil eye is technique that projects negative energy toward the victum that has been overlooked or overpraised .This energy once bestowed then develops in some sort of sickness or discomfort within the the victum .The projection of the energy is done through gaze of the eyes...
Forum Post
...What is Evil Eye ? Evil eye is technique that projects negative energy toward the victum that has been overlooked or overpraised .This energy once bestowed then develops in some sort of sickness or discomfort within the the victum .The projection of the energy is done through gaze of the eyes...
Eyes? - Magic Forums
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...Alright so, I know its impossible to physically alter yourself through magic but I need help. My eyes constantly change color. It may just be medical but they change with emotions and when I cast a spell. They go from blue to green to gray to a goldish yellow color. Not...
Forum Post
...Alright so, I know its impossible to physically alter yourself through magic but I need help. My eyes constantly change color. It may just be medical but they change with emotions and when I cast a spell. They go from blue to green to gray to a goldish yellow color. Not...
Green Eyes - Magic Forums
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...I'm a beginner and I'm trying so hard to make my eyes turn green but it doesn't work every time.... NEED HELP... Site Spells Discussion Green Eyes This thread has been lockedLocked oldest 1 2 2 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2.......
Forum Post
...I'm a beginner and I'm trying so hard to make my eyes turn green but it doesn't work every time.... NEED HELP... Site Spells Discussion Green Eyes This thread has been lockedLocked oldest 1 2 2 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2.......
lesson one (third eye) - Magic Forums
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...Many spiritual traditions teach the existence of an invisible third eye, which functions as a gateway to higher realms of consciousness. Its believed that this third eye allows us to experience visions and other mystical phenomenon. According to this belief, although each of us is born with an inner or spiritual...
Forum Post
...Many spiritual traditions teach the existence of an invisible third eye, which functions as a gateway to higher realms of consciousness. Its believed that this third eye allows us to experience visions and other mystical phenomenon. According to this belief, although each of us is born with an inner or spiritual...
my eyes - Magic Forums
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...hey um i was onthe bus today and i was sittin with this girl and well we had a staring contest and i dtared at my reflection inher eyes and i tried to push deeper into her eyes, then she says ''woah!'' and i blinked and said what and she said...
Forum Post
...hey um i was onthe bus today and i was sittin with this girl and well we had a staring contest and i dtared at my reflection inher eyes and i tried to push deeper into her eyes, then she says ''woah!'' and i blinked and said what and she said...
Third Eye Awakening - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Hi all, I have read up aloth on third eye awakening and have read up on various different methods such as meditation, listening to certain sounds, casting spells and rituals. I was wondering which methods worked best for you and how long did it take ? as I would love to...
Forum Post
...Hi all, I have read up aloth on third eye awakening and have read up on various different methods such as meditation, listening to certain sounds, casting spells and rituals. I was wondering which methods worked best for you and how long did it take ? as I would love to...
Nightmare - Magic Forums
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...Ok first dark poem I have tried so be truthful guys. The only reason I'm posting in Divine forums is that I dont want anyone I dont know reading it. So I have faith in you all to tell me truth. Please be honest. From the start there was no end...
Forum Post
...Ok first dark poem I have tried so be truthful guys. The only reason I'm posting in Divine forums is that I dont want anyone I dont know reading it. So I have faith in you all to tell me truth. Please be honest. From the start there was no end...
Amulets and talismans
...Spell Casters Articles Amulets and talismans Symbols of protection against evil. Symbols of of Protection Against Evil Omens, curses and hexes that foretell the coming of dark forces, evil.......
...Spell Casters Articles Amulets and talismans Symbols of protection against evil. Symbols of of Protection Against Evil Omens, curses and hexes that foretell the coming of dark forces, evil.......
Autumn41's Profile - Membership Area
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slow and as they come. Im going to focus on meditating and opening opening my third eye. please message me if youd like to discuss spells and such. :) good to meet you- please take care of me as i will for.......
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The Third Eye - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...The Third Eye Chakra Some Asian religions teach that Chakras are energy centers or ''wheels'' of the subtle body through which prana (subtle energy) is circulated naturally and through meditation, and we have 7 main chakras along our middle. The third eye is the sixth chakra located on your forehead, which...
Forum Post
...The Third Eye Chakra Some Asian religions teach that Chakras are energy centers or ''wheels'' of the subtle body through which prana (subtle energy) is circulated naturally and through meditation, and we have 7 main chakras along our middle. The third eye is the sixth chakra located on your forehead, which...
elephantriss's Profile - Membership Area
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i Do lots of meditation and reaching sprtiual goals and opening the third third eye i use jackal and owl meditation and i want to expand But anyway please feel free to ask me anything or give any.......
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