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"third eye"



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Search Results for third eye
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Eye color Personality Traits
 Your eye color can have personality traits. I find eyes very fascinating myself. Here I will write about the different eye color personality traits. Hazel: people with hazel eyes posses the ability to heal themselves, they also have empathy and sensitivity toward other people, they are also fun loving people. People...
Over active third eye - Magic Forums
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...I have an over active third eye chakra.Is that good or bad? Site Spells Discussion Over active third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 1 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Over active third eye.......
Help about third eye - Magic Forums
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...I've been meditating and I even listen to those binaural that will help me open my third eye but nothings happening. I already feel a tingling sensation in my forehead where the third eye chakra is suppose to be but I feel like I'm not making any progress. Am I missing...
about open the third eye - Magic Forums
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...Is there a way to see things being summoned out using the third eye? i very I am very interested in Summon Spells but I do not know how to see them opening the third eye is too hard for me can i borrow the eye of a god or the...
Third Eye - Magic Forums
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...Can anyone please tell me how to open up your third eye chakra? Misc Topics third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye.......
Third eye - Magic Forums
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...Hello i am a novice Psion and i just need to figure out how to open your third eye. Can someone please tell me how to open it General Info third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye.......
Third Eye Ritual
 to help form your third eye Perform this ritual three days before the full moon, preferably when the moon is in the sign of Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio. Begin by brewing a strong tea made from yarrow or mugwort. Light thirteen purple votive candles to help attract psychic influence. Drink tea,...
Third Eye Meditation - Magic Forums
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...Okay, soooo upon attempting to open your third eye, i know one of the things youre supposed to see is colours/ visions/ a kaleidoscope effect. i personally get the kaleidoscope effect when my third eye is opening and sometimes visions of other places. what do you see in third eye meditation?...
third eye and magik - Magic Forums
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...Welcome third eye and magik Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye and magik.......
The Third Eye - Magic Forums
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...Hey i thought i would post a thread on this topic. Ever sine i had experiences last month. Now i am getting the feeling that my third eye is trying to open on its own. I was wondering is it possible that the eye can open on its own. or maybe...
My Third Eye? - Magic Forums
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...Hello, Jaxies here! I have not done much research on the third eye but I know a few things. So, I keep having visions when Im tired and about to go to bed I close my eyes and start to see stuff and know things, today i asked my sister if...
third eye meditation - Magic Forums
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...Are there any chances of having negative experiences after doing third eye meditation? Comments third eye meditation Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye meditation.......
About third eye - Magic Forums
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...Can anyone tell me the side effects and bad things of third eye awakening. Is it good or bad? And how it will affect me? Misc Topics About third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest About third eye.......
How to open third eye - Magic Forums
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...hi guys, i really need your help. i want to open my third eye. can somebody tell me the easiest way to open mine. thanks Misc Topics How to open third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 1 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest How to open...
Trataka : Meditation of third eye
...The meditation technique which you are going to read is 'Trataka' (also known as third eye meditation). The physical location of this chakra is at the center of our forehead. Just above the place between our eyes. It is believed that Kundalini (the energy field) travels from the first Chakra (also...
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