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"fox healing sickness"



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Search Results for fox healing sickness
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healing sp. 4 my python - Magic Forums
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...My snake is sick, and was wondering if anybody knows a healing aid spell or a protection spell from further sickness.(she is a 1 year old python) she was burned last week, and her Vet told me she would be fine, since it was a minor burn, but would get worse...
Healing Pillar Candle with Lapis Pendant | $28.76
Online Shopping
...Magic Candles Pillar Candles healing Pillar Candle with Lapis Pendant Specials & Coupons Coupons healing Pillar Candle with Lapis Pendant Newly reduced shipping on all items!--> Free shipping within....
Price: $31.95 Sale Price: $28.76 (Save 10%)...
Long dist healing spell? - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...My sister in law was just admitted to a specialty hospital (2 hours away) with major heart problems that are so bad she may end up having to have open-heart surgery. I do not have alot of items. Does anyone have an easy long distance healing spell that they know of...
Spiritual healing - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Spiritual healing Many people missunderstand this particular type of healing so I decided to explain it here. Spiritual healing is a practise that can be found along many different paths. In shamanism for example spiritual healing is very common. Spiritual healing cleanses the persons spirits from any negativity that interferes with...
Instant Heal - Magic Forums
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...are there any spells to heal a scratch instantly? i need to hide some from my family for tonight... Spell Suggestions Instant Heal Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Instant Heal.......
A lesson in Energy-Healing
 Energy-working, particularly for healing, has many practices and principles. Here is one such practice instructed step-by-step and in-depth. An act of healing is a process that can take many forms. Some hardly explored, others so common they are not even recognized as an act at all. Healing can take the form...
Color Healing
 Using Colors as a way to heal others Color Healing Every color vibrates at at a different rate and these vibrations can be used to heal our bodies. Our bodies take whatever color they need from the sun and from nature but often times it is not enough. Thus we can...
Holistic Healing Event - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...I will be attending the Spirit of Oneness Wellness Expo in Harrisburg, PA this weekend. It is a two day indoor event with workshops and vendors associated with Holistic Healing. I will be helping to represent the Four Quarters Inner Faith Sanctuary at their sponsored booth. For more information please {visit;}...
Healing Spell - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Healing Spell- STRONG Materials- White candle Matches Hair Paper Pen (Blue or black ink) Water Blue Bowl Herb (must be attracted to it) Full Moon ___________________________________________ In the light of a full moon, put a blue bowl full of water outside. Sprinkle the her you are attracted to inside the bowl....
Help with healing cast - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Hi, I cast a spell to help someone with their depression without him knowing about it. A with from my family told my I had to write his name 5 times on a purple candle and light it but backwards (sorry english isn't my first language) in a sunny day. The...
Properties of Trees
...Metaphysical (magical) properties of trees listed. Here is the general magical properties of quite a range of trees. I repeat, general magical properties. The ones they are usually used for. This could also help you if you are unsure of what wood to use for a wand. (For info on wand...
Earth Healing Spell
 Heal wounds with the power of Earth. To remove a disease or heal a wound, rub the afflicted part with an apple or potato. Then as quickly as possible, bury the apple or potato and it is done. If you want to add more, you could ask an earth spirit for...
Healing Spell - Magic Forums
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...Is there anything such as an earth healing spell or a spell to get rid of Covid? Spell Suggestions healing Spell Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest healing Spell.......
Free Energy Healing - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...There is a free energy healing for empaths that is over the phone. It is February 17th at noon. Pacific Standard time. (Los Angelos Time). All you do is call 971-279-8554 or go to I did this last month and it helped me to get better organized. This woman is...
Spell to heal friendship - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Is there a spell that can help heal a rift or misunderstanding between two friends (not including oneself)? I have two friends who had a friendship together before and had discovered that both of them knew me. It was great. But a rift had occurred and I won't go into detail...
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