mleese's Profile

Member Info
Name: mleese
Birthday: Jan 28 1997
Location: Davenport, IA, USA
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sat, 04 Jun 2011
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I like elemental magick (though I have not been able to do any) and my elemental alignment is water. I love water as opposed to fire and I'm sure that the water element symbolises emotions, intuition, insight, beauty, divination, and emotions. Magickal associations to use in ritual for the water element include the autumn/ fall season, the direction West, blues, greys, sea greens and white colours, and the cup/ chalice. Full moon is the time of the water element, and the dusk of day. I like magick that heals people and i want to learn some. I have been studying magick for the past 5 years on Febuary 18, 2011 and I know about many magical creatures. I want to know about where those creatures live so I can make peace with them and make them my friends.

My favorite songs that give me inspiration.
Who I Am not the one by Nick Jonas
When i get where im going by Brad Paisly

Magical Creatures: Espers/ Espers are magical creatures that take humanoid forms. They have the powers of elements and they are exceptionally powerful. The Espers can transfer their powers to other beings but not in full. The only way to get the full power of an Esper is to obtain the remenants of it. Empires have often tried to get these remains but have not succeeded other wise the world would be conqured by an insane dictator. Espers can only die by the powers of another Esper or its own powers.Espers live in a place that suits their elemental affinity. below is a list of elements and locations.
Wind: Clouds
Water:any body of water that has many hiding places
They are very fond of places that it will be very unlikely for you to find them.