DENIZEN's Profile

Member Info
Birthday: Oct 24
Location: the abyss
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Tue, 13 Sep 2011
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
My real name is Deni Von Orrick,
I,m brimming with Mako Energy (the power of the dead), my hope is to one day be leader
of the hi-glownix and proxytake houses of a far away land MY LAND witch is RIGHTFULLY mine if my enemy's will not give it to me i wil take it by force.
my specialty is the power over the elements and dominion over a small breed of familier's known as the SEVEN WOLFS: FENRIR, BASHIDO MINERVA, THORN, LYNX, CAPRICORN, MARS.
I am very old and have been watching the world crumble into itself for century's, know that i do not pity mankind rather i bask in it's stupidity.
Rise and Fall to the end of existence that is my fate and i imbrace it
so should you!!!!!!
All who wish to follow my Conquest may do so and will be greatly honered!!!