Sorraia's Profile

Member Info
Name: Sorraia
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 26 Apr 2014
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
~Hello! Welcome to my personal bio!~
Name: My Wiccan name truly is Sorraia, I find it unique, beautiful, and perfectly me.
Age: I am teenager.
Picture: I thought I might as well explain it. If you look closely, you might as well notice what it is. I like to think of it as a way to connect my social life, my spiritual life, and my personal life, all in one. It includes interests and dreams.
Element: Water - Calm when I need to be, rough when I need to be.
Religion/Deity: Wiccan/Pagan, I'm trying to gently ease myself into the Wiccan Path, I am looking forward to worshipping Apollo and Gaia.
Personality: I'm mostly pretty cold to people, but to the few people that have found a way to my heart, I am most loyal. I will answer to all messages, but please realize I do like proper grammar, even though I am a teenager.
Likes: Like every teen, I like some things. Actually, I like a lot of things. I have a personal bubble, please don't pop it. I love Anime and Manga, its a respectable art just like all classic art. I love horses. I ride horses, and I will always love it. I like my looks, I just wish I could be taller. I love sweets, I literally live off them. My best friend is my dog, he's the one that's never let me down. I throw knives, its the best way to let off my anger and despair. Yes, I get emotional, but I try not to let my emotions affect other. So, the list goes on and on. It seriously will not end, but I'll try to stop intimidating people and start smiling. :)
Favorite Material Item: My playing cards! I couldn't live without them!
Birthdate: 09/24 - Year, if it really matters, I can give it to you.
Astrological Sign: Libra
Please message me any time you wish!
~Thank you for stopping by!~