FrugalTravel's Profile

Member Info
Name: FrugalTravel
Location: Bhaktapur, Bagmati, Nepal
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Mon, 30 Dec 2013
Membership: Member

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Personal Bio
I'm an American expat, retired and living in Nepal. Rather than be poor, take a job from a young person, or live with one of my kids I've chosen to live abroad where I have all the money I need with plenty left. It's really the life I've always dreamed of. My small US retirement check is plenty here in Asia.
So, about my interest in magick. I've always been drawn to this stuff, but was born into a fundamental Xtian family. That whole Jesus thing never worked for me, as hard as I tried. It wasn't fun, but life is a blast now so it's all good.
I am a level 3 Reiki practitioner, degree in psychology, got to travel with a hermetic wizard for a short time and enjoy doing spells for my self development. I consider myself to be a lightworker.