cloud13's Profile

Member Info
Name: cloud13
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sat, 16 May 2009
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
i am 16 years old and ive seen a lot in my life. some of the things just cant be unseen, ive seen death, injury, pain and it destroys me to stand there and do nothing. i want to make a difference and help as many people i can. its devestating just to stand there and watch helpless as someone cringes in pain and begins to cry. id watch helpless thinking of a way to help. that is also why i am determined to become a surgeon when i get out of high school. i want to help people any way i can that is why i am calling for help i want to learn magic so i can heal people and i want to save lives. i know thats a long way but i want to do this. to be able to heal people, cure them of disease, and save their lives, that is what i believe i am destined to do.