1thewander's Profile

Member Info
Name: 1thewander
Birthday: Jan 7 1996
Location: Joliet IL
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sun, 15 Jun 2014
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hello, my name is Trevor,I am a "white Magick" magician,but magic isn't about colors its intention.... just seeking enlightenment, with my team. I believe life is a T.V show and magick is the stage, us being the characters, we are the artist of our own master piece, weaving our magick along a path created and led by our selves and spirit guides. Some of my skills include; `thought-form projection `Breaking the 4th wall `shielding spell casting using tarot cards to understand heremtics tarot card owner `prosperity spell casting `truth spell casting `glamor spell casting I enjoy the presence of light workers and friendly people, who wish to uplift the world. I also enjoy talking about lucid dreaming, and experiences with magic.