SarahSine's Profile

Member Info
Name: SarahSine
Location: Mount Vernon, Wa
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Mon, 09 Nov 2009
Membership: Member

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Personal Bio

.::.*Hey, my name is sarah and im into all kinds of magic, but mostly dark/black magic. i am aware that it is very dangerous and serious but i love to learn about it. i also have a natural ability that i am interested in learning more about and discovering what i can do with it. one thing you should kno about me is that i am a elementalist.I enjoy meeting new people and discussing views on magic along with just normal people stuff =] i have a myspace which you are more then welcome to add me. ~Friends~ eXanu *-mentor,bestfriend, =] Devilschild*-direct,nice pentagon12 DarkBarron- brutally honesy =] TankGirl oakwood josh11 The Crimson*** =] epic!