Galiethor's Profile

Member Info
Name: Galiethor
Birthday: Oct 31 1993
Last Seen: Sun, 13 Dec 2015
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Greetings. I have been on this site for the better part of 11 years. This account is not my first, but may not be my last. I am here to help with what I can, so if you have a question, please feel free to ask. My main practices include spiritual meditation/growth, energy manipulation, elemental workings (mainly aerokinesis), advanced empathy, healing, astral studies, and basic spellcraft and rituals. I am currently working on all of the above (as you can never know enough :P), but I am also branching out to include angelic magic, and other more advanced magickal categories (High Magick). I may be a so called expert in terms of some, but I am by no means a master of anything, and I am not here to try and play it off either. The more you know, the more you realise what you don't know. I am constantly learning and guiding the less experienced to learn as well. I speak my mind, and an opinionated one I have, but I do not dismiss the opinions of others, as we all have the right to one. My mind is very open, and if you have a problem, or just wish to talk and/or seek advice, feel free to message me. My general religion could be considered christianity, but the path I follow in is all my own, and involves many different aspects of many different paths I have travelled throughout the years. Do I believe there is a god? Yes, in a sense. I do believe there is higher spiritual entities that may influence life on earth, but I do not believe in there being only one, as many different religions are spread across the world, worshipping many different entities. In the end, who is who to say who's religion is right or wrong? To those who read this, I wish you well and blessed be. Good luck and happy practicing :P.
Ive recently been playing Old School Runescape (Galiethor) and League of Legends (Feed Me Sucka XP) as online games, so feel free to add me.