Sriharini's Profile

Member Info
Name: Sriharini
Location: apartment
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Mon, 13 Jul 2009
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
hi guys im nt really experienced but i know a little very curios if u can anser my questions plz do so in the magic foroms.i love to talk so jus speak up,no need to be shy when u have a computer! ********************************************************************** long live magick! (who m i kidding, sure it'll live forever.) ********************************************************************** some principles i follow:- ur destiny is meant only for u. magick can never be mastered god is everywhere all religions are really only one ********************************************************************** my email - youll have to prove urself worthy! ********************************************************************** im glad to help and to be helped. ********************************************************************** thanx for ur support raven gate! **********************************************************************