BELZA's Profile

Member Info
Location: Denmark
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Mon, 12 Jun 2023

Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
i am a acktiv Pagan witch and has ben now for over 26 years
and the former high Priestess of ShadowCraft i now have a live coven and its growing and bloming ..
if any questions fell free to send me a mail maybe i am abel to help you ..
Being a Witch is not just about celebrating a harvest festival or standing outside under a glowing moon. Being a Witch is about walking your talk, all day every day, and bringing your best Witchy self to everything you do. For us, there is in truth no separation between the sacred and the mundane. Every moment of every day is a part of our spiritual life, and everywhere we go is sacred space, filled with the light and love of the gods we believe in.
-----The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth-----
1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.
2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.
3. When in another's lair, show him respect or else do not go there.
4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.
5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.
6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.
7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.
8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.
9. Do not harm little children.
10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.
11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.