ravensflight's Profile

Member Info
Name: ravensflight
Location: OC, Cali
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 03 Sep 2009
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Uhmmmm... Where to began? LOL... "Well" I guess I should start by introducing myself... My name is Onna (RavensFlight), Hello all!! About me: Well, to start I'm 49yrs young, I'm mother of three beautiful kids. My oldest son is 29, my daughter is 27 and my youngest son is 25. I have four beautiful grand children two boys and two girls. I can be very to the point at times, whereas, others around me think that I'm being sarcastic (not the case at all). LOL.. Uhmmm.... Okay so maybe at times I can be a little sarcastic...LOL...I just tell it as I see it. No time for games... When I love, I love hard and will do anything and everything to protect those that have my heart. In everything I take on I do with passion and dedication and a great deal of focus. I'm very secure and confident as to who I am, as will as my beliefs. I remember being as young as 10yrs old and always being drawn to the craft... By the time i was 15yrs old my personal library consisted of nothing but books on the craft.. I'm a Solitary Witch with much love and respect for Candle Magick, Herb/Root Magick, Moon Magick. I truly enjoy creating and working with Potions for my castings and rituals. I've recently starting working with healing Crystals. So much to learn and so little time. LOL.... I have aways had the ability to see and feel what others around me could not (spirits). I can meet or see a photo of someone and know who and what there about.. (Kinda, like when someone brushes pass you and you can feel their energy, rather it be negative or positive). "Well, that's a little about who I am"... Uhmmmm.. I can't think of much more to say other than Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet again.. Blessed Be, Onna