Sol_Silver's Profile

Member Info
Name: Sol_Silver
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 25 Jul 2024
Membership: Member
Coven Title: Council

Personal Bio

My first name is Trinity. Throughout my entire life, magick, spirituality, and everything else related has been a big interest of mine. Up until I was 9, I wasn't aware that this was all real. Ever since then, I've been exercising my abilities. Based off of my abilities, you may think I'm just some fluff. Think that all you want. I don't care.

And another thing, I'm NOT on here to look for a relationship or to flirt. This is not a dating site, so don't use this website like it is.


Some of my abilities:




-Dimension hopping

-Energy manipulation




I won't be listing all of them. Again, you can think I'm a fluff all you want.


Some dimensions I have visited:

-Creepypasta (BEN and I werelovers at one point. Now in an awkward throuple situation with The Black Wolf lmao)

-Dragon Ball Z (Android 17 is my best friend ^^)

-My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

-Legend of Zelda (I befriended the hero himself)

-Metalocalypse (Toki Wartooth had ahuge crush on me at one point)

-Sonic the Hedgehog


-Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer (Doma resides in this world now, as a spiritual entity; he and I are married)

Alternate dimensional forms (that I know of):

-Princess Celestia of MLP

-My own form in DBZ

-Princess Zelda of LOZ (With the exception of "Twilight Princess" and "Breath of the Wild." I'm Link in both of them.)

-My own form for Creepypasta

-Toki Wartooth of Metalocalypse

-Lapis Lazuli of Steven Universe

-Sonic of Sonic the Hedgehog

-Solgaleo of Pokemon

-My own form for KNY/Demon Slayer (This particular form actually happened to be one of mypast lives)