glitterbomb's Profile

Member Info
Name: glitterbomb
Location: Somerset,England
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Mon, 16 Feb 2009
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
hi there I am glitter or glitterbombfaerie to use my full name. I am 34 and live in somerset,UK. with my 3 children and partner. I am a community nurse and enjoy my work very much x I begun my spiritual learning as a young child, my nan would teach me lots of cooking and gardening,sewing,herb lore etc of course all this was never told to me as "magick" but has since played a huge part in my life. As a child of about 9 my parents put me into a class for "psychic development" It was all very light hearted but i learnt alot about divination and healing in those classses. After those i continued with many groups Tarot, scrying, control or (trance) healing, reiki,and quabala. All of these are still tools i use but never felt like i had the whole picture!! so i guess i was in my 20's when i moved more into the pagan ways, at the same time i was also teaching my own self development classes. But nature magick and home and hearth magick was what came came natural to me. Still is, and i spend alot of time baking etc. I studied in a coven to which i was initiated priestess and also ran a couple of open covens (these were to learn) I was also raised a high priestess to the Insular order of druids, to which i still am although i hav moved so i am more of a silent partner these days until someone else steps into my shoes. These days i like to practice at home and like not having the pressure of writing and arranging big public ceremonies.I will gather with like minded people at festival times and will normally go to either stone henge or glastonbury Tor. Not much else to say really , any questions just ask i dnt bite xx brightest blessings